
Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

author:Cloudside Whale Entertainment

Du Xudong, this name is probably unfamiliar to many people, but when it comes to his nickname "crooked mouth", you know who it is. With a crooked mouth and superb acting skills, Du Xudong has successfully created a group of unforgettable harlequins and has become a well-deserved "ugly star".

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

His "crooked mouth" was not born, but was caused by a fall down the stairs when he was 7 years old. This accident not only changed his appearance, but also opened his acting career.

From Bangzi opera to literary and artistic soldiers, and then to the booming entertainment industry, Du Xudong has proved with his strength that "survival in adversity and hope in predicament".

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

But the good times didn't last long, and a video of celebrating the birthday of the wire fraud criminal made Du Xudong fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. Although he apologized and said he did not know, his reputation had been tarnished. For celebrities, idol baggage is important, which is undoubtedly a stain.

So, in this apology and condemnation, what kind of person is Du Xudong himself? As a father, his care for his daughter is moving; As an actor, he is not afraid of the word "ugly" and becomes famous. Learn from each other's strengths, correct mistakes and avoid mistakes, people always have a time to wrestle, but facing difficulties is the right way.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

Falling from a building accident: changed his face and opened his dream

Speaking of Du Xudong, the first impression is his crooked mouth. But in fact, Du Xudong was delicate when he was a teenager and was a standard little white face template.

The twist of fate came at the age of 7. I accidentally fell down the stairs while playing, and my face hit the ground directly, and my bones shattered. The child, who was still developing at the time of the accident, had fragile bones, which led to Du Xudong recuperating in the hospital for 3 months. By the time he woke up, his handsome face had been ruined.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

That's too much of a blow for a 7-year-old. But miraculously, Du Xudong was not defeated, but ignited his enthusiasm for acting.

started all the way from Bangzi opera, and then served as a literary soldier, and later officially entered the entertainment industry. At that time, he used his "flaws" as an advantage and successfully created a series of amazingly realistic harlequins, known as "Ugly Star".

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

From this point of view, the accident changed Du Xudong's face, but it also opened his acting career. Surviving in adversity and finding hope in predicament, Du Xudong's story is full of positive energy.

Ma Sichun's death: a hit hit on the "ugly star"

In 2000, Du Xudong met a key figure in "Mansion Gate" - Ma Sichun, Jiang Wenli's niece. Ma Sichun was only 12 years old at the time, and "Mansion Gate" was her second work, which can be described as jerky acting.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

Du Xudong in the play plays the role of a bully who bullies Ma Sichun, and according to the director's requirements, he gives full play to his strengths and does his best to be ugly. Faced with Du Xudong's ugly appearance and acting skills, Ma Sichun cried instantly, and the crew had to stop filming.

This scene directly led to Du Xudong's popularity soaring, and the name of "ugly star" spread. But for Ma Sichun, it was a nightmare experience. The young girl couldn't distinguish between drama and reality, and was frightened by Du Xudong's ugliness. This undoubtedly left a shadow on Ma Sichun's acting career.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

To some extent, Ma Sichun is a victim of Du Xudong's success. But no one expected that the performance would be so realistic that a child could not bear it.

Du Xudong just worked hard, but the price was paid by Ma Sichun. This cruel cause should not and is not worth exchanging for a child's innocence.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

Birthday Celebration for the Wire Fraud Leader: Behind the apology is actually not simple

In 2020, a video of Du Xudong celebrating the birthday of the electric fraud leader was leaked on the Internet, which instantly caused an uproar. Du Xudong explained that it was a friend who asked him not to know, and apologized and admitted his mistake.

However, the apology is not simple. In recent years, "birthday celebrations" have been frequent, and many people in the entertainment industry have received money for similar activities. For celebrities, it is not too easy to make a lot of money by turning their heads.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

But the problem is that in the case of wire fraud, birthday celebrations are tantamount to justifying their names. As a public figure, Du Xudong should review the content of his work. Even if you don't know the inside story, it's never too late to ask before deciding. In the end, it was greedy for quick money that made this incident.

Although he apologized and admitted his mistakes, his reputation was damaged and needed to be remedied by subsequent performances. Public figures have higher standards, which is also a wake-up call for Du Xudong. Some money, not worth earning.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

Take care of your daughter: when she becomes the strongest backing

In addition to his acting career, Du Xudong's most important identity in his private life is his father. His relationship with his daughter Du Jinjing is touching.

Du Jinjing was born with serious inversion of his feet, and many people persuaded Du Xudong to have another healthy child. But he is not only adamant that he only wants this daughter, but also teaches himself massage and treats his daughter day after day. Finally, Du Jinjing's foot healed.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

Not only that, when Du Jinjing's first marriage failed and he was 6 months pregnant, Du Xudong did not hesitate to support his daughter's divorce and said that he would bring his grandson to raise him together.

It can be said that when his daughter was in the most difficult time, Du Xudong supported her unreservedly, without considering any reputation and face.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

A father's care and encouragement to his daughter is selfless. This may make up for his regret of negligence at work. The understanding of family members can become the motivation for a person to go on.

Learn from each other's strengths to move up

Du Xudong's life was full of ups and downs, he tried to survive in adversity, and he was negligent in his career. But he was not defeated by difficulties, but chose to rebuild with the support of his family.

Du Xudong, the "crooked mouth" who scared Ma Sichun and celebrated the birthday of the electric fraud leader, finally ushered in today!

There will always be mistakes in a person, but the courage to change them is the essence. Du Xudong went from a childhood accident to the peak of his career and then fell into a trough, but he did not give up, which is commendable.

There is no such thing as a perfect person in life, but it is enough to have the courage to change your ways. I believe that after this incident, Du Xudong will be more cautious in his work judgment, learn from each other's strengths, and continue to move upward. After all, adversity creates strength, and everyone deserves a second chance.

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