
Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

author:Bing said
Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

In December 1946, the Yuwan Soviet Military Region was established, with Zhang Guohua as commander and Wu Zhipu as political commissar. Zhang Guohua served as commander. He attached great importance to two kinds of construction, one is ideological construction and the other is organizational construction.

In terms of ideological work, education has been strengthened, passive war avoidance emotions have been reversed, and illusions of peace have been smashed, thus laying a solid foundation for persisting in the struggle in the Yuwan-Anhui-Suzhou Border Region. In terms of organizational construction, the former 6th Sub-district was changed to the First Sub-district, the former 8th Sub-district was changed to the 3rd Sub-District, and the 2nd Sub-District was established south of the Vortex River; the main regiments of the former 6th and 8th Sub-districts were expanded into independent brigades of the Military Region; special regiments and cavalry battalions of the Military Region were established, and the independent regiments and county and district armed forces of the three divisions were gradually enriched. It has also formulated the work principle of "mobilizing the masses and waging guerrilla warfare among the masses" and the operational principles of "the enemy advances and we advance, avoiding the strong and attacking the weak," "if the enemy does not advance, I will advance," and "persist in the internal front and attack on the outside line." From the very beginning, they took the initiative in their own hands.

Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

Zhang Guohua held that if we can fight a few beautiful battles and contain more enemies, we will have a major impact on implementing the established policy of the military region, arousing the fighting spirit of the troops, stabilizing the mood of the masses, and enhancing confidence in victory. He commanded the main local troops, concentrated on forming fists, adopted the tactic of "the enemy advancing and we advance," and in the situation of the enemy being outnumbered, he flexibly fought a mobile war with the enemy, dealt a heavy blow to the enemy army, and consolidated and expanded the original guerrilla base areas. Soon, the Yuwan Soviet Military Region controlled Jinpu Road in the east, Pinghan Road in the west, Huaihe River in the south, and Longhai Road in the north, including dozens of counties in three provinces. For a time, the morale of the troops was greatly boosted. Zhang Guohua was reappointed from deputy political commissar of the 7th Column to commander of the Yuwan Soviet Military Region, who could do both political work and lead troops to fight, and gradually grew into a general who had both military and political skills and was both literate and martial.

On December 18, 1946, the Central Military Commission, from the perspective of mutual cooperation with the East China troops, instructed the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army: "If the enemy in the west of yours is not easy to fight, it is more advantageous to seek and annihilate the enemy's Eighty-eighth Division in the south, restore Jia, Ju, Jin, Yu, Cheng, and Shan, and mobilize Qiu Qingquandong to annihilate them." ”

In accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the Central Military Commission, the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army was determined to ignore the enemy who attacked the hinterland of the field army and carry out the enemy's advance. On December 22, the main force of the 7th Column began to besiege Liaocheng, and the famous Battle of Ju (Ye) Jin (Xiang) Yu (Tai) was vigorously opened. The 3rd and 6th Columns and a brigade of the 7th Column advanced more than 100 kilometers southeast from the Guancheng and Chaocheng areas, and launched a surprise attack on the enemy in the Juye, Jinxiang, and Yutai areas on the night of the 30th. On January 1, 1947, the 7th Column captured Liaocheng; the 3rd Column captured Juye and Jiaxiang, opening up the battlefield; and the 3rd Column and 6th Column attacked Jinxiang.

In order to cooperate with the operations of the main forces of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army, Zhang Guohua put forward the requirement of "seizing the opportunity, taking advantage of favorable gaps, actively attacking and destroying the enemy, and expanding and consolidating the areas occupied by us." At the moment, he immediately took the initiative to attack the enemy scattered in front of him. The Independent Brigade of the Military Region and other units annihilated the enemy's security regiment and a regiment of the new 10th brigade of the 58th Division, which was attacked by the enemy in Boxian and Yongcheng. The armed forces of the 3rd Military Sub-district also took advantage of the situation to restore the areas of Shangqiu, Boxian, Tuocheng, and Xiayi, and infiltrated into Xiaoxian, Suxian, Yongcheng and other areas to carry out activities. The 1st Military Sub-district opened the area west of the Jalu River with one arm. The troops of the 2nd Military Sub-district advanced to the Luyi and Huaiyang areas and established 6 county powers. At this point, the three military sub-districts of Yuwan and Suzhou communicated.

