
Remember history Acura heroes

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

Remember history Acura heroes

"People's Heroes - National Memory Library" series: Shi Yinghong, Xu Jian, etc.; published by China Youth Publishing House.

Our generation grew up in the war years, when the mountains and rivers were broken, the people were not happy, it was the party that set up free high schools and primary schools in the anti-Japanese base areas, I had the opportunity to go to school, and later I was admitted to the Taihang No. 2 Middle School opened by the government of the Border Region. After graduation, it was the party that led me to the revolutionary road, and I followed Liu Deng's army into the Dabie Mountains and began a military career, and later engaged in writing and cultural work for a long time, and never left the army again.

Looking back, many people and events are vividly remembered. The road of struggle and endeavor of the Communist Party of China has not come easily, the independence, freedom, and liberation of the Chinese nation has not come easily, the founding, construction, and development of new China have not come easily, the achievements made since the reform and opening up have not come easily, today's happy life has not come easily, and countless people with lofty ideals, sages and martyrs, and heroic models have struggled, dedicated, and even sacrificed for them, and they are always worthy of our commemoration, remembrance, and study.

At the end of 2019, the Military Culture College of the National Defense University and the China Youth Publishing House jointly launched the large-scale book creation and publishing project "People's Heroes - National Memory Library" to pay tribute to the martyrs and present the centennial birthday of the party. Yes, no matter how far we go, we cannot forget the road we have traveled, and we cannot forget why we set out.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Comrade Xi Jinping stressed at the mobilization meeting for the study and education of party history that it is necessary to educate and guide the whole party to vigorously carry forward the red tradition, inherit the red gene, continue the spiritual bloodline of the communists, always maintain the spirit of the revolutionaries' fearless struggle, and summon up the spirit of entering a new journey and forging ahead into a new era. The creation and publication of the "People's Heroes - National Memory Library" is at the right time, casting the soul of Bacon for cultivating qualified socialist builders and successors in the new era, building a solid foundation of faith for the young generation who are responsible for the great task of rejuvenation, and replenishing the calcium of the spirit.

To tell heroic stories well and carry forward the heroic spirit, the focus is on "speaking", the difficulty is in "telling well", and the key is "carrying forward". Organizing writers to write heroes and praise heroes on a large scale is a useful exploration in the context of the new era and a fine tradition of cultural workers. There are many well-known writers who participated in this creation, and they have the most sincere feelings for the heroes and martyrs of the revolution, overcome difficulties, work tirelessly, conduct in-depth interviews and investigations, collect materials from many sources, repeatedly polish, and create meticulously. After the efforts of various parties, the first series of the library will be published one after another. The first series includes Li Dazhao and Qu Qiubai, the early leaders of our party; Fang Zhimin, Yang Jingyu, Zhao Yiman, zhang Side, and other famous heroes and martyrs of the revolutionary war years; Liu Hulan and Lei Feng, who were young heroes; and Jiao Yulu, Gu Wenchang, and other heroic models of the new period. There is no doubt that they are all the best members of the Communist Party of China and the best sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. They are always worthy of a big book!

As a veteran party member, veteran soldier, and old writer over ninety years old, I am familiar with the deeds of the heroes and martyrs, but after reading the works, I am still excited and moved. These works are ideological, literary, storytelling, and readable, not only writing the glorious stories of heroic martyrs, but also writing the inheritance stories of heroic spirit, unique ingenuity; at the same time, many works make full use of memorial facilities and related cultural relics, see people and see the spirit, have a strong sense of history and scene, so that heroes and their spiritual characters can come alive in the literary narrative.

At the historical moment of the centenary anniversary of the Communist Party of China, the Military Culture College of the National Defense University organized the creation of this library, which traced the history of the party and the military in a literary way, which is very valuable. The China Youth Publishing House is the main front of red publishing, and "Red Flag Fluttering", "Red Rock", "Red Sun", "Red Flag Spectrum", "History of Entrepreneurship", etc. have long been recorded in the history of new Chinese literature and publishing, and have influenced generation after generation. They first published my novel "We Sow Love" in my youth. This joint military-local operation has yielded fruitful results. I believe that with the creation and publication of the first series, the creation and publication of the second and third series will be more experienced and confident, and more heroic deeds will be vividly presented to the reader.

Establish a legend for heroes, establish a heart for the nation, and cast a soul for society. Here, I would like to pay tribute and congratulations to the creation and publication of the "People's Hero - National Memory Library".

(The author is the honorary vice chairman of the China Writers Association.) This article is the preface to the "People's Heroes - National Memory Library" series, which has been abridged in this edition and the title is added by the editor. )

People's Daily (November 19, 2021, 20th edition)

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