
Gin: How to drink the British version of the second pot head?

author:Sunglasses meow

In the 16th century, the Dutch physician Francis Kuss Silves used juniper nuts as raw materials to develop a special drink that is digestible. Drinks that should have made a difference in the medical industry were listed in pharmacies, but because of their warm and intoxicating taste, they beat many alcoholic drinks at that time. Soon it broke through the medical field and was widely welcomed in the private sector.

During the "Thirty Years' War" in Europe, soldiers led by William II, Prince of Orange in the Netherlands, used alcohol to boost morale before each battle. They drank a special drink that swept the Netherlands and was known as the "courage of the Dutch".

The drink was brought to England after the Prince's son William III launched the Glorious Revolution and landed in Great Britain. The British winemaking industry and "Dutch courage" were all the same, and the drink with gin added to it was named "Gin".

Gin: How to drink the British version of the second pot head?

Although the quality of gin at that time was uneven and it sounded like a strange sweet soup, because of its low price, it quickly spread among the people at the bottom of society. It is recorded that in the slums of London at that time, one out of every four houses sold gin. Gin has long been synonymous with drunkards and alcohol abuse.

The decline of drunkards and communities is shocking. After the British government has issued and repealed many decrees, it has found a reasonable space for taxation, which has made a good start for the benign development of the winemaking industry and improving the quality of wine. The sudden rise of beer has promoted the image upgrade of gin and the reconstruction of human design.

Gin: How to drink the British version of the second pot head?

In the 1820s, due to the rapid popularization of beer, it occupied the market. Gin merchants generally felt strong competitive pressure from them. In response to this competition, gin merchants chose to take the high-end route and build a number of palatial gin palaces in the city. Its patron, the working class born of the Industrial Revolution, can temporarily forget the bitter struggles of life in these beautiful and almost luxurious storefronts.

The appearance of the Gin Palace improved the image of gin in people's minds, and gin was no longer sold on the street. Synonymous with drunkards and alcohol abuse became a thing of the past, and the decline of drunkards and communities was forgotten. Gin gained social recognition and entered the tables of the powerful.

Queen Elizabeth II is a lover of gin, and after lunch or when the mood is not good, a small glass of gin will come, facing the sea, and spring is in full bloom.

Gin: How to drink the British version of the second pot head?

Dutch gold respects tradition, wine aroma and spices are relatively heavy, can drink a very strong juniper flavor, direct net drink is the best choice, very friendly to people who like juniper flavor. However, the accuracy is relatively high, and it is recommended to add a little ice before tasting, otherwise there will be a feeling of spicy throat.

English gin, commonly known as British dry gold, is more suitable for use as a blended wine due to the improved production process. Gin thus became the base of the first mixed drinks and spawned many of the most memorable cocktails.

Gin: How to drink the British version of the second pot head?

As long as you have ever fallen in love, wandered, written and proud, you can't do without a cocktail, a martini, gin tonic, Long Island iced tea or Singapore Commander...

Gin is the heart of these cocktails.

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