
Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

author:Smell is culture
Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

Wang Xianzhi's calligraphy style

Yang Renkai, Xue Yongnian

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

Portrait of Wang Xian (modern Puru) 56×26cm

Wang Xianzhi (344–386), courtesy name Zijing, was a small-character official slave. The seventh son of Xizhi. Official to Zhongshu Order. Gongzheng, line, cursive. He learned from his father, and then learned from Zhang Zhi, "after changing the system, don't create its own law", so he became a family of his own and set up a banner alone. Finally, he was named after his father and was called "The Second King". Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu's "Book Review" said: "The book of Wang Xianzhi is absolutely beautiful and super beautiful, and no one can compare it." Tang Zhang Huaihuan's "Book Break" commented that his grass was "thriving and merging like a lone peak with four hairs, returning out of the sky, and its steepness is immeasurable." He also said, "Lingzi Xiushu,...... Or the roc beating the wind, the long whale spraying waves..., then the meaning is like a pen, and it has not stopped." Sex is not good for people to write books, "although the powerful are forced, do not mind." Occasionally, when they meet, they touch the pen, and they all come from the heart." Xie An wanted to dedicate the Book of Taiji Hall, but said that Wei Zhong would ask Ling Yuntai to do things, but he refused to say: "Zhong general, Wei Zhi Chancellor, would rather have this matter?" If this is the case, it is not long to know that Wei De is not long. "Xie An is not very good at it. Therefore, the Xuanhe Book Genealogy records 89 of his posthumous works, which is far worse than the works passed down from his father. As far as we know, the inkblots preserved today are few volumes, which are described as follows:

《Mid-Autumn Festival Stickers》

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

Interpretation: "The Mid-Autumn Festival will not return to each other, that is, how to defeat the people He Qing and other armies in the province." ”

"Mid-Autumn Festival" hard yellow paper, row grass, 3 lines and 22 words. Always regarded as the authentic work of the Wang family, Dong Qichang is the white eyebrow of the collector, who is highly respected in the middle of the bhagavad, and engraved into the "Xi Hong Tang" collection post. Wu's "Book of Calligraphy and Paintings" thought that Mi Fu evaluated this post: "I thought that the first son of the world respected the book, also known as a book." It is conceivable that The Qingnei Province is designated as one of the "Three Xi". Carefully examining the calligraphy of this post is different from the "Twenty-Ninth Day Thesis", but also different from the "Duck Head Pill Post", although it is close to the "Proshe Thesis", but there is more than enough pain, and the composure and solemnity are insufficient, with it and rice belt calligraphy check, it is not difficult to find Mi's handwriting. Mi Shi was good at linshu, and Wang Jinqing's people had been deceived by him, and there was a "History of Books" to examine (the Mingren Zhan Jingfeng's "Records of the Eastern Tu Xuanlan" has a passage from Han Fengxi to him: "The person who sells bones dong holds it, but there is a post of the right army, and then it is Mi YuanZhangbao, who is extremely admired." Gu Pen is not very similar to the right army but like rice, and the rice is self-proclaimed and self-proclaimed, in order to deceive people's ears. Most of the Mishi are good at making forgeries, but they are believed in the ancient and extremely exaggerated. If you want to be a hypocrite, how can you get more in this world?"). According to this, the possibility that the Mid-Autumn Festival Thesis was copied by the rice belt can be established. This view can basically achieve a consensus. However, a new situation has emerged, and some people have advocated that since the two "Xi" of "Sanxitang" are Tang Hook and one is Song Imitation, Qianlong's "Sanxitang" has been declared dissolved, "Qingti when the Snow Breaks" is temporarily left aside and left alone, and "Mid-Autumn Festival" has put it into the data and thus ended this historical public case. Some people think that this approach is too biased and equally unscientific. The Tang Dynasty's silhouette itself is a cultural relic of more than a thousand years, and the imitation of Mi Fu has become an extremely precious famous monument today. May I ask you, one of the four great calligraphers of the Song Dynasty, mi fu, found one of his authentic works today, who can not pay attention to it, must not include it in the list of materials.

Partial volume

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

The "Mid-Autumn Festival" is an incomplete copy of the "Baojin Zhai Fa Ti" and "December Cutting Post", and the original post also has the six characters of "December cut to no" before the "Mid-Autumn Festival". The post was written on bamboo paper, which could not be fashioned in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and appeared around the time of the Northern Song Dynasty. It can be seen from the line pen that the brush used is a soft heartless pen, while the Jin Dynasty uses a hard pen with a heart, which is poor in water absorption, and the pen's lifting, pressing, and turning are often not flexible and free, often out of thieves, so that the rich and rounded, coherent lines, line penetration, and elegant and flowing effect of the post cannot be written. Qing Wusheng's Great View Record Yun: This handwriting is ancient and thick, and the black collection is fresh and moist, but it is like a fat, although it is not hooked, I am afraid that it is imitated by the Song people. According to the research of contemporary calligraphy and painting experts, most of them believe that Song Mi fu came, so it is equally valuable.

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

At the beginning of the volume, the title of the Qing Emperor Gaozong's Hongxing book is "Zhibao". A paragraph of the Qianlong Imperial Inscription before the water across the water. The text of the post is on the top right of the Qianlong Imperial Inscription on the line "Autumn Post of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty".

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

At the end of the volume, there are Inscriptions by Ming Dong Qichang, Xiang Yuanbian, and Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, with a section of paintings by the Qianlong Emperor and Ding Guanpeng.

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

Before and after the volume and across the water, there are Song Beijing "Xuanhe" Inner Province, Southern Song Dynasty Inner Province, Ming Xiang Yuanbei, Wu Ting, Qing Inner Province and other Tibetan seals.

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

This post was once collected by Xuanhe of the Song Dynasty, Shaoxing Inner Province, Ming Xiang Yuanbian, and Qingnei Province. During the Republic of China, Puyi took him out of the palace and scattered the people. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was pawned in a foreign bank in Hong Kong along with Wang Xun's "Bo Yuan Ti". At the end of 1951, when the pawn period was about to expire, some people abroad intended to buy it, and Premier Zhou Enlai heard the news and immediately instructed the relevant departments to buy it back and enter the Palace Museum.

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

Song Neifu's "Xuanhe Book Genealogy", Ming Zhang's "Qinghe Calligraphy and Painting Boat", "Qinghe Observation and Hearing Table", "Qinghe Secret Table", Wang Zhenyu's "Coral Net Book", Qing Gufu's "Spectacular Life", Bian Yongyu's "Shigutang Calligraphy and Painting Hui examination", Wu Sheng's "Daguanlu", Neifu's "Shiqu Baoji · First Chapter" and other books.

(Written by: Li Yanxia)

Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)
Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)
Calligraphy | Wang Xianzhi's Calligraphy Style: "Mid-Autumn Festival" (III)

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