
Inventory of Weiye Donghu Tianxi supporting resources, price, transportation, supporting to see this article is enough

author:Housing world information



Overall score 3.76/5


Weiye East Lake Tianxi 5300 yuan / square meter. Far plot ratio 3.32. The greening rate is 45%. The main unit type is 98.31 square meters - 128.08 square meters 2 bedrooms - 3 bedrooms. Blank delivery.

Price 3.63 cents/5 cents

Inventory of Weiye Donghu Tianxi supporting resources, price, transportation, supporting to see this article is enough

Lot traffic 3.61 points/5 points


Address: west of Guangzhou Street, south of Jingang Spring Community

Bus routes such as No. 1, No. 8, No. 113, No. 121, No. 125 and so on

Inventory of Weiye Donghu Tianxi supporting resources, price, transportation, supporting to see this article is enough

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