
From the small can look at the big, look at the morning to know the day - Milton's "Paradise" quote


Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Instead of being a servant in heaven, it is better to be a lord in hell.

- Milton, Paradise Lost

Awake,arise or be forever fall'n.

Wake up, get up, or you'll sink forever.

—John Milton, Paradise Lost

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

The mind is a place of autonomy, and when you think about it, heaven becomes hell; when you think about it, hell becomes heaven.

From the small can look at the big, look at the morning to know the day - Milton's "Paradise" quote

Long is the way and hard,that out of hell leads up to light.

The road is long and distant, and as soon as you come out of hell, you will be bright.

Learn to live the simplest way and don't let complicated thoughts ruin the sweetness of life.

- Milton

Loneliness is one of the best forms of communication

The road to truth is harsh and difficult.

There are as many sins as there are laws

Books are not inanimate things, they contain a kind of life potential, just as active as the author. Not only that, but it is also like a treasure vase, preserving the purest essence of the author's vibrant wisdom

From the small can look at the big, look at the morning to know the day - Milton's "Paradise" quote

Instead of being a slave in heaven, it is better to be king in hell.

Order emerges from chaos

To kill is to kill a rational animal, and to forbid a good book is to destroy reason itself

—John Milton

A good book is the precious blood of a master artist, a life beyond life, a blood that can be remembered and cherished

There are people who live without any goal, who walk in the world, like a small grass in a river, not walking, but following the current.

The mind is its own place,and in itself,can make a heav'n of hell,a hell of heav'n.

The realm is born from the heart, and the direction of the heart can make heaven into hell, and it can also turn hell into heaven.

If you want to prove your steadfastness, first prove your faithfulness

I woke up and she went. Day brings me night again.

- Milton, "Dream of a Dead Wife"

From the small can look at the big, look at the morning to know the day - Milton's "Paradise" quote

The wise man is like a good processing plant, able to draw the essence from the most inferior works

The music contains such a pleasant and inspiring power

Consciousness itself can make hell into heaven, and it can also toss heaven into hell.

Having money can make ghosts grind

I learned the way to seek happiness: limit my desires instead of trying to satisfy them.

Doing good is never our task, and doing evil is our only pleasure, and this is true.

It is too bright and dark.

From the small can look at the big, look at the morning to know the day - Milton's "Paradise" quote

My passing years passed suddenly, but my twilight spring never blossomed and budded.

- Milton, "Meet the Twenty-Three"

The countless messes that arise on the earth are due to the entanglement of women's nets and those who marry women; or because they can't find a suitable object, they have to retreat to the second place, which brings him misfortune and mistakes; or they fall in love but are blocked by their parents; or they choose a beautiful woman, but they hate each other late, and they are robbed by the shameless enemies they hate. This is the reason for causing endless disasters in the world and destroying the peaceful life of families.

For those of faith, death is the door to eternal life.

Man's value lies not at all in the quantity of truth he has or tries to possess, but in his earnest efforts to find the truth. The power of human beings does not increase by possession, but increases through pursuit.

—-John Milton

"Why should I think about something that others already have such a decisive and absolute understanding?"

All these people want to do is live a comfortable and contented life, just want to revel in dreams day and night.

- Milton, "One Good a Day"

Tranquility is the crown of self-denial.

The red light on her face could not make her heart turn,

Can we exchange crying for a mournful face?

Beautiful words still can't be embedded in her heart mold,

Could it be that pretending to be dumb will actually become?

If she herself is not emotional at all,

You can't force her anyway.

—John Milton, "Why Is It So Pale, Gaunt, Obsessed"

From small can look at the big, look at the morning to know the day.

- Milton, "Paradise"

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