
Find the ancient historical value of oysters

author:There is a sea in the distance

Oysters leave a historical imprint

Today, shop xiao er introduces the value embodiments in the historical record of oysters, and the word count is about 2800 words. Let's follow in the footsteps of history, cross the limits of time, and look for the historical imprint left by oysters!

Oysters are also known as oyster clams, oyster clams, oyster yellow, sea oysters, oysters and so on. It is found off the coast of China. Omi oysters and long oysters are also cultured. After obtaining, remove the meat from the shell and wash it for later.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Chinese medicine believes that oyster ganping is non-toxic, can solve the five viscera, adjust the qi and nourish the blood to relieve liver poisoning, sober up wine and quench thirst, activate blood and fill hunger, and regularly eat and moisturize and nourish the beauty function.

【Performance】Sweet, salty, flat. It can nourish yin and blood, nourish the heart and calm the spirit.

【Reference】Containing glycogen, taurine, a variety of essential amino acids, vitaminSA, B1. B2. D, E, copper, zinc, manganese, barium, phosphorus, calcium and other components.

【Uses】For weakness and strain, yin deficiency and blood loss; insomnia and palpitations.

【Usage】Decoction, cooking, frying, etc.

【Note】 Oyster meat can be eaten raw, but those with weak spleen should be contraindicated.


Find the ancient historical value of oysters

1: Oyster yellow soup: fresh oysters 250g, pork lean 100g, cut into thin slices. Mix a little starch and cook in boiling water. Season with salt, eat meat and drink soup.

Derived from "Materia Medica". This formula takes oyster meat to nourish the yin and blood, and enhances its tonic and nutritional effect with lean pork. It is used for long-term illness and blood deficiency, women's leakage and blood loss, body weakness and lack of food, malnutrition and so on.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

2, oyster meat with silk soup: oyster meat 250g, kelp 50g. Swell the kelp in water, wash it, cut it into thin strips, boil it in water until it is tender, then add the oyster meat and boil it, seasoning it with salt and pork fat.

This side nourishes the deficiency with oyster meat, and the kelp is soft and firm. It is used for pediatric weakness, hilar lymph node, cervical lymph node, or yin deficiency hot flashes night sweats, upset sleeplessness and so on.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Oysters from ancient texts:

Late autumn is the season when oysters begin to harvest, and from the winter solstice to the following year, the oyster meat is the fattest and tastiest. Therefore, Chinese folk have the proverb of "winter solstice to Qingming, oyster meat fat crystal". Many coastal areas have adopted a three-dimensional farming method, and oyster meat is basically served for many years, which is quite popular.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that oyster meat "eats more, can invigorate the skin, tonify the kidneys and aphrodisiacs, and can cure weakness and detoxify erysipelas". Modern medicine believes that oyster meat also has the functions of lowering blood pressure and nourishing yin and nourishing blood.

Oyster meat is fat and smooth, delicious and nutritious, and is known as "seabed milk". According to the analysis, dried oyster meat contains as much as 45% to 57% protein, 7% to 11% fat, and 19% to 38% liver sugar. In addition, it also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients. With a calcium content close to 1 times that of milk and 21 times the iron content of milk, it is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Oyster meat is regarded as a delicious sea treasure and a bodybuilding food because of its delicious taste, complete nutrition, "fine skin, beauty" and various functions such as lowering blood pressure, nourishing yin and nourishing blood, fitness and strengthening the body. Among the many marine treasures, many people are only fond of oysters. The West calls it "God-given devil food." The Japanese call it the "source of roots." There is also a hymn to the phrase "the oysters of heaven and earth are exclusive". Many celebrities and gentlemen in ancient and modern China and abroad have formed an indissoluble relationship with oysters.

According to records, Italy and Emperor Victoria did not leave oysters for meals; Napoleon I liked to eat oysters during the conquest to maintain a strong fighting force; former US President Eisenhower ate a plate of oysters every day after his illness to speed up his recovery; and Chinese celebrity Song Meiling also often ate oysters to maintain the beauty of his appearance.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Oysters are eaten in many ways. Fresh oyster meat usually comes from steaming, fresh frying, raw stir-frying, scrambled eggs, fried oyster cakes, skewers of fresh oyster meat and boiled soups. Steamed with appropriate spices, you can maintain the original taste; if you eat soft fried oysters, you can add a little yellow wine to slightly marinate, and then dip the oyster meat into the paste, fry it in a frying pan until golden brown, with dipping oil and vinegar to accompany the food; when eating hot pot, you can use bamboo skewers to skewer oyster meat, put it in the boiling soup for about a minute to take it out; if you boil the soup with meat pieces of ginger, the soup is white like milk, delicious and delicious. Oyster meat can also be processed into dried products called oyster sauce. If the fresh oyster meat and juice are cooked together and dried or dried, it becomes a cooked oyster sauce. If you want to maintain the full flavor, do not cook, the oyster meat is directly dried, and it becomes a famous raw sun-dried oyster sauce. There are also various ways to eat oyster sauce.

The fresh oyster meat is greenish white and soft and tender. Europeans called oysters "the mana of the sea" (i.e., the precious thing of god), "the milk of the sea", the ancient Romans called it "the delicacy of the sea - holy fish", the Japanese called it "the source of the roots" and "the super rice of the ocean", it is the only shellfish that can be eaten raw.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Historical basis for the nutritional value of oysters:

1. Nourish and strong

Oysters contain 18 kinds of amino acids, liver glycogen, B vitamins, taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, often eaten can improve the body's immunity. Oysters contain taurine that lowers blood lipids and blood pressure.

