
In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?


As a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation in the last century, Deng Yingchao, like Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and others, devoted his life's efforts to the establishment of New China and the building of socialism. For Deng Yingchao, maintaining the territorial integrity of the motherland and realizing the unity of the two sides of the taiwan strait has been her unremitting pursuit since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 1949, the Kuomintang government led by Chiang Kai-shek was defeated, and the remnants fled to Taiwan, where they soon established a separatist regime. Deng Yingchao and Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Mei-ling, met as early as the War of Resistance Against Japan for the protection of children. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Deng Yingchao and Song Meiling also maintained correspondence.

However, although the two maintained a certain friendship in private, Deng Yingchao and Song Meiling have always had differences on political issues. In 1984, Deng Yingchao publicly issued "advice" to Taiwan, saying that "the reunification of the motherland is imperative, and the split is only a brief episode." However, after Song Meiling learned of this, how to reply to the letter

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Since the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland, when Taiwan will be able to return to the embrace of the motherland has become the most anticipated thing for the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and even countless overseas Chinese compatriots. In fact, as early as the last century, Deng Yingchao has always been very concerned about the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and has made great contributions to this end.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

At the beginning of 1984, Deng Yingchao delivered an important speech at the New Year Tea Party of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In this speech, Deng Yingchao focused on the work toward Taiwan and expressed in detail his views on the issue of Taiwan's peaceful reunification.

Deng Yingchao proposed that in order for Taiwan to return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date, it can take the initiative to propose equal negotiations to the Kuomintang government, advocate the third kuomintang-communist cooperation, and with the joint efforts of the two parties, promote the great cause of the reunification of the motherland and realize cross-strait postal, shipping, and trade links at an early date.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Not only that, Deng Yingchao also openly extended an invitation to the Taiwan authorities and the Taiwan masses, hoping that they would personally set foot on the inland land, and also welcomed their valuable opinions on the construction of the motherland.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Since ancient times, Taiwan has been China's sacred territory, the Taiwan issue belongs to China's internal affairs, and no matter how people in their own country discuss, they can find a proper solution, as long as the two sides reach cooperation, all difficulties will eventually be resolved.

Shortly after this speech, Deng Yingchao appeared at the academic symposium commemorating the 60th anniversary of the "great congress" of the Kuomintang and the inaugural meeting of the Sun Yat-sen Research Association, and once again openly issued "advice" to the Kuomintang government.

She said, "I hope that the Kuomintang authorities can carefully relive the history of the revolutionary period, learn from Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and after recognizing the inevitable trend of history, they can make the right choice with sufficient courage and conviction." ”

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

"Today's Taiwan, detached from the embrace of the motherland, isolated overseas, subject to others, such a situation of separation will end sooner or later, and it is hoped that the leaders of the Taiwan authorities will be able to make a decision as soon as possible. It is hoped that the Taiwan authorities will wake up at an early date and that the great cause of the reunification of the motherland will be realized at an early date. ”

For a time, Deng Yingchao's remarks aroused the attention and attention of the masses on both sides of the strait, and the calls for "one family on both sides of the strait" and "realizing the reunification of the motherland at an early date" have become more and more intense.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Deng Yingchao's speech quickly reached Song Meiling's ears, and on February 16 of the same year, Song Meiling, who had settled in the United States, wrote a letter to Deng Yingchao, wanting to take the opportunity to refute Deng Yingchao's views.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Song Meiling wrote in the letter:

"According to a recent newspaper, mr. Li made a speech at the anniversary of the first national congress of the Chinese Kuomintang, recalling that under the chairmanship of my Premier, Mr. Zhongshan, the first national congress was held and the three revolutionary policies of 'united Russia' and 'tolerant communists' were not 'united communists' and 'supporting peasants and workers' as stated. The source of the decision at that time is hereby referred to as mr. Dao. ”

Apparently, in the letter, Soong Mei Ling went so far as to say that what Deng Yingchao said was wrong, and that Dr. Sun Yat-sen had not established a "united communist" policy at that time. Not only that, but now it seems that the Republic of China at that time did not benefit from the "United Russia" policy, but for the Soviet Union, the benefits of open aid to China were quite rich.

