
Heavy! Fuyu Tianxi began to write a famous school with a history of nearly a hundred years, laying the foundation for building a dream future

author:Liaoning Real Estate Observation

On November 28, 2021, Fuyu Tianxi officially laid the foundation stone for the construction of Qishan No. 1 School in Huanggu District in Hong Branch, and the famous school with a history of nearly 100 years in Shencheng and the strength of Shenyang real estate enterprises joined hands, causing the city to pay keen attention.

Heavy! Fuyu Tianxi began to write a famous school with a history of nearly a hundred years, laying the foundation for building a dream future

100 people attest to the beginning of a new era

The roar of construction machinery resounded over Shenyang in November, the newly turned soil arched over the cornerstone, the bunting flag fluttered, and the fighting spirit was shaken. More than 100 people, including general manager, director of comprehensive management department, director of financial management department, director of marketing management center, design manager of design management department, senior manager of development and construction department, manager of bidding and purchasing department, cost manager of cost control department, etc., as well as mainstream media and friends from all walks of life in the real estate industry, gathered here to witness the foundation of this cradle of education.

Heavy! Fuyu Tianxi began to write a famous school with a history of nearly a hundred years, laying the foundation for building a dream future

A moment in history that resonates with glory

At the groundbreaking ceremony, the host solemnly introduced The Fuyu Group, the Fuyu Tianxi Project and the Yuhong Branch of Qishan No.1 School in Huanggu District. The expectations of Shenyang's future habitat, the spirit of enterprise ingenuity and empowerment, and the solid quality of fine construction... All of them deeply moved the guests present. Subsequently, the crowd wielded shovels to fill in the soil, laying the foundation for the project, the flowers were fragrant, the salute was fired in unison, and the applause was thunderous. For the enjoyment of the future, fill in the colors at this moment.

Heavy! Fuyu Tianxi began to write a famous school with a history of nearly a hundred years, laying the foundation for building a dream future

Famous historical schools give rise to the future

The groundbreaking ceremony of Fuyu Tianxi's self-built Qishan No.1 School in Huanggu District in Yuhong District heralded a new chapter in the development pattern of education in Yuhong District. As one of the old historical schools in Shenyang, Qishan No.1 School Education Group has been marking the benchmark of urban education institutions with abundant educational resources, top-notch teaching staff, and excellent education hardware supporting facilities, and is a senior literary teaching institution widely recognized by Shenyang people.

As the saying goes: "Ten years of trees, a hundred years of educating people." "In ancient times, Meng Mu moved three times just to find the opportunity to find a good mentor and friend. Today, high-net-worth families in cities also attach great importance to the environment in which their children grow up and receive education. Huanggu District Qishan No.1 School Yuhong Branch is located on the side of Fuyu Tianxi, Kochi crowds live together, containing an academic atmosphere, and living next to each other, so that children can thrive in cultural influence.

Let the humanities resonate in the heart through education, and let education lead people, cities and society into a better future through humanities. Fuyu Tianxi takes it as its mission to create the richness and self-sufficiency of the residents' hearts, revitalizes the definition of new human settlements, and enlightens the bright future of Shencheng Habitat.

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