
Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

author:Pippi Films

丨This article was first published in the Pippi movie

Pippi Movies / A great movie recommendation every day

Maternal love is given the supreme glory and has always been a popular direction in film and television works.

However, because of the different forms of expression of "maternal love", there are also thousands of interpretations in film and television works.

There are inspirational encouragement in "Mysterious Superstar", there is "Farewell" in the style of Long Yingtai, there is the persecution of "Miss Bird", and there is also the burden of humiliation in "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart".

Thousands of kinds, but always without departing from the connotation of love.

But there is also a kind of "dominant" mother in the world, playing the role of "strict father".

Imagine what a life journey would be when what should have been a gentle mother's love became fierce and suffocating.

What Pigo wants to recommend to you today is such a type of movie.

The film is based on real people and true events, telling a high-scoring French film about the love and hate of a mother and son - "The Promise of Childhood".

The Promise of Childhood 丨2017

The promise of dawn

Director / Writer: Eric Babil

Starring: Pierre Nienet / Charlotte Gainsbourg / Didier Burdon / Jean-Pierre Darusson / Catherine McMark

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

The film uses flashbacks, and as soon as the curtain is drawn, it is a self-memory that unfolds from a Romantic perspective.

As a child, Roman lived with his tough mother in a foreign land of Poland.

It is not an exaggeration to describe his mother in harsh words.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Because of the discrimination of Jewish identity, the life of mother and child is extremely difficult, even if the sale of women's hats is excluded.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

In the face of the Polish police officer who came to raid the house, as a helpless single mother, instead of crying and crying, she yelled at the tall man, "Keep searching, anyway, we have more money!" ”

Even when despised by her Polish neighbors, she would drag her son under the tall building and shout at the entire building:

"My son will become an ambassador of France, a writer, a knight of the Legion of Honor, and even a general, and he will find the best tailor in London to customize the suit for him!!!"

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Young Roman looked up, his eyes full of mocking faces, and for the first time at the age of ten he felt what humiliation and pain were.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

His mother repeatedly praised his genius, which made him not only feel confused, but also gradually became silent and unprepared in life.

He could only rely on the hammer wall of his head to transfer the pain, and then paralyzed himself.

As a boy, his childhood was distorted by the oppressive expectations of his mother and the banter and scorn of his peers.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Not only that, but his mother also taught him to attract girls with a fierce expression, and as a result, he was identified as a nerve by the nine-year-old girl.

In order to please the girl, he eats dirt, dried flowers, snails, leather shoes...

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

As a result, he was severely criticized by his mother after seeing him, telling him that he would become famous in the future, and there would be countless good girls for him to choose.

After learning that someone had insulted her, her mother also angrily told Roman: "If someone insults your mother in the future, I want you to beat you until you lie on a stretcher and go home." ”

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events
Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

In order to enable Roman to enter high society as a gentleman in the future, his mother set him a strict study curriculum: etiquette, shooting, writing, violin, etc.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

But her mother snuffed out Roman's love of drawing, and even though her teacher called Roman talented, she argued:

"Van Gogh committed suicide at the age of 35, and even if you are a genius, you will be crushed by reality."

Tiger mother-style education, strong possessiveness, self-touching mother-child love (mothers give up their dreams of actors for Roman), always believe that their sons are geniuses...

She sees her son as the whole world, giving Roman indelible pain when she grows up.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Neurotic behavior gradually intensified as Roman grew up.

After the living conditions improved, the adolescent Roman also began to become more assertive, and then Roman's puberty arrived.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events
Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

He had sex with the maid in the room, and when his mother found out, she broke into the room and forcibly drove the girl away.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events
Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

The intriguing scene in the movie is the scene of mother and son bidding farewell at the station.

Before leaving, she took Roman to church and asked him to promise not to take women's money during college.

The picture turns, the train station platform, the mother shoved a roll of money into Roman's hand.

She chased her son's footsteps while chattering.

Watching from the car window, catching up with the hugs of the car, the mother gradually grew old, and her love for her son was even stronger.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Seeing the scene of the movie reminds Pigo of the picture when he once said goodbye to his parents, with the same real touch.

Parents in the world are ordinary and have deep affection for their children.

Maybe it is that after leaving his mother, he can finally indulge willfully, and after the start of college, Roman spent a muddy time, but people are like this, and they will calmly think about the meaning of their relatives to themselves after living alone.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

In order to give an explanation to his mother and himself, Roman picked up a pen and began to write, with a good foundation, his first article was published by the newspaper, and he also earned the first money in his life.

When he returned home, Roman also told his mother about this achievement, and the mother was ecstatic, and her son had truly become her pride from this moment on.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events
Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

But the good times did not last long, not long after the outbreak of war, his mother also encouraged Roman to join the army, killing the enemy on the battlefield is what a man must do.

In order to prove that his son was different, he also assigned his son the task of assassinating Hitler...

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

And the sharpshooter that Roman had trained since childhood was finally able to play in the army, and everyone was shocked to realize that he was really a genius.

But the mother's control still did not stop, she hitchhiked to the army to visit her son, but what Roman, who gradually walked towards his mother, remembered:

"No one hates my mother as much as I do."

After a short mother-son meeting, her mother did not stop her "arrangement", she asked Roman to go to the most dangerous place to fight, and when Roman lay in his hospital bed, she still asked him not to stop writing...

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Later, When Roman gradually gained the glory of the army, he finally understood that what his mother had done in those years had always inspired him to move forward.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

From cowardice to strength, from mediocrity to genius, he had his mother's cruel efforts in his life.

There are thousands of types of maternal love, and he respects and accepts the love of his mother calmly.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

The film is based on the autobiographical novel "I Promise" by French writer of the same name, Romain Gary, a French literary giant who carved maternal love into his life.

As at the end of the film, he finally made his mark as a French diplomat, novelist, film director, and Jewish pilot during World War II.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

He is also the only writer in the history of the Goncourt Prize for Literature to win two awards.

Like the actor Piscar Ninay, who plays Roman in the film, he lost and repented of his mother's existence, but after her death, he could not resist the intrusion of thoughts.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events
Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

The most worth mentioning is the role of the mother in the movie - Cannes film queen Charlotte Gansberg, from young to old, she contributed textbook acting skills to the audience, and the temperament of the film itself is confused, proud and alienated, making her a complex character of Roman mother.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

Gansberg also received a nomination for Best Actress at the 43rd César Film Awards in France for her superb acting skills in the film.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

As an epic and warm masterpiece, "The Promise of Childhood" was written by the ace producer group of "The Belli Family", spanning five countries and spending fourteen weeks, showing the legendary life of a great writer and his mother.

Tiger Mom! During World War II, she asked her son to assassinate Hitler, which was adapted from real people and real events

After watching the movie, Pi ge could not calm down for a long time, and the relationship between parents and children was finally no longer a common break.

Women are weak, mothers are strong, and As a man, Pigo has found another kind of extraordinary strength in the movie.

The film is introduced here, interested fans and friends can find it to watch in person.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: Episode 1

© Original 丨 Article Copyright: Ppdianying

Please do not reprint in any form without authorization.

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