
Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

author:Luo Yu of ShengHuainan

If you open the relevant spy movie, it is easy to find that if a person is caught by a secret agent, it is probably difficult to escape. However, during the Republic of China period, there was such a person, who, as a woman's weak body, was caught by the secret agents and was imprisoned, but she was jointly rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and other great literary heroes, and even later even Chairman Mao praised her as "Miss Wen yesterday, General Wu today". Why can there be such a big face?

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

She is the famous female writer Ding Ling in China. Jiang Wei, a native of Hunan, graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature of Shanghai University and is known as Bingxin's successor, writing the novel "The Sun Shines on the Sangan River", the short story "The Diary of Madam Sha Fei", and the short story collection "In the Dark". But the outstanding female writer of the Republic of China is vicious, why does she have such a big face?

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

This is because Ding Ling's works were very influential at that time. This has to start from Ding Ling's mother, in the twenties of the last century, Ding Ling's mother broke through the cage of the old family, strong pursuit of her own freedom and light, her mother's experience gave her a huge impact, coupled with the influence of ideological emancipation in the May Fourth period, Ding Ling began to speak out for women in the background of the times.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

For example, she wrote "Mengke", which is a story about a desperate situation after escaping from a feudal family and facing the beatings of society. Such stories were different at the time, because the main theme of the May Fourth period was to advocate freedom, but Ding Ling's works focused on the tragedies that could be brought about behind freedom. After all, women at that time belonged to the weak forces, and suddenly entering society may face no small threat. Such works were great at the time.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

At the same time, she also wrote "The Diary of Lady Shafi". This novel directly established her position in the Chinese literary scene, and the protagonist Sha Fei is a petty-bourgeois rebellious and depressed intellectual woman after the retreat of the May Fourth ideology, and the inner turmoil after the failure of the pursuit of ideals. Such a role, in fact, a large number of young intellectuals at that time were common to them, they imitated the torrent of the times, did a morbid struggle with their families, and after failure, they seemed to lose their attitudes, which was very critical and thought-provoking. Express the bitterness and pain of young intellectual women, and write that they want to break free from the narrow world.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

More importantly, she was one of the first writers to testify about the social activities of our Party at that time. For example, her "Wei Hu", "Shanghai One in the Spring of 1930" and "Shanghai Ii in the Spring of 1930" are all the best answers to readers and the times after she joined the Left League. The publication of these works has made her have a great reputation, and even been praised by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others. However, such a promising writer in Beijing actually went to Yan'an.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

This move of hers was quite a direct indication of her political ideals at the time. How great is that? Because our party's sphere of influence was not very large at that time, such an act directly offended the authorities and laid the groundwork for her later arrest. After Ding Ling arrived in Yan'an, she had new literary creations, but she did not change her critical thinking and began to describe some social phenomena in Yan'an at that time.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

Among them, the most famous is "The Sun Shines on the Sangan River". The novel describes the situation in the early days of the land reform movement in the Liberated Areas of North China in 1946, and the land reform movement in an ordinary village like Wenshuitun truly and vividly reflects the sharp and complex class struggle in the countryside, reveals the different mental states of different classes, and portrays the achievements of our party in Yan'an at that time. Later, she also joined the army, so she was praised by Chairman Mao.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

And the works she wrote brought her fame and danger. On May 14, 1933, Ding Ling was secretly kidnapped by Kuomintang agents at her home. On the 17th of the same month, Shanghai's "Damei Evening News" published the news "Ms. Ding Ling's Disappearance", and then some newspapers and periodicals in Shanghai, Tianjin and Beiping successively reported that this matter became a hot spot in society. Later, Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi, Cai Yuanpei, Lu Xun and others all sent her articles to rescue her. Later, because of her fame and the help of celebrities from all walks of life, she was released.

Ding Ling: Arrested by secret agents, why can they be rescued by Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others?

Ding Ling's experience is bumpy, Ding Ling's talent is outstanding, Ding Ling's contribution is great, and the most important of them is that she has single-handedly pulled a large number of young talents for Yan'an. This is probably the greatest contribution of a writer to the times.

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