
Liu Wei, former deputy director of the Forestry Bureau of Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, was "double-opened": helping others obtain state-owned land use certificates in violation of the law

author:Minnan Net

Liu Wei, former member of the party leading group and deputy director of the Ya'an City Forestry Bureau, was expelled from the party and expelled from public office for serious violations of discipline and the law

A few days ago, with the approval of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into Liu Wei, a former member of the party leading group and deputy director of the Ya'an Municipal Forestry Bureau, for serious violations of discipline and law.

After investigation, Liu Wei lost his ideals and convictions, had a weak sense of discipline and law, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, colluded with others, and resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities and accepted gifts that might affect the fair performance of official duties; engaged in profit-making activities in violation of the law and used his power to seek benefits for his relatives; incorrectly performed his duties and helped others obtain state-owned land use certificates in violation of regulations; and took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in such areas as the allocation of funds and project construction, and accepted and demanded property and property, which amounted to a huge amount.

Liu Wei seriously violated the party's political discipline, honesty discipline, and work discipline, constituting a violation of the law and suspected of accepting bribes, and did not restrain or accept his hands after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, which was serious in nature and had a bad impact, and should be dealt with severely. In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China," the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China," the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Government Sanctions for Public Employees," and other relevant provisions, after being studied by the Standing Committee of the Ya'an Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported to the Municipal Party Committee for approval, it was decided to give Liu Wei the punishment of expulsion from the party; the Municipal Supervision Commission gave him the punishment of dismissal from public office; the confiscation of his proceeds of violations of discipline and the law; and the transfer of his suspected crimes to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution according to law, and the property involved was transferred together.

(Source: Ya'an Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection)

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