
Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

author:Dr. Lilac

Rumors about folic acid are really overwhelming and uninvolved.

Some people say that folic acid can cause fetal cessation, and "it is a three-point poison" that is not good for children; some people firmly believe that men do not need folic acid supplementation; and some people think that folic acid is good, and it is good to supplement it by the way when eating.

Today, Lilac's mother invited Li Shan, the attending doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, who summed up the "top ten rumors" about folic acid that have been circulated the most, and now she will all light them all at once!

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

Rumor one: Folic acid is a medicine, and it is a three-point poison of medicine

Folic acid also has a name, called vitamin B9.

Yes, it is a vitamin.

Although the folic acid tablets sold on the market, some are over-the-counter drugs, some are health care products, but folic acid itself as a kind of vitamin, as long as the normal amount of take, do not take the bottle blow as a meal to eat, and will not have any "three points of toxicity" effect.

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

Image source: Network

Myth two: folic acid is useless, and people were fine if they didn't eat it before

Folic acid is useful and useful!

Folic acid is an indispensable substance in the process of growth, division and proliferation of our human cells, and it is also a key component for embryos to maintain normal neural tube development.

Folic acid supplementation can effectively prevent congenital neural tube development malformations in the fetus.

As for the previous people who didn't eat it was okay, wrong!

In more than 2,000 infants born between 1981 and 1982, neural tube malformations were the leading cause of death in newborns.

And I don't know, I haven't heard of it, I haven't seen it, and I can't say I don't have it, which is a lack of statistical significance.

Myth three: Folic acid depends on food supplements

Folic acid was first discovered, it was indeed extracted from spinach leaves, and folic acid is also contained in many foods.

However, when we steam and fry, folic acid will inevitably be lost, and we Chinese, as if we are not very fond of raw food.

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

Usually, if you come back to picky eating, and you happen to be pregnant and need more folic acid, then this food supplement can be more limited.

Therefore, the safe way is to take folic acid tablets. At the very least, it's better than eating vegetable leaves raw all day.

Myth Four: Folic acid can cause irregular menstruation

I found that in fact, many women who throw the pot of irregular menstruation to folic acid, the real reason for their irregular menstruation is that when taking folic acid, they always feel the urgency and pressure of the task of "preparing to conceive and have a baby", that is, mental tension and anxiety.

Women with real menstrual irregularities, stopping folic acid, are also the same menstrual irregularities.

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

Image source: Stand Cool Helo Creative

Mental stress, poor mood, work fatigue, and even travel can affect the pace of menstruation. And in general, we think that menstruation is advanced or lags by about a week, which is a normal range, and cannot be regarded as menstrual irregularities.

Moreover, danish scientists have conducted studies that show that there is no direct relationship between the standardized use of folic acid and changes in the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, this "menstrual irregularity" pot, or do not buckle to the head of other people's folic acid!

Myth Five: Folic acid can cause fetal abortation

This is arguably the biggest boss in the rumors!

Obviously it is to help eugenics and fertility, but it will lead to fetal cessation, don't you think this rumor is very confusing?

It's as if you told me that eating makes you hungrier.

Key: Folic acid does not cause fetal cessation!

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

There are many reasons for fetal abortion, and survival of the fittest and natural selection are the biggest factors.

In addition, both husband and wife chromosomal problems, immune problems, and endocrine problems may cause fetal cessation.

However, among the reasons for fetal cessation, there is really no folate option. Folic acid supplementation can reduce the risk of fetal cessation.

If you are really unfortunate enough to suffer from fetal abortion, then what you need is to relax and start all over again, rather than venting your anger on folic acid.

Myth Six: The more expensive folic acid is, the better


Our country has free folic acid distribution, and women of childbearing age can take their ID cards to the local maternal and child health hospital or community health service station to collect it.

If it is not convenient to go, you can also buy from pharmacies, the price of ordinary folic acid tablets is not expensive, expensive is generally health care products folic acid tablets, or multivitamin tablets.

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

Myth Seven: Imported folic acid is better than domestically produced

No matter what folic acid you are, where the folic acid comes from, extracted from spinach, or extracted from diamonds, the essence is folic acid, and the effect is the same.

There is no need to be sublime, as long as it is a domestic regular product, it can also play the role of folic acid.

Myth Eight: Folic acid in health supplements is better than folic acid in medicinal products

The production requirements of health care products are more than one level worse than the requirements of drugs.

The reason why the salesperson in the pharmacy came up to you and tweeted about the health care product folic acid is not because it is better than the drug folic acid. The real reason why everyone on the earth knows is that the health product folic acid tablets are more profitable than drugs.

Again, if you can run a trip, you don't have to spend money, just take your ID card with you.

Myth Nine: Men don't need folic acid supplementation

Lack of folic acid not only affects pregnancy, but can also cause megaloblastic anemia and may also affect sperm quality.

As long as men have a normal and balanced diet, they generally do not lack folic acid, so we do not take male folic acid supplementation as a routine recommendation.

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

But according to my usual observation, many men are carnivores, and they eat less fruits and vegetables, so if the husband usually loves all kinds of meat barbecue junk food, eating vegetables and fruits is as painful as eating poison, then it is also okay to give him some folic acid to supplement it.

The two of them together, one piece a day, think about it a little sweet.

Myth 10: Doctors ask you to eat folic acid for a purpose

I'm the weakest at this.

The state distributes folic acid for free, and the doctor lets you go to collect it, what is the purpose? Of course, it is to make you eugenic.

Even if you go out to buy, you can buy folic acid tablets at any pharmacy.

Ordinary folic acid tablets range from a box of more than ten yuan to dozens of yuan, and the money spent really will not run to the doctor.

Again, really suspect that there is something catty, take the ID card to get it, free!

Folic acid supplementation will stop the fetus? 10 Truths Expectant Mothers Must Know About Folic Acid

In the usual reception, it was found that after many years of free distribution of folic acid, even if the technology is developed and the information is spread rapidly, many people still do not know what folic acid is, and even listen to rumors to resist folic acid.

We hope that one more person with the right perception can be one less person victimized by rumors.

The more perinatal care one person has, the less risk of birth for a deformed child.

The more healthy fetuses that come into the world, the less a family suffers from fetal defects.

This article was first published in the biography of The Doctor Who (ID: gh_66ee8204a053), with a pot hanging in front of the door and a vein in the tent. Gynecology, Parenting, a public account focused on Half the Sky and the future.

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