
Authentic preparation of air-dried beef

author:I'm clothed

Go to Chifeng for a business trip, the street is full of air-dried beef selling points, just buy some. By the way, I told the owner how this beef was made, and I wanted to try it when I went home.

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


Ingredients: 1.5 kg of fresh gluten-free beef, 80 g of whole peppercorns, 30 g of salt, 300 ml of high liquor

1. Wash the beef, dry the water and cut into thick slices of about two centimeters

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


2. Pour in the wine and massage the beef for about 3 minutes, allowing the surface of the beef to fully inhale the juice

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


3. Add about 100 grams of salt in several times and rub the surface of the beef vigorously

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


4. Cover with plastic wrap and stay overnight

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


5. Every other day, wash your hands, take out the marinated beef and squeeze out the brine on the surface

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


6. Sterilize the cutting board, sprinkle a layer of fine salt powder on the cutting board, put the beef on it, and then sprinkle a layer of salt on the surface and surroundings of the beef, and tap it with your hand, and the surface of the beef must be covered with salt powder

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


7. Bamboo skewers are sterilized, passed through the beef, drip dry water, this process takes about 20 minutes. See the surface of the beef as enamel wet, but no drops of blood prevail

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


8. Mash the pepper grains, put them in a large plate that has been detoxified, put the beef on the plate, and press the beef sides with the pepper crushed

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


9. Here can not be replaced by ready-made pepper, because most of the pepper is not pure, with flour or dextrin added to it, not only can not play a role in drying and preserving freshness, but also easy to make beef rotten

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


10. Hang the beef in a cool and ventilated place, preferably at 2 to 8 degrees

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


11. In order to eliminate the annoyance of mosquitoes and flies, I covered the outside with a layer of nylon yarn

Authentic preparation of air-dried beef


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