
What are the disadvantages and harms of long-term drinking Coca-Cola?

author:As small as Koi
What are the disadvantages and harms of long-term drinking Coca-Cola?


What are the disadvantages and harms of long-term drinking Coca-Cola?

Carbonated drinks

1. Coca-Cola has too many caffeine-containing drinks, which will increase blood lipids and easily exacerbate arteriosclerosis. Patients with hyperlipidemia drink more, which will accelerate the deterioration of the disease.

2, cola is easy to be addictive, cola contains caffeine, often drunk addictive.

3, Cola plastic bottles may contain bisphenol a, this substance will destroy the endocrine system, resulting in precocious puberty and reproductive abnormalities.

4, cola drink more wounded teeth, cola also contains caffeine, it also has the effect of decalcification, so if you drink cola for a long time, it also has a certain damage to the teeth. Because cola contains carbonic acid formed after the dissolution of phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide, it has a certain corrosive effect on tooth enamel.

5, cola cola leads to obesity, because cola contains a lot of sugar, and these sugar absorption rate is very fast easy to cause excessive calorie intake, if you drink often will definitely lead to obesity.

Cola is mainly a carbonated drink, drinking too much is harmful to physical health, and it will affect the health of female friends during menstruation. It is best not to drink, the calories are large, and some of the ingredients in it are not good.

Phosphoric acid will reduce the absorption of calcium in the body, in addition, phosphoric acid will also hinder the absorption of iron, especially adolescent girls, the iron demand is higher, because each month of menstruation, will fix the loss of a lot of iron. Therefore, girls who love to drink carbonated drinks are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia.

Cola cola induces high blood pressure, and studies have found that the rate of hypertension in women who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day is on average 7% to 12% lower than that of those who drink less than 3 cups a day or do not drink coffee. However, people who drank more than 4 cans of Coke a day had a 28%-44% higher rate of hypertension than those who drank less or no Coke.

How many cans of Coke do you drink a day?

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