
Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

author:Love real estate

There is an old saying: "Fish live by water and grass, birds choose good trees and perch", a city's home buyer's vane often depends on the choice of high-end people again and again. Location, environment, resources, products, circles, etc. are important elements for high-net-worth individuals to consider their residence.

Often some home buyers ask Jinan real estate network, under the premise of sufficient budget, how to choose the ultimate property?

After reading the following points, the ultimate home purchase choice can be in and out!

Location improvement. The ultimate property purchase, first of all, the community location should be on the wind and water, and it must be the best location in the region. Take a few examples of first-tier cities to feel: Shenzhen Bay No. 1 is located in the central area of Houhai, close to the first-line sea view of The Inner Lake of Shenzhen Bay; Tomson Yipin is located in the core area of Lujiazui in Pudong, with a first-line riverside, and is facing the Bund building complex... Great views of the landscape. It is not difficult to find that these high-end real estate projects not only sit in the most prosperous areas in the city, but also are related to "water features". The river surrounded by meandering water next to the community can hide the wind and gather gas, which is an ideal place to gather wealth and wealth, and it is even pleasing to buyers.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

The image comes from the Internet

Resource improvement. The ultimate home-buying residence recognized by the urban wealth class, in addition to the good geographical location, there is also a higher demand for urban facilities: more concerned about whether the transportation is convenient, what kind of life can be obtained after moving in, schools, hospitals, parks, supermarkets... Almost all packages should be covered.

Circle layer improvement. People are divided into groups, and large-scale, high-total-priced real estate determines that the purchase group has similar economic strength and lifestyle, ensuring the "purity" of the circle layer. In communities that meet the ultimate home ownership conditions, there may not be much talk in the owner group, but whenever someone has something to do, there are always unruly senior people who can help, because they can live in multi-million dollar mansions and become each other's connections. Therefore, choosing the ultimate property is essentially choosing the circle layer, not only for yourself, but also for the next generation, to choose future life partners.

Product improvement. If the factors mentioned above are the external factors that affect the ultimate choice of real estate, then the strong product force is the soul that determines the improvement of the property of the real estate. Lower density, larger width, larger studio, larger wide hall, larger balcony of the villa scale upgrade products have become the current improvement of the home buyers' favorite.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched


Recently, Jinan Real Estate Network noticed that there is a high-end improvement project in Laiwu - Country Garden Tianxi, which has been launched. As we all know, the Country Garden Tianju project developed by Country Garden Group in Laiwu has been widely praised since it entered the market and has become a benchmark in the real estate market of Laiwu. So this time, can the new Country Garden Tianxi create a new height and become the ultimate home purchase choice for high-net-worth people in Laiwu City?

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

Renderings of Country Garden

On May 24 this year, the first centralized land supply in Jinan Ended. Country Garden won 1 residential land in Laiwu High-tech Zone at the price of the new "land king", and the media rushed to report it, and the market was excited. Country Garden built the Tianxi project on top of this. Laiwu High-tech Zone is the future jinan city focus on the development of the area, the city facilities will be more perfect, the number of residents will increase, education, medical care and so on to improve the function of the high-tech zone has been gradually improved, high-end agglomeration area should be the characteristics of the performance in the new area is also more and more obvious. The location of Country Garden Andi is precisely the core of Laiwu High-tech Plate, which is the culmination of urban resources, and the supporting resources around the project are very rich. This is in perfect line with the urban resource requirements in the ultimate home ownership standard.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

Location map

As mentioned above, basically every project that can be called the ultimate home purchase option is surrounded by a water system. Country Garden Tianju is no exception! The project is close to the Xiaoyi River, a river that crosses laiwu High-tech Zone, and has the innate gene of becoming a livable home, which is very rare and beautiful to enjoy the sparkling waters of the lake area and the tranquil charm of the urban river in the city. Supplemented by the top landscape creation in the community, it is not a dream to experience a garden life back to basics in the heart of the city.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

The height of the building can be surpassed, but the height of the circle is unique and difficult to replicate. The people who choose to live in the core area of Laiwu High-tech Zone are basically entrepreneurs with great achievements, people with certain influence in the cultural, political and business circles, and will live in Country Garden Tianxi in the future, and the acquaintance between neighbors will bring you rich circle resources, which is an immeasurable wealth.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

Having said so much, Jinan Real Estate Network feels that the product design of Country Garden Tianxi is the ultimate trump card, and after reading it, it is all moving.

First of all, Country Garden Tianxi is Country Garden's first "heavenly system" work in Shandong. "Celestial System" is the most outstanding in the entire product line, you can understand it as high-end in high-end.

Country Garden Tianxi only has an ultra-low plot ratio of 2.0, and the planning of villa quality brings a better experience for residents in terms of vision, lighting, ventilation and so on. Country Garden Tianxi's apartment project has a construction area of 140-226m², and the large unit started, purely for improvement. The product achieves a 270° wide screen viewing window, the most about 13.4 meters of courtyard-level balcony space, you can even create a courtyard indoors. The 3.3-meter extravagant floor height allows life to live without a sense of oppression on both the physical and psychological levels. On the whole, it is a modern Seiko masterpiece, integrating excellent design concepts into the layout of residential space, carefully considering and scientific planning, and striving for the most comfortable. The stacked apartment type is a floor and a household, and the top floor has the blessing of the terrace, which makes it more luxurious to live.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

140㎡ "Versatile Apartment"

Take a closer look at the country garden tianxi building surface of about 140 square meters of flat floor plan, the guest restaurant through, full of sense of space; 7.4 meters wide hall, with a large balcony viewing surface, let people shine; multi-functional room design, to achieve the same area of one more bedroom, a variety of apartment types, the restaurant transformed into a bedroom, with 3 sunrise rooms. All-round view of the landscape, the breeze and the bright moon accompany the king to sleep, indoor and outdoor transparency and nature, enjoy the boundless invigorating, each bedroom can become its own home system. The master bedroom is also equipped with a private cloakroom, and the walk-in bathroom makes the safety factor of home protection rise linearly.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

The larger 4-bedroom+ pattern of Country Garden Tianxi adapts to the various family composition and space use needs of urban improvement crowds. South-facing three bedrooms, en-suite master bedroom, private cloakroom and bathroom, two generations of the same church do not interfere with each other, soak up the sun and live happily. Warm sunshine from the south, the daily life of healthy parents, the unhurried rhythm of life, quiet and leisurely, or teasing the grandchildren, or playing chess, the time of old age and happiness is all collected here.

This kind of design full of functionality, covering different groups of people and different families not only meets everyone's needs for living, but also enriches life, which is the best choice as the ultimate residence.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

Real-life view of the model room

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

Stepping into the real-life model room of Country Garden Tianxi, founder practical and aesthetic design, meticulous details, human science cabinet height, smart home blessing, will definitely make you marvel. In the future, the project will be delivered with decoration, and a high-level team will be hired to design to ensure the overall design, style, functionality, etc. of the house, saving more time for you who are busy with your career.

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

Good real estate can not be sought, today we took Country Garden Tianxi as an example to discuss the city's ultimate real estate products how to choose the problem, do not know Laiwu and even the entire Jinan buyers have a clear understanding in their hearts, the project is moved? It is understood that the opening of Country Garden Tianxi is imminent, and now the whole city is in the fundraising, paying 20,000 pledges on the opening day to enjoy an additional 20,000 total housing discounts!

Thousands of calls! Laiwu Ultimate Villa Quality Residential Area - Country Garden Tianxi was launched

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