
Advantages become burdens, resources become blind spots, and flash points can become tipping points

author:Tianwu, the son of the ordinary

Ping said flat

Advantages become burdens, resources become blind spots, and flash points can become tipping points

There will inevitably be some risks and accidents on the way forward, and those unexpected situations often do not occur in the areas that you are not good at, but in the areas that you are good at. Let me give you an example, you see that it has now entered the fourth quarter, and it will soon be December, and the year will soon pass, and many units are carrying out various forms of inspection or evaluation activities. A classmate in our president's class recently encountered a similar situation, the superior wanted to send an inspection team to his company to check the overall operation, for this inspection work, the company up and down are very important, so in the small talk, he asked me what opinions or suggestions.

I asked him a question: In this year's work, which field and which aspect of work do you think you have done the best and most brilliant? He said that it must be market work, what people, property, information, time, what planning, organization, leadership, control, human resources, or production operations, strategic management, financial management, cultural construction, there are many loopholes and many weak links in all aspects of the work, but the market work we have done particularly well this year.

I said yes, my advice to you is to plan and prepare early in this area that you are good at, and make full arrangements for deployment. I said it seriously, but he didn't take it seriously. In fact, when the inspection team finally came to inspect the work, it found a series of problems within a few days of moving in, and these problems mainly occurred in the market field. This has made the management of the entire company very passive, why is it so good, such a confident field, but there are so many problems?

The reason is very simple, first, from the company's internal point of view, people up and down feel that the market is the best, the least loopholes, the most shining points, and the colleagues in the marketing department also think so. When the entire company in all aspects of the work is to check the leakage of gaps, straighten out the process, find loopholes, the marketing department's self-inspection and self-correction work progress is very slow, no one to supervise, no one to deploy, and finally several major reporting materials are rushed to prepare the first night of the meeting.

Secondly, externally, because the market work of this branch is a bright spot, the superior leaders focus on the field, and the inspection team focuses on this field, and the work in other aspects is point to point, but the market work is dug deeply. The management of this company is too confident, and the market work has not been fully deployed, and the self-examination and self-correction are relatively slow. This combination of internal and external factors eventually leads to the most advantageous and confident areas becoming the most problematic areas.

Therefore, I remind everyone that the more advantageous things are, the more they must be fully prepared, and the more they are good at things, the more they must carefully consider risks.

Speaking of this, I remembered another thing: I remember that when I was in middle school, once the Chinese teacher assigned a big homework to collect materials, there was no Internet and no library at that time, and it was quite difficult to collect and organize materials. There is a classmate in our class whose uncle works at the cultural center, and there are many professional books in the cultural center's database, so we all think that he should have the most advantages and resources to complete this big assignment, including the teacher and himself. And the teacher also told him not to scribble too much, and his homework should become a benchmark for the whole class.

But the final result was very unexpected, when the students successfully completed this big homework, he was still delayed, and the final submission of the homework was full of loopholes and scribbled handwriting. Why is this happening? It is because he has a very bottom in his heart, he feels that he can go to the database to check the information, say hello and go at any time, and the resources that others do not have are a matter of minutes for him, so he has no action, because he is very confident that he can do his homework very well in a day or two. As a result, there was an accident, his uncle was temporarily sent on a business trip, the information in the database had to be inventoried and cleaned, the door was locked, the cabinet was sealed, and no one could enter during the day and night, and the occurrence of these unexpected situations eventually led to his homework being unable to be completed.

I think this kind of thing often happens in our work life: advantages will become a burden, resources will become blind spots, the more confident and confident the field, the more prone to problems and accidents.

I remember in class we told a story about the African savannah, after the rainy season came the dry season, the result is that the animals that run slowly migrate early and avoid the drought in time, and the animals that run fast die from the drought due to the delay in taking action. Such a situation also leads us to think a lot, in their own areas of expertise must overcome laxity and complacency psychology, the more confident, confident things, the more careful preparation, and fully consider a variety of risks and accidents, the shining point of superior resources, but also the most likely to become the tipping point of the problem.

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