
Zhu Xiantai, the late secretary of the plateau tuxiang: "Hardship index" is the "happiness index" of the masses

author:Bright Net

China News Network Qinghai Mutual Aid March 18 Title: Zhu Xiantai, late secretary of the plateau tuxiang: "Hardship index" is the "happiness index" of the masses

Author Li Jun Ma Wenming

In Haidong City, Qinghai Province, there is a late "First Secretary" Zhu Xiantai who is remembered by the Turk people.

In Shangtai Village, Taizi Township, Mutual Aid County, where he was stationed, everyone said: "Secretary Zhu spent all his limited time on the front line of poverty alleviation, and he used his limited life to do the things of the masses to the end." ”

Zhu Xiantai, the late secretary of the plateau tuxiang: "Hardship index" is the "happiness index" of the masses

The picture shows Zhu Xiantai (middle) understanding the villagers' cultivated land. (Infographic) Photo by Ma Wenming

During the spring ploughing season, this reporter came to Shangtai Village, Taizi Township, Huzhu County, and saw in the diary used by Zhu Xiantai before his death: "What the masses think and hope for is the direction of my work, the fields and small courtyards of the farmhouse are my office places, and the gold and silver awards are not as good as the praise of the masses." ”

When looking through the diary, Wang Quanren, secretary of the party branch of Shangtai Village, kept sighing and said regretfully: "Now that the whole village is living a good life, it is inseparable from Secretary Zhu's hard work, but unfortunately, he can no longer see our happy life." ”

Shangtai Village, Taizi Township, belongs to the semi-shallow and half-brain mountain area, which is 8 kilometers away from the county seat of Mutual Aid. It is not only a poor village in the province, but also a place where Zhu Xiantai "raced" with his life.

"The secretary came to the village for more than five years and led 33 poor households in the village to achieve poverty alleviation, and the incidence of poverty dropped from 8.8% to zero. He ran day and night in poverty alleviation work, always saying that the 'hardship index' is the 'happiness index' of the masses. Wang Quanren said.

When he was just stationed in the village, Zhu Xiantai rushed to his neighbors every day, listened to his parents, worked in the fields, wrote the basic situation and industrial layout of Shangtai Village into a research report, and familiarized the village with the feelings of the people.

Zhu Xiantai, the late secretary of the plateau tuxiang: "Hardship index" is the "happiness index" of the masses

The picture shows Zhu Xiantai eating. (Infographic) Photo by Ma Wenming

"He occasionally feels unwell at work, he said that the work of poverty alleviation can not wait, since October 2018, he began to run between the hospital and the village, and often appeared on the job with a hanging bottle." Ben Shoushan, a member of the poverty alleviation task force, recalled that many times, everyone advised Zhu Xian to cultivate too well, but he always said that he should persist well.

In the eyes of villager Liu Yongqing, Zhu Xiantai is his own relative: "My legs are not good, I can't do heavy work, the secretary feels that breeding and planting are not suitable for me, so he helped me borrow money to buy a loader and let me participate in training." In 2017, I can go out and make money. ”

From 1,000 to 3,000 yuan, and now that the loans and foreign debts have been paid off, the capital protection income of 5,000 yuan per month in the peak season has made Liu Yongqing's family live a good life.

"I wanted to invite Secretary Zhu to his house for a little drink several times, and every time he said 'next time,' now I don't even have the opportunity to 'next time.'" Liu Yongqing could not hide the loss in his heart.

Under the active struggle of Zhu Xiantai, Shangtai Village has successively held agricultural technology and scientific and technological information training courses, achieving full coverage of scientific and technological training for the whole village, and winning various construction projects to benefit the people and increase their income. At the end of 2016, Shangtai Village fully completed the task of poverty alleviation of 102 people from 33 households, and the per capita net income of the whole village increased by 2700 yuan compared with 2015.

Zhu Xiantai, the late secretary of the plateau tuxiang: "Hardship index" is the "happiness index" of the masses

The picture shows Zhu Xiantai (center) visiting the people in the rain. Photo by Ma Wenming

"After Secretary Zhu found out the kidney disease syndrome, he still worked wholeheartedly, often ate instant noodles, dry steamed buns or did not eat directly, often forgot to take medicine when he was busy, how to persuade him was useless, and later the villagers spontaneously sent him food, the meals were less oil, less salt and less sugar, everyone hoped that the secretary would take good care of his body and work again." Ben Shoushan said.

After 2018, Zhu Xiantai went to Xijing Hospital every year for examination and treatment. In the entire 46 days on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, Zhu Xiantai dragged the sick body to various epidemic prevention points, and he aggravated his condition due to overwork and was admitted to the hospital.

Since 2006, Zhu Xiantai has been sponsoring students. By 2016, students in 30 schools in 10 locations were receiving his grants. At the same time, Zhu Xiantai set up the "Spring Language" mutual aid volunteer service club, over the years, Zhu Xiantai matchmaking, together with caring people and public welfare organizations across the country donated nearly 1 million yuan, subsidized more than 600 poor students, donated clothes, books, stationery, desks, etc. a total of more than 400,000 yuan.

He himself sponsored 5 poor students, and the funding was nearly 30,000 yuan. Participating in volunteer public welfare activities covers Huzhu, Hualong, Xunhua, Datong, Ledu, Ping'an, Huangzhong, Yushu and other areas.

On February 13, 2021, Zhu Xiantai bid farewell to his passion for career and fellow villagers. "Secretary, my family's income has increased by another 20,000 this year." "Secretary, the life of Liu Shenggui's mother and son is very happy." ......

At the memorial service, the villagers shouted "secretary" and told zhu Xiantai the people and things he was most worried about before his death. (End)

Source: China News Network

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