
How much is the authentic calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao

author:Poly sent to the auction collection department


How much is the authentic Zhengbanqiao? Formerly known as Zheng Xie, the character Kerou, the number of Li'an, also known as Banqiao, known as Mr. Banqiao, Jiangsu Xinghua people, ancestral home of Suzhou. Qing Dynasty calligrapher and painter, writer. Kangxi Xiucai, Yongzheng Ten Years Raised, Qianlong First Year (1736) Jinshi. So how much is the real zhengbanqiao real thing worth, let's look at the historical auction record!

How much is the authentic calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao

Zheng Xie (1693-1765) Bamboo stone diagram

The reference price is RMB 6,500,000-8,500,000

Realized price RMB 7,475,000

By Zheng Xie (1693-1765)

Material Ink paper vertical shaft

Size 180×95.5 cm. Approx. 15.5 flat feet

Seal of Zheng Xie, Ke Rou, Bing Chen Jin Shi Ten Wat Mao Zhai, one side of the patio, repair bamboo poles, stalagmites a few feet, its land is not much, its cost is not much. And there is sound in the wind and rain, there is a shadow in the sun and the moon, there is love in the wine in the poem, there is companionship in the idleness, not only I love bamboo, but also love me. He who has made a garden pavilion with thousands of gold, or travels in all directions, cannot enjoy it for the rest of his life. And my generation wants to travel to the famous mountains and rivers, and for a while can not go immediately, how is it like a small scene in a room, with feelings and taste, lasting and new? Why is it difficult to plan this picture to construct this situation? It is hidden in the secret, and it can also be put back into the six combinations. Itabashi old man Zheng Xie.

How much is the authentic calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao

Zheng Xie (paragraph) Ink bamboo, Lishu

Reference price RMB 3,000-6,000

Realized price RMB 40,250

Author Zheng Xie (paragraph)


Textured paper

Form vertical shaft

Size 45×29cm(2) Approximately 1.2 flat feet per frame

Seal of Zheng Xie, seal of Zheng Xie

Inscription 1: Itabashi resident. 2. Banqiao.

Tibetan Seal: Xutang Fable, FanShan Appreciation

How much is the authentic calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao

Zheng Xie (paragraph) Ink bamboo diagram

Realized price RMB 11,500

Size 139×40cm approx. 5.1 square feet

Created in 1753

Seal of Zheng Xie, Seven Pins of Official Ears

The inscription Qianlong 癸酉秋日 was written in a small bookstore. Itabashi Zheng Xie.

Tibetan seal: Pan on the examination, Sangantang collection, Huangyan Pan on the collection of calligraphy and painting

Same Collector: "Sangantang" Old Collection (Lot2144-Lot2149)

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