
The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

author:Ling Yun viewpoint video

As a ferocious dog, the Tibetan mastiff has experienced a process from explosion, peak and decline in just over a decade. How the Tibetan mastiff fell step by step to the "altar", how the Tibetan mastiff economy set off and ended dismal, we will talk about it today.

Tibetan mastiffs are native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and in this cold, harsh natural environment, they have adapted to the plateau system in Tibetan areas after survival of the fittest. At the same time, the special natural climate of the plateau region also creates a low-temperature and low-bacterial living environment for Tibetan mastiffs. They are tall, fierce, and very powerful, and are known as the "Oriental Sacred Dogs". At first, many herders raised Tibetan mastiffs, just to let it take care of the home and prevent the invasion of ferocious beasts on the plateau, and there was no essential difference in use from the watchdogs in the rural areas of low altitudes, commonly known as Tibetan native dogs.

Since the 1980s, a "Tibetan mastiff fever" has completely changed their fate.

In 1969, American expedition team member Bally Bishop brought back a pure black Tibetan mastiff from the foothills of the Himalayas. You know, when it comes to Tibetan mastiffs, the impression of Americans still stays in the description of "Marco Polo's Travels": "As big as a donkey, galloping like a tiger, roaring like a lion". At this point, some American dog lovers have traveled to Tibet at the expense of trekking to Tibet just to get a purebred Tibetan mastiff.

Because tibetan mastiffs eat a lot of food and need to spend a lot of money to feed, they have always been just a plaything in the circle of rich Americans. Until 1983, the well-known Taiwanese actor Zhang Peihua bought a Tibetan mastiff from the United States and brought it back to Taiwan Province, for which Zhang Peihua spent 1.2 million Taiwan dollars, and this money could buy a building in Taiwan at that time.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

In 1986, Wang Zhankui, a farmer in Henan Province, also saw this "business opportunity", and he traveled to Tibetan areas and spent 45 days exchanging 23 Tibetan mastiffs with herders. He also became rich overnight by selling Tibetan mastiffs, and became the "father of Chinese Tibetan mastiffs" in everyone's mouth.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

In 2005, the novel "Tibetan Mastiff" created by writer Yang Zhijun was published and sold well, describing the loneliness, arrogance, and mightiness of Tibetan mastiffs, as well as the spirit of loyalty, bravery and dedication.

For a time, the star effect, the overwhelming publicity of newspaper media, and the rendering of various stories packaged the Tibetan mastiff into a "star" with no difference in the limelight. The saying that "one mastiff dog meets three wolves" makes the image of the Tibetan mastiff instantly become tall. Various dog dealers have taken this opportunity to transport Tibetan mastiffs to all parts of the country, and Tibetan mastiffs are no longer individuals with independent lives, but have become tools for their profits.

From tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions of yuan, the value of Tibetan mastiffs has risen in the operation of capital. On September 9, 2009, 30 identical black Mercedes-Benz cars lined up at Xi'an Xianyang Airport to meet a Tibetan mastiff named "Yangtze River No. 2", which was worth 4 million yuan.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

In 2012, at the second Northern Tibetan Mastiff Boutique Expo, the "amazing beast" from Guan Sheng Mastiff Garden was bought for 30 million yuan. The Tibetan mastiff, a "living luxury", has become a status symbol and a representative of culture. For the sake of profit, these dog dealers did not hesitate to take a hard hand at the Tibetan mastiff.

In order to make the Tibetan mastiff's body grow taller, they will force feeding, so that later, these Tibetan mastiffs can not eat automatically; in order to make the Tibetan mastiff look more fierce, they will use surgery, or even botulinum toxin, to forcibly change the tibetan mastiff's facial skin and muscles so that the canine teeth are exposed; in order to mate more Tibetan mastiffs, they inject a large number of aphrodisiacs and aphrodisiacs for the male mastiffs.

The Tibetan mastiff that used to run on the grassland became a furry, "big toy" with an exploding head. Normal Tibetan mastiffs have a lifespan of 13 to 15 years, and under these cruel speculative breeding, the lifespan is greatly shortened, and they can only survive for 5 to 7 years.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

Even if the price is so high, the market is still "difficult to find a mastiff", and a Tibetan mastiff can be exchanged for a house in the second ring road.

The hot Tibetan mastiff business, like a huge bubble, will always be punctured one day. At the end of 2012, the Tibetan mastiff market collapsed, and a large number of Tibetan mastiffs poured into the interior and cities, and fierce and injurious incidents occurred one after another. On June 27, 2013, a 3-and-a-half-year-old girl in Dalian, Liaoning Province, was bitten off by a Tibetan mastiff and cut off her trachea and artery and unfortunately passed away.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

Behind the frequent occurrence of bloody cases is people's ignorance of Tibetan mastiffs. Tibetan mastiffs are animals that survive on the plateau,

The low temperature and low bacteria environment makes their ability to resist bacteria and high temperatures very poor, and the dry and hot environment in inland areas, especially in coastal areas, can easily make them anxious, become irritable, aggressive, and also prone to infection.

According to a study by Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Canada, the Tibetan mastiff is only tied for 46th place in the job obedience and IQ rankings of various dog breeds, which can be said to be a fierce and stupid big dog.

According to the herders, a Tibetan mastiff of about 70 kilograms needs to eat 300 to 400 yuan of grain every day, and the monthly cost reaches more than 10,000 yuan.

According to a survey of 150,000 people launched by the portal, 86.4% of the respondents believed that "tibetan mastiffs and other fierce dogs are aggressive, and most people in urban areas should be banned." Subsequently, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Xiamen, Tianjin and other cities have issued a list of prohibited breeds of fierce dogs, all of which list Tibetan mastiffs at the top of the list.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

The "Tibetan mastiffs" who were touted to heaven became unprofitable, and they either became stray dogs or became people's plates. These traffickers patted their butts and left, while tibetan mastiffs, which had lost their economic value, became dogs that lost their families.

The "sky-high Tibetan mastiff" fell to the altar, and when money replaced faith, what was left in the market after the hype?

A large number of stray Tibetan mastiffs have appeared in Tibetan areas, which has seriously affected the local ecological balance, because there are fewer natural enemies, which can breed wantonly, and stray dogs are infested. Many pastoral villagers said that the grain in the family is often stolen and eaten, and bites and injuries also occur from time to time.

At the same time, the flood of stray dogs makes the echinococcosis spread widely, and the virus will spread with the dog's feces into the environment in which people live, and it will also spread to people, and when it is severe, it will also endanger lives.

Because of their deep affection for dogs and the "no killing" philosophy of the herders' religion, most herders do not choose to kill them, but still feed and protect them.

Today, with the full cooperation of volunteers and local governments, a number of protective measures have been taken to sterilize, shelter and adopt these stray Tibetan mastiffs. Behind this is a living life and a harmonious natural environment.

As Yang Zhijun said: "The tragedy of the Tibetan mastiff is actually the tragedy of man", the fate of the Tibetan mastiff is controlled by greedy human beings, and they have become victims of the operation of capital. These evil consequences caused by human beings will surely make human beings pay an even heavier price.

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