
With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

author:Shells of shells

Hello, welcome to "Annie's World".

The book that I interpreted for you today is called "Anne of Green Gables", the Chinese edition of this book is about 260,000 words, and I will use the content of 5 issues to explain the essence of this book for you, this issue is the first issue of the explanation.

With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

If asked who is the most touching and beloved character in children's literature to date? I believe that people who are familiar with children's literature will instantly think of the red-haired, freckled, enthusiastic, and fantasy Anne.

American writer Mark. Twain once said: "Anne is the most touching and beloved child figure after the immortal Alice".

Anne was originally an orphan who was adopted by Matthew and Marilla on Prince Edward Island, one unmarried and one unmarried. Although she is slightly rebellious, she is passionate, innocent and kind, hard-working, and finally wins the heartfelt love of adopters and the love and respect of classmates, teachers, and people around her by her own efforts. Anne's experience tells us that you just have to work hard and heaven is free to arrange.

The author of this book is the Canadian female writer Lucy. Hammond. Montgomery. Montgomery wrote more than twenty novels during her lifetime, and Anne of Green Gables, her 1905 debut novel, is the most famous work of her life.

With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

Published more than 110 years ago, it has been translated into 37 languages and has been adapted into musicals, stage plays, films, television series, feature films, audio dramas, etc. "Anne of Green Gables" has a magical quality, the work is full of ordinary life, that is, this ordinary plot that can no longer be ordinary, but it spans time, place, age, gender and nationality, and once published, it will sell well.

Ma Ainong, the Chinese translator of this book, is a leading translator of children's literature in China, and she is also one of the translators of the "Harry Potter" series. Her children's literature translations are full of childlike fun and beautiful and fluent. Anne of Green Gables is Montgomery's first novel and the first translated by Ma ainon.

The combination of two swords will produce fine products, and then, let's walk into Anne's world together.


One afternoon in early June, the warm, bright sun shone on the small town of Afonne, and the orchards were filled with white and pink flowers, like a flush on the bride's cheeks, and thousands of small bees buzzed around the flowers.

At the moment Matthew of Green Gables Farmhouse. Kathbert was supposed to be busy planting late turnips. But at 3:30 p.m. on this busy day, he did not hesitate to drive the light carriage of the maroon mother horse, and what was even stranger was that he wore a white hard collar and a set of the best clothes, and it was obvious that he was going to the outside of the small peninsula of Afonne, and was ready to walk for a long time.

Where did Matthew Sibert go? Why did he go there? This intrigued Mrs. Rachel Linde, who was full of insights on the island of Avonlea. She really couldn't understand what the most shy man in the world, who didn't like to wander among strangers or go to places where he might have to talk to people, was going to do.

Mrs. Rachel racked her brains and found nothing, so she prepared to go to the Green Gables farmhouse herself.

Matthew Car sputta and Mariela Kathbert are brother and sister and neither married.

Marilla had long expected that Mrs. Rachel would not be able to contain her curiosity when she saw Matthew going out, and would come, so she told the truth, "Matthew went to the Brest River, and we brought back a little boy from an orphanage in Nova Scotia, and he came by tonight's train." ”

Even if Marilla had said that Matthew was going to the Brest River to pick up a kangaroo from Australia, Mrs. Rachel would not have been more surprised.

Matthew was almost sixty years old, and his hands and feet were no longer as agile and flexible as before. Coupled with his heart problems, it also caused him a lot of trouble. So the brothers and sisters discussed adopting a clever and reliable boy from ten to eleven years old to help with some chores. They also plan to give him a warm home and send him to school.

When Matthew rode his carriage eight miles to the Bright River, he saw no sign of the train, and thinking that he had come early, he tied the horse to the courtyard of the Bright River Inn and walked to the station house.

There was almost no one on the long platform, and the only thing that could be seen was a little girl sitting on a pair of wooden boards at the end of the platform.

With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

Matthew met the station master, who told him that "the train at half past five has already arrived and left half an hour ago." "But there's a passenger left for you, a girl, and she's sitting on the plank pile over there."

"I don't expect to pick up a girl, I'm here to pick up a boy." Matthew was confused.

The stationmaster walked away on his own, leaving the unfortunate Matthew to do something more difficult for him than to go to the lion's cave and pluck the whiskers, which was to walk up to a strange girl who had lost her parents and ask her why she was not a boy.

