
"New Era Star Host" 2021 Zhangjiakou News Media Group Top Ten Hosts Selection - Zhang Jie, Xiao Xiao

author:Zhangjiakou News

Zhangjiakou News and Media Group has received strong support from listeners, viewers and netizens over the years, and the anchors of Zhangjiakou Radio and Television Station have also accompanied everyone in various columns and programs. On the occasion of the 22nd Journalists' Day, Zhangjiakou News media group launched the "New Era • Star Host" 2021 Top Ten Hosts Selection Activity.

"New Era Star Host" 2021 Zhangjiakou News Media Group Top Ten Hosts Selection - Zhang Jie, Xiao Xiao

This event gathered the excellent anchors of various frequencies and channels of the group, and from November 8, it was displayed in Zhangjiakou News Network, Zhangjiakou Mobile Phone Station, Zhangjiakou Daily Public Account and other platforms for centralized display and opened online voting, welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to and vote enthusiastically, thank you for your participation and support.

Zhang Jie

"New Era Star Host" 2021 Zhangjiakou News Media Group Top Ten Hosts Selection - Zhang Jie, Xiao Xiao

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Zhang Jie is the host of Zhangjiakou TV's "Zhangjiakou News Network", "County News" and "Sign Language News". His hosting works have won the first prize of the Municipal Radio, Film and Television Program Award, and I have been awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Reader" of Hebei Province's large-scale urban reading activity "Leading Reading Hebei • Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China" and "Excellent Host" of Municipal Television Station.

The 8-year hosting road has made me understand that the 5 words "I am the host" are the professional beliefs that we have chosen this profession and will practice for a lifetime. Soldiers can not not hongyi, the task is heavy and the road is long, the people of hongyi, with benevolence as their responsibility, the road is obstructed and long, the line is coming, the line is coming, the line is not quitting, then the future can be expected!


"New Era Star Host" 2021 Zhangjiakou News Media Group Top Ten Hosts Selection - Zhang Jie, Xiao Xiao

Small, 986 morning peak "Good Morning Music" anchor, fresh and sweet secondary two, sweet can be sweet A, voice control, variety control, action foodie, imitation madman. 986 "Reading Sharing Meeting", "Follow the Anchor to Punch in", "The Whole City Is In Love" Host.

Holders of CET Level 4 English Certificate, CET Level 6 English Certificate, Putonghua Level 1 B Certificate, Radio and Television Editor and Journalist Qualification Certificate, Radio and Television Announcer Host Qualification Certificate, etc.

The host program "Good Morning Music" won the second prize of the Zhangjiakou News media group excellent program selection, won the second prize of the monthly evaluation of the 986 live program, and received praise and commendation on the media publicity work of the "2021 Hebei Winter Olympics Ice and Snow Industry Talent Exchange Conference"; hosted and wrote an interview and wrote a hundred radio stations across the country "My Family Lives on Jiefang Road - Zhangjiakou" to integrate media reports, published a book of the same name, the content was broadcast on the Learning Power APP, and hosted "Great, My Weekend" The number of interactions exceeded 82,000.

"New Era Star Host" 2021 Zhangjiakou News Media Group Top Ten Hosts Selection - Zhang Jie, Xiao Xiao

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