
Good looking skin bag is the same, interesting soul one out of a hundred, talk about the ugly star Du Xudong's road to fame

author:One page light boat 1957

Someone once asked this, among the countless artists in the show business circle, there are many actors with really good acting skills. In the past, we talked about facial expression, the boundary between good people and bad people, and we can clearly distinguish them from their appearance.

Good looking skin bag is the same, interesting soul one out of a hundred, talk about the ugly star Du Xudong's road to fame

The inability of a person to look means that a person cannot be judged only on the basis of appearance and appearance

Many actors of the older generation such as Sun Daolin, Wang Xingang, Tang Guoqiang, etc. are really handsome young students, they do not need to wear makeup at all, they are all brilliant, and most of them are heroic characters.

Many villains in the movie such as Chen Qiang, Ge Cunzhuang, Fang Hua, Liu Jiang, etc., the name of the bad guy performance, the one who left the deepest impression on me was the villain actor Fang Hua and the pseudo-military officer Liu Jiang who often starred in the War Movies, if Chen Qiang and Ge Cunzhuang occasionally played a positive character and would not cause the audience to resent, these two people absolutely could not.

The cruelty of the Japanese officers in "Plain Guerrilla", the fierceness of Hu Hansan in "Shining Red Star" left a deep impression on people, as long as these two people come out, they must be bloody and murderous, how can they not paint these two old actors into the ranks of positive characters, no wonder Liu Jiang once said, I have played a bad person all my life, that is, no one let me play a good person.

Now the film and television has long abandoned the face, the line between good people and bad people has become blurred, this is right, after all, no one has put their own label of what person on the brain door, now the more beautiful actors in the spy movie play the role more fierce, look at their harmless faces, but their hands are stained with blood.

In real life, the traitor Wang Jingwei was one of the four beautiful men in the National Period, and Dai Kasa, deputy director of the Military Command, could not see where he looked like a bad person. This means that a person cannot be judged only on the basis of appearance and appearance. Judging a person entirely by appearance and judging a person entirely by appearance are two extremes, but many people still make such mistakes, and the subjective judgment that this person does not look like a good person and looks at this person is not like a bad person is sometimes very serious, so we should not judge people by their appearance.

Good looking skin bag is the same, interesting soul one out of a hundred, talk about the ugly star Du Xudong's road to fame

When Du Xudong was born, the nurse accidentally threw him to the ground, and his mouth was crooked

But in film and television works, it is absolutely indispensable to specialize in villains, these people are called "ugly stars", they all play a specific role in a specific plot, and the appearance of this specific role will be more vivid and interesting in the entire film and television work, and it will attract the attention of the audience. There are also many modern "clowns", Li Ming, Ji Chunhua, Li Jianren, etc., today we will specifically talk about Du Xudong.

Du Xudong is a national first-class actor, from the "Big Mansion Gate" to the "Divine Doctor Xi Laile" villain has a bad temperament, bad, can be reflected in his body vividly. When participating in the program, he once said that when shopping, some ordinary people had to scold him when they recognized him, and some people joked that other children were carried out by nurses when they were born, only When Du Xudong was born, the nurse accidentally threw him to the ground, and his mouth was crooked, so the longer he grew, the less like a good person.

In fact, Du Xudong was also very depressed at first, but as an artist, since he chose this profession, he had to grit his teeth and persevere, and study his acting skills assiduously, and the bad nature of many villains in the camera, such as lazy, bullying soft and afraid of hard, seeing profit and forgetting righteousness, greed and fear of death, etc., was even labeled as a "villain professional".

Because Du Xiaodong plays the bad guy too much like walking on the street and is scolded, but the more people scold him, the happier he is, this is because the audience recognizes his acting skills, and even brings the hatred for the villain he plays into life, which is the greatest affirmation of an artist, helping Du Xiaodong complete the transformation from actor to artist.

Good looking skin bag is the same, interesting soul one out of a hundred, talk about the ugly star Du Xudong's road to fame

Good-looking skin bag is the same, interesting soul is one in a hundred, and Du Xudong's happy marriage is enviable

As the saying goes, a good-looking skin bag is the same, an interesting soul is one in a hundred, and a person's appearance is handsome and ugly is given by parents, and we can't choose. It is not the skin bag that can compete with time, but the noble and pure soul under the skin bag.

Du Xudong has a noble and pure soul, others are not ugly, in real life he is a delicate, gentle, responsible, responsible man, is a very amiable person. Du Xudong, who is now 64 years old, often went to poor mountainous areas to perform condolences and performances in addition to filming, and went down to the grass-roots level to comfort officers and soldiers and bring them joy.

When it comes to his success, Du Xudong says he is grateful to his wife. It is said that Du Xudong met his wife Liu Yufeng through blind dates, and it was his kindness and sincerity that impressed Liu Yufeng, and only then did they have the love of QinSer and Ming. In the early years, his work opportunities were not good, there was no opportunity to perform, all relying on his wife to work outside to support the family, du Xudong worked with peace of mind, relying on his own talents to get more performance opportunities, and achieved him today.

In addition, Du Xudong also has a very beautiful daughter, the appearance inherited the mother's genes, and now become a beautiful actress, in the TV series "My Legendary Grandma and Me", Du Xudong and his daughter's true color starred in the father-daughter file, which was recognized and liked by the audience. Can you still say he's ugly?

Du Xudong is still active on the stage, and the stage life of this "ugly star" even surpasses many so-called handsome actors, and also surpasses many beautiful men who once laughed at him. He's the real winner in life, you say?

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