
After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?


After the Sino-US talks, the western camp's attitude toward China has changed, and even Australia, the anti-China vanguard, has smelled the breath of The Sino-US phased flag. Morrison's rare soft mouth, indicating that he is willing to talk to China at any time, which sounds half flattering, and generally sounds like meat and numbness.

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

On November 18, Morrison told the Australian News Network that the Australian side has been very much looking forward to high-level communication with China", and said that "as long as the Chinese side is willing, the Australian side will welcome it at any time". He also said Australia has always been 'very open' to contacts and dialogue between the two countries and seeks to seize any opportunity to engage in dialogue.

Australia has changed its attitude, not to mention Britain, the European Union, which is run by France and Germany. But as the West's attitude toward China shifts, the situation in Europe is becoming increasingly tense.

Around the Ukraine issue, the immigration dispute between Belarus and Poland, Europe, Russia, the United States is already a sword. Now that the Indo-Pacific is temporarily calm, putin is clear about what it means for Russia.

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

Earlier, Macron told Putin that "France is ready to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine", and the British Defense Chief of Staff Nick Carter publicly pointed out that Britain must be prepared for war with Russia.

The 600 most elite British special forces of the British Special Air Service and the Airborne Parachute Corps could be parachuted into Ukraine at any time. The British general declared that Britain must ensure that NATO always has the upper hand in deterrence and does not give Russia any chance.

Although this little military power of France and Britain is nothing to Russia, Russia is probably most worried about the United States in the Indo-Pacific and turn its attention to Europe.

Putin is already feeling that the situation in Europe could change. On November 19, Putin said that western provocations in the Black Sea are getting worse and worse, and strategic bombers are flying 20 kilometers from the Russian border and carrying strategic weapons."

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

"Russia has been expressing concerns and drawing red lines, but our partners are still going their own way," he said. To put it mildly, they were dismissive of our warnings and red lines. ”

In Europe, who dares to dismiss Russia's concerns, who dares to ignore Russia's red lines. Of course, Putin knows in his heart that without the United States behind the scenes, borrowing a hundred guts, Europe will not think of putting military pressure on Russia.

For Russia, the situation is now very critical and very difficult to deal with. Russia is not afraid of war, nor of bloodshed. The point is that for Russia, it cannot use military means to solve the problem.

If there is a real war between Russia and Ukraine, we do not doubt Russia's ability to win on the battlefield, but after the war? It is certain that Russia and Europe will turn against each other, and US sanctions will follow.

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

Russia's biggest concern is its relationship with Europe, which originally has an energy card that has always controlled the overall situation in Europe, making Russia in the active position in the face of the EU, but as long as the European war is opened, the EU will definitely stand against Russia.

Regardless of whether Europe will fight Russia on the battlefield, one thing is certain, that is, Europe will definitely untie Russia on the energy issue, as retaliation for Russia, for Europe, it is just to spend a little more money to buy energy in the United States.

About 35% of the EU's energy supply comes from Russia. After the Shale Oil Revolution in the United States, the United States, which has excess oil and gas capacity, has long targeted the European market, and the most powerful competitor of oil and gas in the United States is Russia. Russia, with its geographical location, is able to supply energy to the Eu at a lower price, an advantage that the United States does not have.

In view of this, the United States has a very strong motive to create a little contradiction between Russia and Europe, so that Europe and Russia will turn against each other. Once Europe and Russia tear their faces, the Oil and Gas of the United States can smoothly replace Russia's share in Europe.

For Russia, once the European market is lost, it will hit Russia's oil and gas industry hard, bearing in mind that the oil and gas industry provides about 25% of the Russian government's fiscal revenue.

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

Therefore, around the Ukraine, Belarus issue, Russia really can not fight this battle, as long as the war begins, Russia is doomed to lose, and Europe will also be a loser.

For Europe, France and Germany especially need to be sober at this time, if there is a war in Europe, first, Europe must rely on the United States militarily, then Europe's strategic autonomy will be gone, and second, war refugees will be left to the EU as mines, and the EU must be clear about this.

Third, European capital, talent for security reasons, there is a high probability of fleeing Europe, the European economy will be hit hard, fourth, after the war, the United States replaced Russia as the EU energy supplier, then the United States can borrow the energy stick to control Europe.

These are all problems that Europe needs to face. After all, Britain is an island country separated from the European continent by the English Channel, but the situation of the countries on the European continent is very unoptimistic.

Macron's statement to Putin to defend Ukraine's territorial integrity is either utter stupidity or a political show.

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

Putin is clearly aware of the tensions and that Russia will only be the loser. So, there has been restraint. On November 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin personally said he had rejected the Russian Defense Ministry's activities in response to NATO.

Putin said: "I should say that our Ministry of Defense has also made a proposal to hold its own unplanned exercises in the waters, but I think it is inappropriate and there is no need to further escalate the situation there." ”

Putin knows the danger is approaching, and Germany, which has always been friendly with Russia, is at a political turn. If Merkel is in control, Russia and Europe will be fine. But now France, the most vocal member of the European Union, is talking lightly about war, which is a very bad sign.

Macron's words, it is estimated that the United States itself is stealing music. The strategy of the United States is very clear, as the biggest profiteer of the Russian-European conflict, the United States wants a little chaos in Europe.

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

Is it possible for the situation in Russia and Ukraine to spiral out of control? There are still possibilities, one is that the United States is very likely to arch fire, provoke, even plan, and create conflicts on the bilateral side; second, Ukraine may misjudge the situation and make provocative moves against Russia; third, it is afraid that the EU will appear hot-headed politicians and cannot see the situation clearly.

Now Russia is in a weak state, the economy is sluggish, and the cumulative number of domestic COVID-19 infections is as high as 9.28 million. In the eyes of the United States, Russia may indeed be a better opponent than China. After all, it is easier for the United States to unite with Europe against Russia than it is to unite with Europe against China.

Russia is in a dangerous situation, China's attitude is crucial to Russia, not to mention that China and the United States have eased the contradictions in stages, and Russia must of course stabilize its relations with China.

Therefore, Russian President Vladimir Putin suddenly said that "now the bilateral relations between China and Russia have reached the highest level in history, with the characteristics of a comprehensive strategic partnership, which can be said to be a model for effective cooperation between countries in the 21st century."

And added, "We are seeing this very clearly, and we will work with our Chinese friends to expand cooperation in the political, economic and other fields in response to Western attempts." ”

Putin's remarks, I am afraid, are more important to emphasize: "We will work with Chinese friends to expand cooperation in the political, economic and other fields to respond to Western attempts." ”

After the Sino-US talks, Europe may face major changes, and the United States may start another incident in Europe?

What Russia thinks and thinks, we naturally understand. On November 19, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that China and Russia are good neighbors who cannot be moved away, and they are also true partners that cannot be dismantled and crushed, and we do not seek a "small circle" of the party to fight against differences, let alone eat the set of divisive division.

This is giving Russia a reassurance pill! Mutual trust between countries is to be established in tests and provocations, and China's statement is to tell Russia that China is worthy of trust, and Russia does not need to worry about it!

With this statement from China, Russia's heart should be half down, but the clouds in Europe are still thick, which still requires Russia to use wisdom to resolve the crisis. For Russia, how to get Europe has become the most important thing to do at present, which is a challenge that Russia must face!

(End of this article)

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