
Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

author:French is bacon

Some people say that octopuses do not belong to Earth, but are alien creatures brought by comets when they hit earth. It has both the powerful deformability and regenerative abilities of invertebrates, as well as the thinking and intelligence comparable to that of primates. Just like Superman's body is paired with the brain of a quantum computer, there is no shortcoming.

On the whole of the earth, only the octopus is an animal, which has the top advantages of both the vertebral boundary and the invertebrate boundary. The existence of two worlds is so strange that even the theory of evolution cannot explain it. No matter where the octopus is placed on the evolutionary tree, it will be awkward, and the unsociable octopus is like an alien visitor, and even biologists like to call the octopus "an alien creature living on Earth."

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

So what do alien creatures look like? Is it like an octopus with 3 hearts and 8 long legs, and the legs are covered with terrible suction cups? I didn't know the answer until I caught the aliens. However, if the alien creatures really want to join the Earth's circle, the first step must be to follow the local customs. No matter what it had grown before, it first had to change into the shape of an earth creature. This is not difficult for the octopus, it has bone reduction and mimetic magic.

Bone shrinkage and mimesis, that is, deformation and camouflage, are the two major killer skills of octopus. The metamorphosis allows it to freely cross obstacles, escape enemies, and swim freely under the sea. Camouflage allows it to blend in with the environment, lurk and wait for the right moment, and catch prey passing by. This may be the skill that the octopus brings from the alien planet, comprehensively crushing other species on Earth.

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

The dive team filmed an octopus fleeing for their lives off the coast of Indonesia, where eels roaming under the sea were looking for lunch of the day when they suddenly saw octopus sticking their heads out behind coral reefs. The eel sped past, and the octopus also saw the eel, which turned and burrowed into the gravel beneath the reef. The eel came a step too late, but it was not dead-hearted, and began to carry the sand and gravel fragments to dig out the octopus hiding inside.

The octopus hiding in the gravel had no choice but to escape and began to flee to the coral reef. The octopus that shuttled between the reefs did not choose the flat crevices on the stones, and paddled 8 long legs, desperately drilling into the smallest hole in the reef. Can an octopus with a body area the size of a bath towel drill into a hole as thin as an electric toothbrush?

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

Speaking of the ability to compress the body and cross obstacles, other animals will do the same. But they can only squash the flesh, not the bones. The flattened body of an eel can squeeze into the crevices of the reef, but not through small round holes. The octopus wisely chose the round hole and successfully escaped the claws of the eel. The eels, which could not burrow into the round hole, could only return empty-handed.

Are you saying that eels are vertebrates with bones, skulls that cannot be compressed, and their ability to deform is certainly not as good as that of boneless mollusk octopuses? If you look at other mollusks on Earth, their ability to cross obstacles is not comparable to that of octopuses. For example, snails and conchs, the shell of the body limits the deformation of the flesh. The flesh that retracted back from its back shell was warm and safe, but it lost its unique deforming power. There are also slugs and sea slugs, although they do not have a back shell, but they do not deform like octopuses, let alone cross obstacles, and even when they escape for their lives, they are slow and stupid.

What is the limit size of an octopus that has no competitors to cross the obstacles? Except for the hard mouth shell, the only place on its body that can't be compressed is the eyeball, and as long as the size of the hole is larger than the eyeball, it can drill through. The liquid-like body is exactly the skill that future warriors dream of, and after possessing the talent of deformation, there is no longer a cage trapping the flesh in the world.

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

We now look at the octopus's eyes, the incompressible eyeballs, another powerful presence on its body that surpasses other animals. The origin of the octopus is 500 million years earlier than humans, but it has a pair of eyes that are more advanced than humans. Its eye structure is very similar to your eyes, but it perfectly corrects the defects in your eyes. In other words, the octopus's eye is the correct answer to the problem, and the human eye copied the wrong answer when copying its solution steps.

Let's first look at the wrong answer of the human eye, the defect in your eye is: the order of the inside and outside of the retina is reversed. External objects are projected onto the retina through the refractive system of the eye, which then transmits the image to the brain by the optic nerve. There are three layers of cells in your retina that finally connect the optic nerve. From the outside to the inside, the retinal structure is in order: optic nerve, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptor cells. But your order is reversed, the photoreceptor cells are packed in the innermost part, and the ganglion cells and bilevel cells that block in front of the photoreceptor cells will refract the light and weaken the imaging quality of the photoreceptor cells. There are several layers of other cells in front of the photosensitive cells, just like adding several layers of beauty masks in front of the camera lens to filter the light, and the head portrait is soft and beautiful, but it loses the clear and real details.

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

The most terrible mistake in human eyes is that the nerves connecting the retina are installed on the outermost side, and the retina blocks the way for the nerves to connect to the brain, so the nerves that can't find the way make a small hole in the retina, pass through the small hole in the retina and then enter the head. The small hole in the retina becomes your blind spot, but fortunately you have two eyes that can cover each other's blind spots, plus the brain's powerful brain supplementation ability, so you can't detect your own defects.

Now come to your blind spot, open the picture below, and change the phone to a horizontal screen. Blindfold your left eye and stare at the cross in the picture with your right eye, then move your phone back and forth. At a certain location, you will find that the black dot next to it will disappear, which is where your blind spot is.

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

Blind spots on the retina are like the most perfunctory remedies after the fact. Imagine that your TV set wall has been pasted with modeling tiles, and then you find that you forgot to bury the wires, so you punch a hole in the wall and pull a wire out from behind the wall. Although you block the hole in the wall with a vase, you know that hole is always there.

The octopus's eyes do not have these errors, you look at the eyes of the octopus, this is the correct order of retinal installation, the outermost layer is the photoreceptor cells, the innermost layer is the optic nerve. The photoreceptor cell has no obstruction in front of it, can receive 100% of the light, and the imaging quality is excellent. The retina is a complete whole, with no small holes and no blind spots. The most powerful thing is that the optic nerve stands behind the retina and tightly pulls the retina, so that the retina and the eyeball are connected as a whole and will not fall off. Compared to octopuses, your retina is only attached to the wall of the eyeball, with only a layer of cell connections in the middle, which can easily fall off. Someone rubbed their eyes when they had a cold, someone stayed up for a few days and nights, someone was hit in the head by a chair, and then the retina all fell. Doctors often warn myopic patients not to do strenuous exercise, not to bungee jump, not to parachute, not to dive, and to jump off the retina when they jump. The octopus's eyes are completely devoid of this defect, you can see its flexible posture of drilling the bottom of the reef, no matter how to squeeze the eyeball, its retina will not fall off.

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

These firm eyes perfectly match the extreme deformation of the octopus when crossing obstacles. An octopus that exerts its powerful deforming power and crushes all living things on the planet. However, the Transfiguration Skill is not the only evidence that the Octopus may have come from an alien planet, and its camouflage ability is more powerful than the skill of crossing obstacles. Octopuses not only turn into static reef aquatic grass gravel, but also into swimming sea snakes, lionfish and flounders.

In the next article, we will continue to talk about the camouflage ability of octopus.

Why is the octopus's eyes more advanced than the human's? Your blind spots are the evidence

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