
She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

author:The world of poetry

In this life, it is already a great fortune to have a lover who treats each other sincerely and does not abandon.

In this life, Su Shi met three women with feelings and righteousness.

As we all know, Su Shi had three wives, Wang Fu, the wife of Tiefa, Wang Yanzhi, the wife of suffering, and Wang Wangyun, a confidant of Hongyan.

His wife Wang Fu was sympathetic, and Su Shi wrote for her the famous sentence of "ten years of life and death are two vast, do not think, and unforgettable".

When Su Shi was degraded to Huizhou, Wang Chaoyun did not abandon it, and their "untimely" story is a beautiful talk in the history of literature.

Compared with Wang Fu and Wang Chaoyun, Wang Yanzhi really had no sense of existence, but such a woman with the least sense of existence was called a virtuous wife by Su Shi, and he also made a promise to be buried with her after death.

What is the charm of Wang Yanzhi?

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her
She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

A good wife and mother, so that Su Shi has no worries

The most difficult thing in the world to give up is the young couple.

In 1065, His wife Wang Fu, who had been with Su Shi for eleven years, died, and his son Su Mai was only 6 years old, and Su Shi was deeply saddened.

You can't go a day without a housewife in your home.

Three years later, Wang Yanzhi walked into Su Shi's family.

This year, Wang Yanzhi was 21 years old and Su Shi was 33 years old.

Wang Yanzhi did not have outstanding talents and learning, but he was a typical virtuous wife and mother.

Wang Yanzhi was Wang Fu's cousin, and Su Shi later wrote in the "Sacrifice of The King Junxiwen" in mourning his second father-in-law: "Only the youngest daughter of the Duke, the heir to the throne."

It can be seen that before getting married, Wang Yanzhi was a virtuous woman who often helped the family to do the farm work of picking mulberries, and was a village girl.

It is said that an important reason why Su Shi married her was because Wang Yan was virtuous, and as an aunt, she would not treat the children left by Wang Fu.

In fact, it is.

After Wang Yanzhi became Su Shi's step-wife, he bore Su Shi two sons, Su Yi and Su Guo.

Treating the three children, Wang Yanzhidu treated them equally and never was eccentric.

Su Shi was very touched by this: the female position was cultivated, and the mother was very good. The three sons are the same, and love comes from heaven.

All along, Wang Yanzhi has adhered to the ancient precept of "male outside, female inside", handling household chores, taking care of her husband, and letting Su Shi have no worries.

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

That year, Su Shi served as a taishou in Mizhou.

At that time, there was a great drought in the world and a plague of locusts, and Su Shi led the people to kill locusts and survive famine, and their bodies and minds were exhausted.

By the time he got home, he was exhausted.

The youngest son, Su Guo, saw his father return and happily pestered his father to play.

For the younger son's stalking, Su Shi, who was irritable in his heart, could not help but drink and reprimand his four-year-old son, and Su Guo cried out with a "wow" sound.

Wang Yanzhi heard the voice, hurried over, and picked up Xiao Su.

In the face of her husband's "stinky temper", she did not scold or get angry, but said softly to Su Shi: Children do not understand things, how can you be more stupid than him.

After saying that, she turned around and went out, brought wine and small dishes, placed them in front of Su Shi, and said: Back at home, why don't you find some fun and be happy?

The husband lost his temper, and Wang Yanzhi did not scold, but gently persuaded.

A wife who can tolerate your bad temper is the most touching.

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her
She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

Considerate and understand, let Su Shi be free and free

What is even more rare is that Wang Yanzhi is not only a sage in life, but also understands his heart.

Because of the Wutai poetry case, Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou.

Wherever Su Shi went, he liked to make friends and liked to play with friends.

On October 15 of this year, the moon was bright and the breeze was blowing, and just in time, Su Shi met two friends.

They agreed to go on a night trip together and have fun.

But how can a night tour be without wine and food?

A friend said that I was fishing in the evening and Caught a few good fish, so I would like to cook it. But where do you go to get wine?

Su Shi wanted to come and go, there was no way, he could only go home and consult with his wife.

Back at home, Wang Yanzhi faced her worried husband and said: I have a bucket of wine, hidden for a long time, just to cope with your sudden needs. If you want it now, I'll get it to you.

If Old Wei was Su Shi, he would hold Wang Yanzhi and turn around twice.

Holding this pot of wine, Su Shi and his friends traveled to Chibi at night and wrote down the "Hou Chibi Fu" that has been recited through the ages.

In this life, it is not unusual to meet sex and meet love, but it is rare to meet and understand.

Wang Yanzhi understood Su Shi's love and needs, and did his best to satisfy him, so that he could be free to be himself.

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

In addition to understanding, Wang Yanzhi will also "guide" Su Shi and write down masterpieces.

In the seventh year of the Yuan Dynasty, in 1092, Su Shi was in Yingzhou as a zhizhou.

One spring night, the plum blossoms in the courtyard bloomed well and the moon was bright.