At that time, the Soviet Union created the first communist regime, and because of this, it was discriminated against and isolated by various countries, and the Soviet Union chose to help China, which could enhance its image in the hearts of the countries of the world in a short period of time, and also show its power to the great powers. Therefore, aiding China was only for the Soviet Union to gain fame and fortune.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Soong Mei-ling claimed that the second policy implemented by the Kuomintang at that time, "uniting with the Communist Party," was equally wrong, and that it was only because of this policy that the Kuomintang government gave the Communist Party countless help and guidance.

In the letter, Song Meiling also pretended to remember and have old feelings with Deng Yingchao, and took advantage of the friendship formed between Deng Yingchao and the three sisters of the Song clan during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to conduct psychological warfare against Deng Yingchao. She said that in the past process of getting along, she had long discovered Deng Yingchao's talent, but now how can she believe in Marx's theory?

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Such a letter shows everywhere Soong Mei-ling's cunning; in today's era of peace and stability, the two sides of the strait have already achieved rapid development, and how can the revolutionary policies of decades ago in the period of turmoil be applied to the current national conditions?

Although Song Meiling replied with a resolute attitude, full of cunning arguments, and did not have the slightest idea of concessions, in order to promote the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, Deng Yingchao never gave up on the Taiwan issue.

She is well aware that the great cause of reunifying the motherland is difficult and can never be achieved overnight, and it is necessary to base ourselves on long-term hard work, adopt the method of thin water and long flow, do not break, and one day it will merge into rivers and seas.

Not only that, Deng Yingchao has also stated on many occasions that when dealing with the Taiwan issue, we must pay attention to grasping its political, policy, tactical, and temporal nature, have patience and resilience, and ensure that every work is done in a down-to-earth manner in order to effectively advance the cause of the reunification of the motherland and steadily advance.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

In fact, over the past few years, Deng Yingchao has always focused his work on the Taiwan issue. For example, she is very good at uniting the members of the democratic parties to do a good job in the reunification of the motherland.

In 1979, Zhu Xuefan was elected vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, and Deng Yingchao personally congratulated him on this matter and instructed him to contribute more to the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. In 1981, Zhu Xuefan took the initiative to initiate and preside over a symposium on postal work with Taiwan, and submitted the relevant research results of the symposium to the Central Leading Group for Taiwan Work, which was praised by Deng Yingchao.

Later, Zhu Xuefan was elected chairman of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, and Deng Yingchao also sent a congratulatory letter, in which Deng Yingchao once again instructed Zhu Xuefan to work hard for the great cause of the reunification of the motherland and placed unlimited hopes on him.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Secondly, in October 1981, Deng Yingchao personally received and hosted Sun Yat-sen's granddaughter Sun Suifang, Huang Xing's daughter Huang Dehua and others. At the time of the gathering, Deng Yingchao explained to everyone the principles and policies of the CPC in striving for the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

In 1985, she attended the Second National Conference of Representatives of Taiwan Compatriots, and she once again explained to everyone at the scene the specific policy on the reunification of Taiwan and the mainland of the motherland. Deng Yingchao said that the mainland welcomes more Taiwan compatriots to return to the inland to visit relatives and friends, and the procedures for cross-strait communication will become more and more simplified in the future.

In the same year, Deng Yingchao also personally went to the coastal areas to inspect, and in Xiamen, she listened to the work report of the Xiamen Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, and she pointed out that propaganda to Taiwan should pay attention to methods and methods, and should take into account whether the other side can accept it, for example, Xiamen Radio should revise the "March of the People's Liberation Army" to a "five-star red flag" song, so as to ease the contradictions between the two sides of the strait and promote the relaxation of cross-strait relations.

For many years, Deng Yingchao has regarded the reunification of the motherland as an unremitting pursuit of her work in Taiwan, and no matter how busy her daily work is, as long as there is a delegation of Taiwan compatriots visiting, she will take the time to meet in person.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

She always listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of the Taiwan compatriots on the reunification of the motherland, expounded our principles and policies toward Taiwan in response to the problems raised by the Taiwan compatriots, and told everyone the glorious history of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party with her personal experience.

