
Convenient fast food rice noodle industry to vacate into a dark horse

author:The era of coarse grains

It is understood that the domestic scale of the convenience fast food industry will reach 250 billion in 2021, new products in recent years have emerged in an endless stream, semi-dry fresh noodles have been born in recent years, several head brands have been born, like South Street Village, Ramen said that the main fresh food noodles have achieved good results, in the convenient rice noodle market segment but do not see new products, mainly or convenient fans, Red Department powder and the like, 2021 is about to pass, but the market suddenly appeared in the corn flour-based convenience grains, it is reported that from Guizhou convenient grain powder brand: Miao Xiangli , is a special research, the production of fast food multigrain powder, not only pure corn flour, but also pure mung bean powder, buckwheat rice flour is also to achieve an amazing content of 50%, basically can be made into a staple food of diabetics, according to insiders said that pure coarse grain to do into vermicelli technical difficulties are relatively large, made into fast food dry vermicelli is more difficult, in the functional food market will also have more high-quality health food.

Convenient fast food rice noodle industry to vacate into a dark horse

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