
Insist on circuit trials and create a new era of "horseback courtrooms"

author:People's Express

Courts at all levels of the Corps have carried out in-depth party history study and education and contingent education and rectification, persisted in normalizing circuit trials, actively built a judicial service network that combines grass-roots courts with people's courtrooms, judges' workrooms, and full coverage of urban and rural areas, went deep into regimental and company units, border pastures, and fields, and used "vehicle-mounted courts," "horseback courts," and "tent courts" to prevent and resolve contradictions and disputes in an all-round and three-dimensional manner, provide judicial services at the "doorstep" of the masses of workers and staff, and make full use of justice to promote the modernization of grass-roots social governance.

I. Proactively understand social conditions and public opinions, and strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law

The vast number of judges go deep into the company, into the community and the fields, and among the masses, truly grasp the social conditions and public opinion, understand what the masses think, think, and demand, smooth the channels for communication and expression of public opinion, and grasp the new judicial needs of the masses. For the people's opinions and suggestions on judicial work, promptly report and feedback the results of handling to the masses.

The Corps Court is close to reality, focusing on strengthening publicity and education on the legal system among companies, members of the "two committees" in the community, young people in the community, and the vast number of herdsmen, and focusing on publicizing the Constitution and the Civil Code, as well as laws and regulations closely related to the people's livelihood, such as labor and social security, urban housing demolition, safe production, public order management, marriage and family, social assistance, and cracking down on criminal offenses, so as to enhance the masses' legal awareness. In response to hot legal issues of common concern to the people, actively carry out legal consultation, and hold special lectures on law in a timely manner. For the masses of the people whose lawful rights and interests have been infringed upon, increase the intensity of legal guidance, and guide the masses to safeguard their rights in accordance with law and in a rational manner.

A strong youth is a strong country. The People's Court of Urukken District of the Second Division of the Corps carried out a series of anti-telecommunications fraud publicity activities to send the law to the campus, the law to the community, the law to the shops, and the law to the bazaar, sent the children the "first legal lesson of the school year" in the autumn, persuaded residents to download the APP of the National Anti-Fraud Center, carried out training on preventing telecommunications fraud for the financial personnel of enterprises in the jurisdiction, and used new media such as weChat public accounts to broaden publicity, effectively building an "anti-fraud wall" for the telecommunications network in the jurisdiction. In order to do a good job in publicizing and educating young people on the rule of law, the Intermediate People's Court of the Sixth Division of the Corps invited teachers and students of Wujiaqu No. 3 Primary School to enter the court and simulate the trial on the spot. Elementary school students play the roles of chief judge, judge, people's assessor, clerk, bailiff, plaintiff, defendant, legal guardian, and lawyer, simulating the trial of a right to health dispute case caused by a student fight. Judge Shi Juan of the Sixth Division Intermediate Court commented and guided the trial process and the students' performance one by one, and truly reproduced the scene of the trial through civil trial procedures such as court investigation, court arguments, and the parties' final statements. Judge Shi Juan said happily: "The 'moot court' makes the children feel the majesty of the law, cultivates their awareness of rules and rule of law thinking, and educates them to understand the boundaries of behavior, which is a vivid rule of law education class."

II. Strengthen people's mediation guidance, properly resolving contradictions and disputes

Courts at all levels of the Corps adhere to the principle of giving priority to prevention, tackling the problem at the source, putting early warning first, and giving priority to mediation; on the basis of grasping the early, grasping the small, and grasping the signs, they go deep into the community companies to investigate contradictions and disputes, give full play to their professional strengths to resolve contradictions at the grass-roots level, move the work of the "last line of defense" to the "first line," and earnestly resolve contradictions and disputes at the grass-roots level and nip them in the bud.

