
Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

Zheng Banqiao's October family letter, a warm old and warm and poor, a Banqiao family style, the great lover is admirable

"Firmly believe that the green mountain does not relax, and the root is in the broken rock."

Thousands of grinding blows are still strong, and Ren'er's east, west, south and north winds are strong. "Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone"

Zheng Banqiao is a strange man. This strangeness is not eccentric, but high shore. But this kind of high shore is not the kind of wealth and vulnerability that ordinary scribes or scholars despise the world and stand upstream of a certain chain of contempt, but like an old vine, it grows upwards, and finally reaches a panoramic view of the mountains that can be compared with the pine trees of Huangshan Mountain. In my eyes, he is a vine rooted in the valley but growing into a towering tree, and the wind and frost during the period are all twists and turns on the vines.

But Zheng Banqiao was modest and only said that he was a bamboo.

He only said that he was a bamboo rooted in the cracks of the rocks in the mountains, firmly grasping the roots of the rocks, rooting in the rocky land with tenacious vitality, being hit by the mountain wind and frost and rain, and being tenacious in the wind, whether it was the east, west, south, north and south winds.

The bamboo he said was very similar to the vine, the roots of the bamboo were as strong as the dirt, the dragons and snakes in the ground, but on the surface they were verdant and dashing. He said this about himself because he loved bamboo and had spent a long time painting bamboo for a living. But my metaphor is to look at him through time and times, and to extrovert his vigorous, simple and moving feelings and spirit.

Because I was touched by his October family letter.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

In the Qing Dynasty, ordinary Han Chinese became officials through the imperial examination, and the probability was pitifully low. I understand that Fan Jinzhong is a person who will go crazy. Some official positions in the Qing Dynasty were given to the Han jinshi, which was an expedient art of rule, in fact, it was not to select talents, but to eliminate talents. Most of the important posts are occupied by the flag people, so in some deputy posts and low-level positions, the Han jinshi have actually deviated from the possibility of traditional literati participating in state governance through the imperial examination.

But why are there still countless Han students who want to be admitted to become officials, because it is very realistic that being an official is certainly not qualified to serve the country and the people, but they can change their fate, and having power means having money. This is the motivation of the cold door students.

It is precisely because there are more monks and fewer porridges than ever before, so the competition is quite fierce, and the eight strands of text must be written in one hundred thousand miles, and it is not possible to touch all kinds of text taboos, because the qing dynasty's text prison is very clear.

So if you don't have the background of Naran Sexde, it is simply impossible to become a soldier in your twenties. Moreover, because Naran Zhide is a flag man, even Qianlong has questioned his actual level, aren't you just because you have occupied the quota of flag people, and there is a good father Nalan Mingzhu?

Therefore, basically Han students have no drama after lifting people in the examination. The cold window of the Qing Dynasty should be more than ten years, most people have been studying hard in the cold window all their lives, and after the birth of the child, xiucai, and after the show talent. However, in order to enter the middle of the soldiers, many people are also fighting, three years a test, the family is not rich is likely to take the exam twice, the family is ruined. Such an inner volume.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

To talk about these backgrounds, it is said that Zheng Banqiao's examination is not easy to enter the soldier, it is almost like winning the lottery, Fan Jinzhongju immediately went crazy, but Zheng Banqiao was steady, and when he entered the army, he was already forty-three years old. He is not the kind of reader who immerses himself in hard reading, who only reads the books of the sages and does not hear anything out of the window, because he has no conditions, he is poor.

The family road in his father's generation has long declined, the mother died at the age of three, fortunately, Deng Banqiao is smart, reading, 20 years old to take the exam in the show talent, to know that someone has taken a lifetime of talent, but the advantage of show talent is that you are qualified to teach in the countryside, it is also a profession, but the income of this profession is very low, depending on how much others are willing to give you. Soon his father, who loved him and supported his family, was gone, and he had a wife and two children to support, and his life was very difficult.

At the age of 30, he had no way to live, so he had to go to Yangzhou to sell paintings. One of his children died prematurely. He loves to paint bamboo, because Huang Lu bitter bamboo is his life, going out to make a living in such a cold and sad state, Zheng Banqiao has no intention of selling for a price like Jia Yu Village, he is sincere and sincere, and integrates his spirituality and the sadness of life into one bamboo after another.

Because his bamboo map is very special, naturally not a shoddy new year's goods, so the business gradually improved, such a hard civilian career and natural wisdom, let him see the bottom of this society from the countryside to the city.

As more and more cultured people like his bamboo works, Zheng Banqiao has a strange wind bone and rich life experience in painting bamboo, and has met a lot of qingliu in Beijing. He reminds me of Zhang Ziye, a rare Qingke in the Dream of the Red Chamber, who presided over the planning of the layout and construction of the Grand View Garden. And I think that Zheng Banqiao, who is in his 30s, also has such a genius.