After the establishment of the Yuwan Soviet Military Region, Zhang Guohua seized more than half a month to readjust the organizational structure at all levels on the one hand and rectify it on the other. In particular, we have grasped the ideological transformation of personnel from the War of Resistance Against Japan to the Civil War and from national contradictions to class contradictions, further clarified their understanding of the nature of war, the law of operations, strategy and tactics, organization and command, and the mode of struggle, and carried out political mobilization that must persist in developing the struggle in the border areas.

In order to open up the situation as soon as possible and gain a firm foothold, Zhang Guohua determined the policy of "consolidating one sub-district, opening up 2 sub-districts, and re-hitting 3 sub-districts". In order to achieve this policy, it was decided to concentrate the main force to attack the east first, strive to annihilate the enemy's main force, smash its arrogance, and reverse the passive situation to stabilize the position of the 3rd Division.

Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

On the afternoon of January 3, 1947, Zhang Guohua led the organs, the main force of the military region, all the personnel of the 3rd Division, and the main force of the 2nd Division began to march east. That night, the 1st and 3rd Regiments of the 2nd Division first entered the Shangbo area, attracting, containing, and confusing the enemy, and planning for the personnel of the 3rd Division and the main force of the Military District to march eastward, and escorting the Shangbo personnel back to the area. At the same time, the personnel of the three regions crossed the Vortex River in the north and fought back.

On 5 January, the reconnaissance detachment of the Independent Brigade of the Military Region reconnoitred that there were more than 700 county security regiments in Woyang City, with poor equipment, weak combat effectiveness, no water in the outer trenches, very low walls, and no support for the lone army. Brigade Commander Jin Shaoshan immediately reported this information to Zhang Guohua. According to Jin Shaoshan's report, Zhang Guohua realized that this was a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy, not only to annihilate the weak enemy in front of him, but also to attract the attention of the enemy's main force, disrupt the enemy's combat plan, and cooperate well with the main force of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army. Therefore, Zhang Guohua immediately decided to send an independent brigade to attack Woyang.

The cadres and troops at all levels of the Independent Brigade come from several places and do not know each other very well. At the beginning of the establishment of the Independent Brigade, Zhang Guohua talked to Jin Shaoshan and Zhang Taisheng and asked them to focus their work on strengthening ideological work and organizational readjustment, stressing the importance of unity and reunification. The two brigade leaders resolutely implemented Zhang Guohua's instructions and turned the independent brigade into a powerful fist in just half a month.

On the night of January 6, 1947, the troops arrived outside the city of Woyang, unaware of the defenders inside the city. In the early morning of the 7th, the Yuwan Soviet Military Region suddenly launched a siege of the city, the 30th Regiment from the northwest, the 35th Regiment from the southwest of the 34th Regiment from the southeast, in one fell swoop into the city, the defenders hurriedly organized a counterattack, the siege fighters covertly received the enemy, quickly boarded the city, and engaged the enemy soldiers on the city wall. Some PLA soldiers raised shell guns, some wielded large blades, and rushed to kill the enemy soldiers, and the defenders were shocked by the fearless heroism of the PLA soldiers, and they abandoned the pass and fled, and most of the enemy soldiers in the city became prisoners in their sleep. After the battle, more than 200 enemy security regiments were annihilated, 7 light machine guns, 2 grenadiers, 386 rifles, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and 1 radio station were captured. The success of the first battle boosted morale and disrupted the enemy's position.

Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

Jiang Jun profile photo

In addition, another important result of this battle was the capture of the radio soldier Xiao Wang. With the captured radios, we can grasp and understand at any time the command, deployment, and operational intentions of the Jiang Junshangqiu Appeasement Office for the troops in the region, so as to formulate a targeted combat plan for the troops.

In order to win xiao wang to join our army, Zhang Guohua personally talked with him.

"How old is Xiao Wang this year?"

"19 years old." Xiao Wang looked up at the man in front of him, his face was kind, he was wearing a gray cloth military uniform, and he couldn't tell whether he was an officer or a soldier.

"Oh, it's still a hairy boy." Where is home, and who else is in the house? Zhang Guohua then asked.

"I am from Feicheng, Shandong, my family has long been killed by bandits, I herd cattle for the landlord, and then I do long work..." Xiao Wang saw that the person in front of him had no malice, and told his own life in 1510.

Zhang Guohua continued to chat with Xiao Wang, following good examples and inducements, and gradually let Xiao Wang understand that our army serves the people wholeheartedly and understands the glory of serving the people as soldiers.

Xiao Wang's thinking changed, and he was very proactive in his work, turning on the radio 24 hours a day in order to receive intelligence at any time. During the march, Zhang Guohua specially equipped the radio station with a carriage, and Xiao Wang and two reconnaissance staff officers sat on the carriage to listen to the intelligence of the enemy headquarters. The enemy sometimes uses passwords, sometimes uses vernacular commands, and Xiao Wang knows the enemy code and radio frequency. Through the reconnaissance of this radio, Zhang Guohua was fully aware of the enemy's actions in the region, and promptly revised the combat plan of the troops according to the new information that changed, ensuring that the troops could catch the fighters in time and maintain the strategic initiative.

The Battle of Vortex City surprised Jiang Jun. The 30th Regiment of Chiang Kai-shek's New 10th Brigade, stationed in BoXian County, learned of the occupation of Woyang and moved southeast to seek a fierce battle with the People's Liberation Army.

"In July 1946, it was this enemy army that invaded our 8th Military Subdivision and laughed at us. This time, they dared to attack alone, and we were vulnerable. Wu Zhipu said to Zhang Guohua.

"The proud soldiers will be defeated." Be sure to give them a taste of it! ”

When Zhang Guohua learned that the enemy's 30 regiments were going deep alone, he resolutely decided to make a plan, introduce the enemy army to the area with a good mass base, and lay out pockets for the enemy to drill. The day before the start of the war, Zhang Guohua gathered Jin Shaoshan, commander of the Independent Brigade, and the leaders of the guard regiment and the cavalry brigade together to clarify the combat tasks.

Jin Shaoshan, born in November 1915 in Xuanhuadian, Dawu County, Hubei Province, joined the Red Army in November 1930, arrived in northern Shaanxi with the east of Xuhai during the Long March, and served as an instructor, instructor, battalion commander, deputy regimental commander, and director of the political department of the sub-district during the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the Jiluyu Military Region during the War of Resistance Against Japan. In 1943, he went to the Jiluyu Party School to participate in the rectification study, and later served as the political commissar of the party school guard regiment, and in June 1945, he was transferred to the Shuidong Military Sub-district to work, and at the end of 1946, when the Yuwan Soviet Military Region was established, Jin Shaoshan served as the brigade commander of the independent brigade of the military region.

"Shaoshan, the opportunity for the Independent Brigade to show its skills has come again." Zhang Guohua's face was mysterious.

"Commander, is there another battle?" As soon as Jin Shaoshan heard that there was another war, his eyes lit up and his spirit was refreshed.

"This time it is our old rival, the 30th Regiment of the New 10th Brigade of The Jiang Army. The combat effectiveness is no better than that of the average local security regiment. The enemy dares to go deep alone, so let's catch turtles in an urn! Shaoshan, I am waiting to see your good play. Zhang Guohua is full of confidence in the Independence Brigade.

"Commander rest assured, I promise to fight this battle well!" Jin Shaoshan patted his chest and said.