The broad masses of grassroots judges take the initiative to perform their duties of guiding people's mediation, strengthen ties with communities, companies, and other grassroots organizations, improve grassroots people's mediation networks, and support people's mediation committees in carrying out their work. Establish judicial aid mechanisms for vulnerable groups in communities and companies, establish green channels for expedited establishment, expedited trial, and expedited enforcement of cases involving poverty alleviation targets, low-income security personnel, and people in need, provide convenient and high-quality legal services, and ensure the realization of their lawful rights and interests. In order to improve the rule of law quality and mediation skills of people's mediators, give full play to the role of people's mediation as the "first line of defense".

The courts of the Third Division of the Corps carry out full-time people's mediators to study and train with the class, and the training content mainly involves familiarity with the working environment and various rules and regulations of the court, people's mediation training, participation in the grass-roots mediation of contradictions under the court, and learning judges' mediation skills to increase legal knowledge. In the follow-up learning activities, the judge of the Tumukhuk Reclamation District People's Court led the people's mediators to several regimental venues such as the 44th Regiment, the 50th Regiment, and the 53rd Regiment to conduct on-site mediation. By strengthening the operational guidance of people's mediators, we will continuously improve the legal literacy and mediation skills of people's mediators, and make every effort to provide high-quality judicial services to the masses.

III. Give full play to the advantages of circuit trials, and build a new pattern of grassroots social governance

Based on local realities, the Corps Court has improved the pertinence of serving the overall situation, practiced the effectiveness of "people-centered", enhanced the radiation of judicial services, and continuously promoted the in-depth, realistic, and detailed development of circuit trial work. The vast number of judges have broken their mindset, changed from "passive justice" to "dynamic justice", changed from "waiting for cases to come to the door" to "actively resolving", changed from "sitting in court to try cases" to "going to the door to resolve disputes", and did a solid job in giving priority to mediation, litigation and non-docking, accepting case filing, combining mediation and judgment, return visits, and linking trial and enforcement, so as to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of circuit trials, and actively respond to the judicial needs and concerns of the people.

Constantly innovate ways and methods to promote a circuit trial model that conforms to the actual conditions of the region. With "circuit trial" as the starting point, "judge's studio" + "conflict mediation center" + "visiting Huiju task force" as the carrier, to create a new era of "horseback court". Give full play to the unique advantages of bilingual judges in facilitating and benefiting the people, actively provide the ethnic minority masses with efficient and fair bilingual litigation guidance, mediation, trial, documentation, and other litigation services, fully guarantee the right of ethnic minorities to fully use their own ethnic languages and scripts to conduct litigation, use ethnic languages to convey the voice of the rule of law, and vigorously promote the construction of the rule of law and the work of ethnic unity and progress in the jurisdiction of the Corps.

In order to enhance the mediation skills of the people's mediators, Judge Ayisham Tohusun of the Bali Kunken District People's Court of the 13th Division of the Corps took the people's mediators who studied with him directly to Hanjiazhuangzi in Shirenzi Township, Bari Kun County, and observed and tried a dispute over the return of the original defendant to the original object. In the kazakh herdsmen's yard, judges, clerks, translators, plaintiffs, defendants and entrusted agents each took their seats to form a temporary court, and the majestic national emblem made everyone present feel the authority of the law. After court investigation, the parties presented evidence, cross-examined evidence, court debate, civil mediation and other links, the trial process was orderly, the presiding judge incisively summarized the focus of the dispute, used plain language to explain the law and reason, and promoted the local resolution of contradictions and disputes.

"The way of the university is in Mingmingde, in the people, and in the ultimate good." The Corps Court will thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Forum of Presidents of High Courts, explore the "Ma Xi Five Trial Methods" in the new era, earnestly give play to the important role of the "Horseback Court" in the new era, persist in serving the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, serving grass-roots social governance, and serving the needs of the people's high-quality life, actively promote the implementation of the results of the education and rectification of the contingent, and effectively do practical things for the masses and solve difficult problems with judicial services with strength, right and wrong, and temperature.

(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region High People's Court Corps Branch Liu Bin)

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