Ten years of Yangzhou paintings, is the stage of Zheng Banqiao's character and ideological stereotyping, he is straight, high-shore, but simple, has an extraordinary observation of art, society, life, but this power is calm and upward, rooted in the bottom, inclusive.

At the age of 40, Zheng Banqiao took the exam. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the honor of raising people can improve the family situation and become a local squire, at this time, Zheng Banqiao's family situation began to improve.

At the age of 43, Zheng Banqiao ushered in the highlight of his life, Jinshi and the first. It means that he can be qualified to be an official.

From the perspective of Zheng Banqiao's talent, this jinshi came too late, but from the perspective of the Qing Dynasty's jinshi system, Zheng Banqiao was very lucky.

But he is different from Jia Yu Village, Jia Yu Village is painstakingly running for officials, what he wants is greed, but at this time, Zheng Banqiao's life personality is fixed, and then the hard days have come, and there is such an opportunity, he is ready to do something practical.

However, in the bad bureaucratic system of the Qing Dynasty, it was not necessary to have official work in the middle of the jinshi, and this waited until the age of 49.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

Zheng Banqiao, 49 years old, finally became a county magistrate in Fan County. Here, he uses his talents to improve people's livelihoods.

In October of that year, he received a letter from his brother telling him the good news of the harvest of rice fields.

"On October 26, I received a letter from my family, and I was very happy to know that the new field had received five hundred autumn crops. And now and then, it is a farmer who has no world! It is necessary to make a mill, make a sieve dustpan, make a broom of all sizes, and make a douhuo. The women in the family, leading all the concubines, all made Xi Shu trample on the matter, which is a kind of longevity atmosphere that depends on the countryside. When it was cold and frozen, poor relatives and friends came to the door, first brewed a large bowl of fried rice to send to the hand, accompanied by a small plate of sauce and ginger, the most warm old and poor utensils. Eating rice cakes, boiling porridge, holding bowls in both hands, shrinking necks and sipping, frost morning and snow early, get warm all around. Woohoo! Woohoo! I am a farmer and I have no world! "Zheng Xie's excerpt from the Fourth Text of the Fan County (衙) Bureau" in the Sending Ofe Brother Mo

This is a family letter, not an announcement, this is a simple conversation between relatives, with a distinct personal color. On October 26, I received a letter from you, saying that the new field received 500 grains, counting from one grain and five buckets, five buckets of about 75 kilograms, such a harvest, three hundred meters of field, 125 kilograms per mu, is really not high now, but it has made Zheng Banqiao happy, because these solid grains are really feeding his wife and children, his brother's family. This is the money that Zheng Banqiao has been operating in takeaway painting for many years, and it was given to his younger brother, who purchased field property and worked hard. He said, I would like to be a farmer in this life. He told his brother that the family should buy agricultural tools and mobilize women to participate in agricultural labor.

Even if there is a harvest of these three hundred acres of land, it is not possible to be the local lord, when it is cold, poor relatives and friends come to the door, they must first brew a large bowl of fried rice, warm baking on their hands, dipped in a plate of sauce ginger, that is the warmest old and poorest and the most considerate way. Because of this kind of porridge, in the frost morning and snow early, it is the most warm-up. Zheng Banqiao said, I am willing to be a farmer to grow old.

Then Zheng Banqiao at this time for the county order, the so-called three years of Qing prefect, 100,000 snowflake silver, even if Fan County is small, if he wants to be greedy, why not say that the harvest of this hundred acres of land? But he sincerely wanted to be a peasant, and after the income of his labor, he could help others in the most practical and simple way.

Warm old and poor, Jia Yucun can't think of this word, he only has to climb up in his heart, he can coldly watch Xiangling enter the fire pit, he can force a few fans to force the stone idiot to ruin, but Zheng Banqiao's heart is always at the bottom, because he came out of the most difficult bottom.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

"I think that the first people in heaven and earth are only farmers, and the soldiers are the last of the four peoples. The peasants cultivate 100 acres of land, followed by 70 or 80 acres, followed by 50 or 60 acres, all of whom are bitter, diligent, and harvested, so as to feed the people of the world. Let there be no farmers in the world, and the whole world will starve to death. My generation of readers, as soon as they hold books, think about how to grab money, build big houses, and buy productive land. I started and went the wrong way, and then I got worse and worse, and there was always no good result. Those who cannot develop it, the townships do evil, and the small head is sharp, let alone deserve it. And the soldier alone is the inconvenience of the people, no wonder it is the end of the four people! And seek to dwell at the end of the four peoples, and neither can they attain it. "Excerpt from the family letter

This is Zheng Banqiao's sincere heart of cherishing farmers, and this is the most simple and pure view he has seen after witnessing the ugly reality of society, which is completely different from the trend in the world. Readers think that they are high, reading is to make money as an official, and reading is to live in a big house in the future, the local lord. Those who could not pass the entrance examination and could not become an official did evil in the township. I said that the readers were the last class of the peasants, peasants, and industrialists, because they could not catch up with the peasants. Farmers can cultivate hundreds of acres, relying on their own hard work to eat and feed the people of the world, so I respect farmers the most.