In ancient Greek mythology, oysters were a food that represented love. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, oysters are ventilated with water, moisturizing the lungs and benefiting kidney water. Western medicine verifies that it is one of the most zinc-containing natural foods (up to 100mg per 100 grams of oyster meat), which means that eating only 2 to 3 oysters a day provides the zinc you need throughout the day. The great value of zinc is reflected in the fact that it is a vital mineral in the male reproductive system, especially in the past fifty years, the sperm count of men has dropped significantly, and it is necessary to supplement with enough zinc.

2. Calm the mind

Cui Yuxi said in the "Food Classic" that "oyster meat cures sleepless nights, and the cure is uncertain.". Regular consumption can reduce symptoms such as irritability, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus caused by yin and yang. The vitamins and minerals contained in oysters, especially selenium, regulate nerves and stabilize mood.

3. Nootropic brain

Taurine, DHA, and EPA are important nutrients needed for intellectual development. Glycogen is a form of energy reserve in the human body, which can improve the efficiency of human physical and mental activity. In addition, pharmacological experiments have shown that the use of oyster shells to increase the zinc content in the body can improve the body's zinc-cadmium ratio, which is conducive to improving and preventing hypertension, and plays a role in brain protection and brain health.

4. Beneficial to the stomach

Li Shizhen also said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that oysters "cure weakness in meat and relieve heat after drinking,...... Smooth skin, oyster shells dissolve phlegm soft and firm, clear heat and dehumidify, relieve temper pain, diarrhea is red and white, eliminate hernia masses. "It is slightly cold and has an acid-making effect, so it is more beneficial for people with excessive stomach acid or stomach ulcers."

5. Strengthen muscles and bones

The Shennong Materia Medica records that "(oysters) serve for a long time, strengthen bone knots, kill evil qi, and prolong years." The calcium content in oysters is close to milk, and the iron content is 21 times that of milk, which helps bones and teeth grow after eating.

Calcium in oysters makes the skin smooth, copper makes the complexion look good and looks particularly bloody; potassium can treat dry skin and acne; vitamins can also make the skin smooth and regulate the secretion of oil.

6. Prolong life

Oysters are rich in nucleic acids, which play an important role in protein synthesis, thereby delaying skin aging and reducing the formation of wrinkles. With the increase of age, the body's ability to synthesize nucleic acids gradually decreases, and it can only be ingested from food, and the milk that people drink daily is far less than the nutritional value of "seabed milk" in this regard.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Records of chinese medicine books:

1, cure vertigo: oysters six dollars, keel six dollars, chrysanthemum three dollars, goji berries four dollars, He Shou Wu four dollars. Serve fried in water. (Handbook of Shandong Chinese Herbal Medicine)

2, the treatment of lily disease, thirst (cuo) people: chestnut root, oyster (boiling), aliquots. For fine powder, drink square inch dagger, three times a day. ("Golden Essentials" Chestnut Oyster Scatter)

3, cure all thirst: large oysters do not count much, yellow mud wrapped in calcined red, put cold as the end, with live crucian carp decoction soup to adjust a money dagger, children take half a money dagger. ("Empirical Side")

4. Cure the number of urination: oysters five two (burnt ash), three liters of child feces. Fry until two liters and serve in three servings. ("Qiankun Business")

5. Cure urinary drizzle (bi), take blood medicine ineffective: oysters, yellow cedar (fried), aliquots. For the end, one dollar per serving, cumin soup under the effect. (Fu Zi, "Medical Integration")

6. In the treatment of collapse, the leakage is not only white, and the qi is exhausted: oysters and turtle shells are three or two each. Upper two flavors, sieve under the cure, wine to serve square inch dagger, day three. (A Thousand Golden Fangs)

7, the treatment of deficiency and new diseases of the deficiency, jin liquid is not solid, the body often sweats, lying down at night, over time, barren and thin, the heart is frightened, short-breath and tired: ephedra root (washing), astragalus, oysters (rice soaked, burned red) one or two each. A total of coarse powder, three dollars per serving, one and a half cups of water, more than 100 grains of wheat, fried together to eight points, go to the hot service, day two, no matter the time. ("Bureau")

8. Cure night sweats, wind deficiency headache: oysters, white art, windproof three or two. Cure the sieve, the wine serves the square inch dagger, the day two. (Oyster Scatter in "A Thousand Golden Fangs")

9. Cure night sweats and yin sweats: oysters are fine powdered, and there is sweat where they are puffed. ("Empirical Side")

10. After treating the disease, the stool is very loose, three or four lines at twelve o'clock on the week, and the pulse is still counted: raw oysters two or two. Finely, eight cups of water, fry three cups, warm three servings. ("Wen Sick Article Discernment" A-jia fry)

11. Cure all fistula (luo) boil (li): one oyster (calcined) four two, Xuan Ginseng three two. Pounding luo as the end, with batter pills such as kiriko large, morning and evening after eating, before lying down to take thirty pills, under the wine. ("Experience Side") two oyster powder five dollars, and chicken bile for plaster. ("The Cure for Pulse Causes")

12. Cure excessive stomach acid: oysters, sea oysters (piao) and slugs (xiao) are each five dollars, and Zhejiang shellfish are four dollars. Study a fine powder together, three dollars per serving, three times a day. (Handbook of Shandong Chinese Herbal Medicine)

13. After the treatment of major disease fistula (chai), small laborers and epistaxis (nv): left oyster ten points, gypsum five points. Mash, wine serve square inch dagger, three or four times a day. It can also be served with honey pills such as Wuzi. ("Behind the Elbow Filling")

14. Treatment of gold sores and bleeding: oyster powder is applied. ("Behind the Elbow")

15. Temper pain, phlegm. Calcined with oysters into powder, wine is served for two dollars.

Find the ancient historical value of oysters

Everything in the world comes from the gift of nature, and anything that comes here must contain other expenses, and so do oysters!

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