"Don't take it lightly! The guard regiment and the cavalry brigade acted as reserves, and acted at the opportunity to surround the enemy regiments and strive to annihilate them all! Zhang Guohua instructed.

Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

Zhang Guohua ordered one of the independent brigades to retreat while fighting, luring the enemy to pursue them in the rear. The Independent Brigade walked for three consecutive days, stationed in Longgang Town, Yongcheng County, and deployed to the enemy. Sure enough, the enemy swaggered into the "pocket" arranged by the Independent Brigade. At more than 9:00 a.m., the battle began with the 34th Regiment of the Independent Brigade attacking head-on, and the 30th Regiment and the 35th Regiment were about to wait for the "pocket". The military region's guard regiment and the brigade cavalry brigade were on standby, and Zhang Guohua went to the independent brigade command post to personally command. The enemy began to attack the position of the 1st Battalion of the 34th Regiment of the Independent Brigade with a company, but after being suppressed by the fire of the commanders and fighters of the 34th Regiment, they were in a hurry and attacked with the strength of a battalion. Relying on the hidden fortifications, the 34th Regiment concentrated its firepower to strike fiercely when the enemy approached, and the enemy troops were scattered all over the field and fell to the front of the independent brigade position.

"Report! The enemy is preparing to flee! "The forward commander sent troops back.

"Immediately ordered that the 30th regiment and the 35th regiment quickly detour and surround the enemy army in 4 villages, including Daxiaomizhuang, and not let go of a single enemy!" Zhang Guohua stared intently at the map.

After a quick penetration, the Independent Brigade quickly completed the encirclement of the enemy. The enemy army is surrounded, but how to fight must be carefully planned. At this moment, the reconnaissance personnel brought back important information: the enemy regimental headquarters was stationed in Damizhuang, and the remaining 3 battalions were stationed in 1 village each. Upon learning of this situation, Zhang Guohua's eyes lit up.

"Shiba, I have an idea that we can adopt 'heart-out tactics' at night!" Zhang Guohua thought of a good tactic.

"Oh? What 'heart-wrenching tactics'? Come and listen. "Wu Zhipu was making trouble, and when he heard Zhang Guohua say 'heart-digging tactics', he was very curious.

The reconnaissance personnel returned, and the enemy regimental headquarters was stationed in Damizhuang, and the other 3 battalions were stationed in 1 village each. Since this is the case, we will first concentrate our forces to attack Damizhuang, as long as the enemy's regimental headquarters is removed, the other 3 battalions will inevitably fight for each other, and the independent brigade will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to break through each other! Zhang Guohua said eloquently, confidently.

"This chess game is wonderful! This trick is also called 'catch the thief first catch the king'! Wu Zhipu applauded.

Immediately, they made a plan to attack Damizhuang at night, and the deployment was as follows: the 30th Regiment would take the lead in attacking, and the 34th and 35th Regiments would surround the enemy's 3 battalions respectively, and pretend to attack to strictly prevent the enemy from breaking through.

The local villages have moat ditches about three or four meters wide, and the Independent Brigade has prepared a large amount of sorghum straw and tied them into rafts to cross the river. At 10 o'clock that night, the attack began, under the cover of fire, the sorghum straw raft was quickly pushed into the ditch, and the commando team took advantage of the situation to rush through the ditch and enter the village to engage the enemy's short soldiers and engage in hand-to-hand combat. After more than an hour of fierce fighting, two enemy companies were eliminated, a deputy regimental commander was captured alive, and a telephone machine was captured. The first battle successfully destroyed the enemy regimental headquarters, causing the enemy forces in the other 3 battalions to lose their superior command. Subsequently, the Independent Brigade attacked a village one night and ate a battalion.