Although all the dynasties have been based on agriculture, in reality, how many people like Zheng Banqiao really respect farmers? It's all a set of books, a set of deeds, high above, full of compassion. Mercy is not reverence.

"The foolish brother is the heaviest farmer in his life, and the newly recruited tenant must be treated with courtesy. Be physical, have mercy on him, borrow money, take care of him; forgive him if you can't repay. The woman of wuyi could not weave silk and cloth, but the Lord gave in the middle and learned needle and thread, and it was still prudent to be diligent. Recently, there are quite a few drum words, with the fighting leaf as a play, the customs are popular, and it is urgent to quit. "Excerpt from Zheng Banqiao's family letter."

I respect the farmer the most in my life, and if you want to hire someone to cultivate, you have to remember that everyone is equal, and no one is expensive or cheap. If they have a loan and can't repay it, give it away. Although women in their hometown do not use weaving, they are also diligent and cautious in learning needlework. I heard that recently women there like to listen to plays, to gamble for entertainment, the customs are gradually losing simplicity, you are at home, pay attention to warn them, not this.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

"Although my family's land is three hundred acres, it is always a pawn, and it cannot be long-lasting. In the future, it is necessary to buy two hundred acres of land, give it to the two brothers, each get one hundred acres is enough, and the ancient husband and wife will receive the righteousness of one hundred acres of land. If you ask for more, you will occupy people's property, which is a great sin. Or: "The strangers in the world, the more surplus there are hundreds of acres, what will the son do?" "Ying Zhi zhi: He does his own housework, I do my own house affairs, the world's tao sheng is a virtue to obey the king, the customs of stealing are different from evil, and it is also the Itabashi family law." Brother word. "Excerpt from Zheng Banqiao's family letter."

My family has three hundred acres of land, but it is often used as collateral, which is not long-lasting. In the future, we will buy two hundred acres of land, and one hundred acres of land and I will be enough for you alone. This is what was said in ancient times, a person has the obligation and responsibility to cultivate a hundred acres of land. If you buy more, you are taking advantage of someone else's property. Some people will say that others have more than a hundred acres of land, is it not good to be directly the lord? If someone talks to you like this, you will answer, he is his family's business, I am my family's business, the world is prosperous, we abide by the law, the world is not good, we do not do evil, this is the family law of my Itabashi family.

Then with Zheng Banqiao's current status and strength, investing in and merging hundreds of acres of heaven and earth, he should have assets, but he said to his brother, because these three hundred acres of land, may be lost because of mortgage, we only need one person to buy a hundred acres of land, enough for the family to eat and cultivate themselves. Resolutely do not buy more land, and many of these lands are not much, just enough for one family to operate and cultivate.

Then I have to say that Zheng Banqiao is a man with a heart for the world, and he cannot change the reality of many people in the Qing Dynasty annexing land, but in his own home, he resolutely stands as a farmer with a hundred acres of land, and also tells his brother in this way.

In the official arena, he was not unaware that it was money and power that climbed upwards, but he knew even more clearly that the roots of this country were agriculture and peasants, the hardest and most silent group of people.

When he was harvesting in his hometown, he did not think of expanding his real estate, but of warming the old and the poor, having food for himself, others also wanting to eat, having his own land to plant, and others to have land to plant. Keep your conscience and bottom line in order not to do it.

This is a kind of great love, a simple affection rooted in the people and the suffering of the people, and a different kind of Qing Dynasty official.

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

In Zheng Banqiao's ten-year career as an official, he has always put the suffering of the people in his heart, he has opened a warehouse to provide disaster relief, and there are countless people. The last time, he thought that he would ask for relief for the people, and he was deposed for angering the officials. If he coveted the future of his career, how could he end up like this, but he did not regret it, and insisted on his conscience, like a vine and green bamboo shade for the people.

So read this Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" again, you will find that kind of root bone, that is not an arrogant bone, is rooted in the folk, representing the folk, not separated from the folk and grow into a large bamboo vine of the kind of shore, not clear cold, inside is a deep love and temperature for the land and the people.

The reason why I say that Zheng Banqiao is more like a green old vine is because of the bamboo wind and snow, but although Zheng Banqiao has no official position, he has practiced that tenacity and broad love for life.

So I said his man was stranger than his bamboo, green and high shore like an ancient vine.

Tachibana is in the rocks!

Zheng Banqiao's "Bamboo Stone" poem and his early winter October family letter are admirable

Chuyi Shengxue interprets Zheng Banqiao for you.

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