However, Matthew did not have to be tortured by speaking first, and when the little girl concluded that he was coming towards her, she held out her hand to him, "I suppose you are Mr. Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables Farmhouse, right?" It's a pleasure to meet you, and I was worried that you wouldn't come and pick me up. ”

Matthew awkwardly held the skinny little hand, but he decided on the spot that something had gone wrong with the sparkling-eyed child, and he was going to take her home for Marilla to explain to her.

With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

The girl jumped out of her mind and chatted with Matthew all the way. The shy Matthew listened with relish and was happy to stay with the little girl.


When Matthew opened the door, Marilla greeted him briskly. She was taken aback when she saw the skinny little girl with a pair of eagerly bright eyes, her red hair combed into two small braids, and her stiff, ugly clothes.

Poor Matthew tells Marilla that Mrs. Spencer, whom they had asked, had brought this little girl, no little boy, and that he could not leave this poor child alone at the train station.

The poor girl finally understood from their conversation that they didn't need her because she wasn't a boy. "I should have known that no one would really want me." She cried bitterly.

Marilla's heart seemed to be touched by the girl's grievances, and promised her, "We will not throw you out tonight." You have to stay here until we've investigated things. What is your name? ”

Marilla finally asked this question we all wanted to know.

The little girl said her name was Annie. Shirley, but she begged everyone to call her Cordelia, because she felt that the name Anne did not have a little romantic color.

Marilla thought twice before deciding to place Anne in a gabled-facing room on the east side. Such a lonely, disheartened, unrelated Anne spent the "worst" night here.

Matthew and Marilla were discussing the child fiercely, and Matthew expressed his liking for Anne both inside and outside, "I can hire a French boy to help me work" and "She can be your companion." Marilla still insisted on not taking the child in.

Anne spent her first morning in green gables farmhouse, where she was mesmerized by the pristine natural beauty.

With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

In the afternoon, Marilla got into the carriage and set out with Anne, who was going to find Mrs. Spencer to find out what was going on.

With the attitude of enjoying the carriage ride, Anne gushed all the way, repeating to Marilla her infinite joy at the natural scenery on the side of the road, and unabashedly telling Marilla how she became an orphan and her life experience of being orphaned.

Marilla absentmindedly rode the carriage, lost in thought, and her heart suddenly churned with sympathy for Anne: what a life of hunger and cold, loneliness, cattle and horses, bleak and poor.


At Mrs. Spencer's house, Marilla figured out that the mistake arose because Mrs. Spencer's brother Robert had his daughter Nancy tell Mrs. Spencer that The Marilla siblings wanted a girl.

Mrs. Spencer did not intend to send Anne back to the orphanage, but was prepared to transfer her to Mrs. Peter Bruit. Marilla witnessed Mrs. Peter Bruit's harsh and rude appearance, and then looked at Anne's pale little face and the wordless misery in her expression, and said a sentence that Anne would never forget: "Matthew wanted to keep her, I came just to find out how this misunderstanding happened, and I thought I would better take her home and consult with Matthew." ”

In the evening, when they returned to the green gables farmhouse, Matthew greeted them early on the path. Marilla told Matthew that she was ready to keep Annie, "I'm going to take responsibility and train her to be a useful person," "I don't want to tell her tonight she can stay," Marilla worried that telling Anne she would be excited to sleep.

For reasons that only she knew best, Marilla knew that the next afternoon she would tell Anne that she could stay at Green Gables Farmhouse.

Anne, who had finally been satisfied with her wish to stay at the Green Gables farmhouse, said in a panicked tone, "I am too happy to be happy anymore." ”

With hope, it is possible to make dreams come true

The serious and stereotypical Marilla did not agree with Anne's assumptions and immediately announced, "Anne, when I ask you to do something, I want you to obey my orders at once, rather than standing still and nagging endlessly." ”

Anne, who wishes to stay, wants to make a close and close friend at Green Gables Farmhouse, and Marilla tells her that Diana Barry, who lives on the orchard slopes there, is coming back and that maybe they can become good friends.

In the mirror, Anne's angular, freckled little face and serious gray eyes reflected in her heart, and she sighed in her heart, "Anne who makes Green Gables Farmhouse is a million times better than Anywhere else, isn't it?" ”

Anne waved the cherry blossoms with her fingertips, threw a few flying kisses, and then held her chin in both hands, immersed in the boundless rich fantasy. At this moment, Anne is immersed in boundless longing, so what will she experience at the Green Gables Farmhouse next? Let's look forward to the interpretation of the next issue.

That's all for this episode, thank you for listening.

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