However, because of the troubles at work, Su Shi was a little uninterested.

Wang Yanzhi said to Su Shi: The spring moon is better than the autumn moon; the autumn moon is miserable, and the spring moon is pleasant. Why summon Zhao Delin's generation to drink this flower?

This remark from his wife surprised Su Shi greatly: I don't know if Madame you are still a poet? What you just said is the language of poetry!

The happy Su Shi then followed his wife's advice, found a few friends, drank and watched the plum blossoms, and spent a beautiful night.

Inspired, Su Shi also wrote a poem "Minus Magnolia Spring Moon":

At noon in the spring garden, the swaying incense mash is dancing.

Step around the cloister, half-dropped plum blossoms are fragrant.

Light clouds and mist, always a place for teenagers to enjoy.

Not like the autumn light, only with the departed people to break the intestines.

Su Shi can also be surprised, which shows that Wang Yanzhi is not a person who does not understand the style.

Wang Yanzhi's surprise was more than that.

Once, the cow was sick, and even if the veterinarian came over, he couldn't see what the disease was, and Wang Yan saw it with one eye.

She said: This is the cow's "bean spot sore", and it is good to feed it with artemisia porridge and drink it.

Sure enough, using Wang Yanzhi's method, the cattle's disease was indeed better.

As a wife, when her husband is depressed, she can gently persuade each other and even propose solutions, and Wang Yanzhi's understanding and consideration made Su Shi surprised and moved.

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

Pampered, Su Shi called her a "virtuous wife"

From marrying Su Shi in 1068 to his death in 1093, Wang Yanzhi accompanied Su Shi for 25 years.

In the past 25 years, Su Shi has risen and fallen, he has become the head of a place, and he has also fallen to the bottom.

What made Su Shi most admired was That Wang Yanzhi was not arrogant and impatient, and he was not insulted.

When Su Shi's journey was smooth, he had achieved Xuzhou Zhizhou and Mizhou Zhizhou, and as the head of a place, Wang Yanzhi was also an official lady, and she was not surprised in a group of noble ladies.

Because of the "Wutai Poetry Case", Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou, and Wang Yanzhi accompanied him to Huangzhou, Jingchao cloth skirt, worked in the field, like a peasant woman, and had no complaints.

Self-discipline in prosperity, self-healing in discouragement, not arrogant and impatient, only great wisdom.

As a husband, Su Shi called Wang Yanzhi a "virtuous wife".

In a letter to a friend, there is a poem like this:

The son can also blame Tong Yuanliang, but the wife is sent to the sage to respect the tong. - The Fifth of the Six Songs of Ciyun and Wang Gong

Yuanliang is the character of Tao Yuanming, and Jingtong is the character of Feng Yan, a famous scholar of the Han Dynasty.

Feng Yan's wife was jealous and complained all her life.

Su Shi said: My wife is much stronger than Feng Yan's wife, and I am much happier than Feng Yan.

With Wang Yanzhi, Su Shi can show that free heart.

When he was demoted to Huangzhou, he could enjoy the snow on winter nights, visit friends, and everything in the family was safely handed over to Wang Yanzhi, and he could get away with it and become Su Dongpo.

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

In 1093, Wang Yanzhi's life came to an end.

Grief-stricken Su Shi wrote "Sacrifice to His Dead Wife Tong'an Junjun".

I said, I'm going back to the hill garden. There were many whiskers, forsaking me first. He who greets my door, who gives me the field. I was exhausted and my tears were dry. At the funeral gate, I am really unkind. Only the same cave, still says so. Woohoo!

You're gone, and no one is standing at the door anymore, waiting for me to come home.

Su Shi also made a promise: After I die, I will be buried with you.

For lovers, the most beautiful promise is "born with the same thing, died with the same cave".

Ten years later, Su Shi died, and his younger brother Su Rui followed his brother's last wishes and buried him with Wang Yanzhi, fulfilling his promise during his lifetime.

She was a village girl, no Wang Fu had wisdom, no Chaoyun had talent, but Su Shi was buried with her

If Wang Fu is the sun, then the dazzling will always shine in Su Shi's heart; the dynasty cloud is like the moon, sometimes emitting a warm light, opening su Shi.

Then, Wang Yanzhi is like the North Star, not agile, not shining, but silently accompanied by Su Shi's side, giving him the brightness and companionship he can give, until eternity.

I really envy Su Shi, in my life, there are three women with deep feelings.

Maybe we don't get the shining or soft light of the sun or the moon, but may you also have a star waiting by to give you warmth.

Poets, which wife do you envy more that Su Shi has?

Let's discuss it together in the message area!

References: "Su Dongpo New Biography", "Su Dongpo", "Hundred Forums Su Dongpo"

【Copyright Notice】The author of this article is Wei Wuji, a new media person, the founder of a cultural company, the author of best-selling books, the main business of entrepreneurship, amateur writing, publishing books, playing collections, exchanging poetry books and collections.

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