The battle lasted for three days, completely annihilating the 30th Regiment of chiang kai-shek's new 10th brigade, capturing more than 1,000 people, capturing more than 10 American-style Bourning machine guns, and a large number of other guns and ammunition. This battle brought out military prestige, greatly boosted morale, gained experience in fighting the enemy's regular army, played an important role in expanding and consolidating the 3rd Division and opening up the 2nd Division, and won the praise of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Military Region.

Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

On January 24, Liu Bocheng led the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Columns of the main force of the field army (Lubei Combat Group), and Deng Xiaoping led the 6th and 7th Columns of the main force of the field army (Lunan Combat Group), a total of 5 columns crossed the Longhai Line into the Yuwan Soviet Area and carried out the Battle of Yuwan Border. During this period, Zhang Guohua ordered the Independent Brigade and local armed forces at all levels of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sub-districts to actively launch an attack on the local troops of chiang kai-shek's army in front of them, annihilating some of the enemy troops, expanding the area, and gaining a firm foothold. On the 30th, Zhang Guohua ordered the Independent Brigade to cooperate with the 6th Column of the Southern Group of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army to capture Zhecheng at 23:00 in the evening, annihilate 1 regiment of Zhang Lanfeng's regiment of the 4th Column of enemy security, more than 2,700 people from the rear organs and guard units, capture the pseudo-county magistrate Yin Cheng'en, and capture 4 heavy machine guns, 23 light machine guns, 5 mortars, 597 rifle guns, and other military supplies.

On February 3, the 6th and 7th Columns of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army wanted to encircle and annihilate the enemy's 16th Brigade, and Zhang Guohua ordered the Independent Brigade of the Military Region to set off at 5 p.m. on the same day and quickly rush to the Wuqiang to block the reinforcements from the direction of Shangqiu. The 35th Regiment entered the front of the Dark Wall to block the attack, and the 34th Regiment responded east of the Dark Wall. The 35th Regiment entered its position at dawn on the 4th to construct fortifications. Just after dawn, it was found that 6 tanks and more than 10 vehicles of the 200 Brigade of the enemy's new 5th Army were assembled on the north side of Yanzhuang outside the north gate of the Wuqiang Wall, and the 35th Regiment immediately strengthened the firepower of the north gate. At 7 a.m., enemy tanks charged against the dark wall and opened fire. After nearly 4 hours of fierce fighting, the 34th Regiment destroyed 1 enemy tank. At about 11:00 p.m., the enemy's 16th Brigade had been basically annihilated by the 6th and 7th Columns, and the Independent Brigade of the Military Region brilliantly completed the task of blocking the attack, and then quickly withdrew from the battle.

At dawn on February 25, Zhang Guohua led the Independent Brigade of the Military Region to attack Taikang and captured 29 enemy soldiers. Immediately afterward, he led the main force of the military region to the south to seek the enemy's 17th traffic police corps to fight. On the 27th, the headquarters attacked the 1st Regiment of the 2nd Division with 3 brigades (equivalent to battalions) on laozuka north of Huaiyang, and after the main force of the military region arrived, it immediately attacked the enemy from the east and west flanks with the 30th and 35th regiments of the Independent Brigade. The enemy retreated to Huaiyang, and the Independent Brigade pursued directly to Huaiyang City, occupied Beiguan, annihilated more than 100 enemy troops, and dealt a serious blow to the 17th General Brigade, causing it to retreat to Huaiyang City for a period of time and not dare to harass everywhere, which was very beneficial to the opening up of the 2nd Division. The Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army praised in a telegram: "This heroic and courageous spirit of concentrating forces to resolutely counterattack the attacking enemy deserves to be studied by the whole region." ”

(To be continued)

Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well
Zhang Guohua, the commander of the military region, personally talked with the radio soldiers of chiang kai-shek's army and knew the intelligence very well

[Note: The author of the "Jinggang Mountain" that came out of Jinggang Mountain - Zhang Guohua's biography still has a small number of books.] If necessary, you can contact us by private message. Veterans of the 18th Army who participated in the counterattack against India, the author presented this book, until the end of the gift]

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