In this way, with her rich practical experience and superb work art, she promoted more and more friends at home and abroad to unite and encouraged more social masses to join the ranks of promoting the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.

Under her facilitation, more and more Taiwan compatriots expressed their willingness to do their best for the motherland, assist the motherland in building the mainland, and promote cross-strait exchanges and development. In the face of these Taiwan compatriots, Deng Yingchao has always said that the mainland will always welcome their arrival, and no matter which country they live in, Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese are very welcome to return to the mainland to have a look.

In May 1988, before he retired, Deng Yingchao wrote a letter to Song Meiling with sincere feelings and sincere words. In her old age, she still can't let go of the work of reunification of the motherland, and wants to establish a cooperative intention with the Kuomintang behind Song Meiling through this letter.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

The letter reads:

"Lushan first met, suddenly years old. The gathering of mountain cities, the meeting of Jinling, the calendar is like yesterday. Don't ask for more than a year, it is a pity. Fortunately, the friendship still exists, and the two hearts are connected... Although Mrs. Jin is very old, she is always concerned about the strength and prosperity of the country, the resurgence of the nation, and the relaxation of cross-strait relations, and has also been promoted by many people, and the loyalty of the wife to the country is exactly as Mrs. Ling's sister and granddaughter said, and I greatly admire it. ”

"Looking around the world today, the storm clouds are rising and the future of Taiwan is disturbing.

Now that Jingguo has unfortunately passed away, the situation has become more complicated. Our friends and I are very concerned about this period, And Madame Wu Pan and the princes in power are striving to maintain a stable and peaceful situation, and have made a grand plan as early as possible to promote the early reunification of the country. ”

In the letter, Deng Yingchao first talked about the friendship between the two in the past fifty years and expressed his greetings to Song Meiling. Subsequently, Deng Yingchao affirmed Song Meiling's contribution to the easing of cross-strait relations over the past few years and expressed his admiration for Song Meiling's loyalty to the country.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

In addition, Deng Yingchao analyzed the current development situation of the mainland, Taiwan and even the world, hoping that the KMT could put the country and the nation in the first place, treat the Communist Party frankly, and work together for the reunification of the motherland with an equal attitude.

As everyone knows, Deng Yingchao and Song Meiling have maintained correspondence for many years, and although the two sides have always maintained differences on political issues because of their different positions, they have inevitably had some grudges on historical issues; however, throughout history, the reunification of the motherland has been the trend of the times and the inevitable of history.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Over the years, Deng Yingchao has always adhered to the cause of the reunification of the motherland, and she has integrated her incomparably cordial and sincere attitude and the work method of "moisturizing things and making things silent" into her work toward Taiwan, which has had a very far-reaching impact on the development of cross-strait relations.

Although new and complicated variables have emerged in cross-strait relations today, as sons and daughters of China, it is everyone's duty to guard the territory of the motherland and promote the great cause of reunification. As long as we adhere to the party's call, adhere to the principles and policies of leading people in Taiwan work, and adhere to the great belief in the reunification of the motherland, the great cause of the reunification of the motherland will certainly be realized.

In 1984, Deng Yingchao "advised" Taiwan, how did Song Meiling reply?

Wang Qianjun. Deng Yingchao's Historical Contribution to the Great Cause of the Reunification of the Motherland[J].Research on Mao Zedong Thought, 2005(02):34-35.

Wu Yuenong. Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Deng Yingchao's Birth Deng Yingchao's Contribution to the Great Cause of the Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland[J].Reunification Forum, 2004(01):49-52.

Li Mingfu. Deng Yingchao's days as the "leader of the Taiwan Group"[J].Taisheng, 2019(09):106-111.

Liang Changjun. The Exchange between Deng Yingchao and Song Meiling after the Founding of the People's Republic of China[J].Party and Government Forum (Cadre Digest), 2009(07):18.

Wang Shengze. Deng Yingchao's Sentimental Attention to the Great Cause of Cross-Strait Reunification[J].Fujian Party History Monthly, 2004(02):12-14.

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