
Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

author:Drunken light strings

"There is a Bao Qingtian in Kaifeng, and the iron mask is selfless in the human world", because this song is widely circulated in the folk and things such as Bao Zheng's horse, so that the people respect him very much, in people's eyes, Bao Zheng is the embodiment of justice, and he has dedicated his life to the country and the people.

But in the Northern Song Dynasty, such a great Bao Zheng almost did not leave any descendants. He had four sons in his lifetime, but three of them died tragically. Only the concubine Sun Shi gave birth to a son, and it is also the only incense that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Bao family.

The descendants of the Bao family flow with Bao Zheng's blood, and they also attach as much love and righteousness as Bao Zheng. And one of his descendants later became the world ship king, he was Bao Yugang.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Bao Yugang was born in Ningbo in November 1918. His father, Bao Zhaolong, was engaged in business in Hankou for many years, which also accumulated a certain amount of money for the Bao family, and the family was still relatively rich and prosperous in the local area. Bao Zhaolong has been traveling for many years, and Bao Yugang and his brothers and sisters spent their childhood happily in a small village in Ningbo.

Ningbo became one of the five trade areas after the Opium War, and has been rich in maritime commerce since ancient times. Bao Yugang's life in such an environment is full of life, and his favorite thing to do is to sit on the beach and feel the sea breeze and watch the merchant ships coming and going.

Happy childhood soon passed, the father Bao Zhaolong, who was running around all year round, had extremely strict requirements for his children, and in order to better manage his children, he brought them all to Zhenhai, where Bao Yugang missed the small village every day. But a few years later, at the age of 13, Bao Yugang was sent to Shanghai by his father to study.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Bao Yugang studied his favorite merchant marine major at wusong merchant marine school, where he had a systematic understanding of ship knowledge.

But not long after, the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out in full swing, and Bao Yugang could only flee to Chongqing with the crowd. Bao Yugang in Chongqing did not follow his father's orders to continue to study knowledge, and he ran to the bank to become a small clerk.

It may be that his father has been in business for his subtle influence, Bao Yugang is very sensitive to numbers, and this talent makes him excellent at work.

In 1938, Bao Yugang worked at the Shanghai Central Trust Bureau, and with his rich work experience and day-to-day efforts, he became the deputy manager of the Bank of Shanghai from a small clerk in just seven years.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Just as his career was booming, he did something that shocked everyone. Bao Yugang resigned, and his relatives and friends were very incomprehensible to his actions, and some even began to accuse him. But only he knew that what he longed for was nothing more than the celestial realm on the sea.

In 1949, Bao Yugang and his father took the family's savings to do business in Hong Kong, and they also made a profit by selling the difference, but this business was always replaced, not a long-term solution. What business does the family want to transform into? At this time, Bao Yugang was unusually determined to choose to do shipping business.

However, his idea was rejected by the whole family, one is that at this time, the Hong Kong shipping industry already has a leading enterprise, and the other is that their family is not familiar with this business, and once it fails, the family will go bankrupt.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

But at this time, in order to complete his dream, Bao Yugang learned shipping knowledge to fill his own vacancy, while persuading his parents to hope that they could believe and support him.

Finally, his son's parents chose to support their son, and in 1955, Bao Yugang officially began the road of maritime trade. This time he was just 37 years old, and no one could have imagined that this young man who had a passion for the shipping industry would become the world's ship king at the age of 60.

When Bao Yugang stepped into the shipping business, his parents gave him all the savings in the family, but these funds were far from enough to start a company, fortunately, he usually had many friends who were very affectionate and righteous, and these friends made him buy the first old cargo ship.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Even if the cargo ship has been in use for a long time, it cannot be compared with the new cargo ship in all aspects. But Bao Yugang renovated it like a treasure, and specially named it "Jin'an". The first ship of Jin An also marked the establishment of the Global Shipping Company, and he also created his own unique way of operating with this ship.

When Bao Yugang leased Jin'an, he chose the long-term rental method, which was incompatible with the short-term rental transportation that was popular in the shipping industry at that time, because the operating profit obtained by long-term rental was much less than that of the short-term.

Moreover, if he rents for short-term, he can increase the offer at any time, but in the face of criticism from others, he still insists on long-term rental.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Time test, his idea is correct, short-term rental to bear a certain risk, but long-term rental if the risk is very small, it is easy to grasp the trust of customers in order to grasp the shipping market. Soon Bao Yugang became the big brother of the shipping industry by relying on the trust of customers.

In 1949, Bao Yugang used shipping to transport military supplies and medicine for the mainland. When the Egyptian-Israeli War broke out in 1956, the Suez Canal was closed and the goods were hoarded badly, and many people discouraged Bao Yugang from making a lot of money here. The astute Bao Yugang found that if he entered Western shipping and if the war ended, then there would be a big loss after all.

Bao Yugang still fought steadily in the Southeast Asian market, and sure enough, after the end of the war, after the opening of the Suez Canal, those cargo ships that blindly entered the West not only had no business but also had to pay a lot of money to repair and become "scrap ships", only Bao Yugang was steady in the Southeast Asian market, and his career was all day long.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Bao Yugang, who made a lot of money, wanted to expand his business in the European and American markets, and through the judgment of the situation, he soon entered the European and American markets, and soon after, with a strong capital chain and advanced management system, Global Shipping Co., Ltd. has achieved qualitative development.

In 1980, Bao Yugang ranked first in the world with the number of more than 200 ships, becoming a veritable world ship king. Bao Yugang was not proud, but inherited the excellent genes of the Bao family.

At that time, Bao Yugang in Hong Kong saw that his hometown ningbo did not have a university, and Hong Kong, which was not as developing as Ningbo, had 4 universities, which made him feel incredible. He was determined to build a university in Ningbo.

Bao Qingtian's 29th generation grandson Bao Yugang: temperament like Bao Zheng, extremely serious love, 60 years old became the world ship king

Bao Yugang told Deng Xiaoping his idea, and Deng Xiaoping was very supportive of this and kept praising him for his patriotism and insight, and promised Bao Yugang that he would personally go to Ningbo University to name the school.

With the help of Bao Yugang, Ningbo University was established in 1985, and not only that, he also set up a Bao Scholarship at Ningbo University to encourage students to study well.

Pao yugang has also made an indelible and special contribution to the smooth return of Hong Kong to the embrace of the motherland and the smooth transition of Hong Kong.

In 1991, Bao Yugang passed away, and his life was quite legendary, becoming the king of the world ship only by love; repaying the motherland with great affection and righteousness. And future generations will not forget what he did, and various memorials will be built to commemorate him.

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