
Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

author:Zhen wu yang wei
Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe
Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

Maps of Wuwei in the 1970s show the Yangjia River

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

The map of Wuwei during the Republic of China period shows the > of Yangjiahe in <

A place name is not just a title or a symbol of a particular region.

Geographical names, which can reflect the geographical information of a local cultural heritage.

Some old place names, there is an endless stream of civilization precipitation, there are vicissitudes of migration, but also the mark of local changes.

If the name change is for Yahua, it can be called "Yangjiahe", and it is called "Yangjiahe" in the 1943 city map. Directly related to the name "Ma Ta Fei Yan" unearthed decades ago, although it can maintain consistency with the long-term Wuwei propaganda visual hammer, it also stifles the image of a hero. Copper galloping horse as a Symbol of Chinese tourism for decades, but also did not bring much traffic to Wuwei, but all over the country is full of "Copper Galloping Horse" sculptures, the third largest city in ancient times is now nameless, whose fault?

In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, Liangzhou culture publicizes "learning history to be clear and reasonable, learning history to increase credibility, learning history to revere virtue, and learning history to practice".

How to learn history? How to learn history to increase credibility? Is it a destruction of the history of a famous historical city by arbitrarily changing the historical and cultural origins of the city?

In the upper reaches of the Yangjiaba River, the Qin and Han Dynasties called Gaizang Water, the Han Dynasty called the South Valley Water, the Han Wei called Hengshui, the Sui and Tang Dynasties called Yanghui Valley Water, the Western Xia Yuan Dynasty called the Jinta Temple Mountain Pass Stream, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and new China called the Yangjia River. Due to the construction of the reservoir in the upper reaches, the river beach is dry, the ancient name of the Yangjiaba River, its name origin, because the Ming Dynasty Liangzhou Yang family will hereditary generals lead the army and civilians to build flood control irrigation East Canal, in the Yangjia River Liuzhuang divided into left and right forks, and here with the left tributary Xisha River fork and named. Yangjiahe Liuzhuang has always been prominent in Liangzhou's water activities. Since the Ming Dynasty, the Liangzhou General Dragon King Temple has been located in this area, and the main dam of the Jinta Canal is also located here, so it has also become the main estuary of the Jinta River, which has also been elevated to the total water mouth tianmen in the Liangzhou feng shui pattern. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the existence of the jinta canal general dam formed a complete artesian irrigation system of the left seven dams and the right five dams river canal and ditch system since the Han Dynasty. The main main stream of the Yangjiaba River connects with the Nanying River, flows from south to northeast, collects the left and right springs along the way, flows northwest through the East Pass of Liangzhou City, turns to the northwest to Fangjiazhuang, and joins the Main Stream of the Shiyang River in the north of Mengjialiu Bay of Songtao Temple. The river is curved and uneven, about 580 meters to 53 meters wide, the average width is about 300 meters, the slope is 1/50-1/150, since the history, the Yangjia River has been artificially built since the Ming Dynasty, playing the role of flood control irrigation moat, from the upstream Of the Yangjia River Liuzhuang water distribution to the downstream Sancha River into the town of Fanshiyang River, the whole journey up to more than 30 kilometers, water irrigation along the way, hundreds of years to raise the heroic Liangzhou people ...

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

Advocating literature and martial arts in the world

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

Portrait of the general of The Northern Province in Yangfu Lane, Liangzhou, Ming Dynasty

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

Qing Dynasty Qianlong three years Liangzhou Yang eighteen screens

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

Yangjia River Liuzhuang watershed

The National Policy of the Ming Dynasty, Xingtun Tian, repairing water conservancy, and building forts and villages, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

Gansu Inspector Yang Bo governed Gansu historical data

Wu Wei: Please call me Yang Jiahe

According to the historical records of the Ming and Qing dynasties of Shiyang, the correct Shiyang River belongs to the lower section of the Sancha River.

  Banchu Dam In the northwest of Gulang County, the Nuanquan Dam is in the northeast of the county, Wuli Juyin City, west of the cliff spring water flow irrigation

  Dahe Shangtou Dam In gulang county, thirty miles northeast of the north thirty miles is three dams and forty miles north is four dams, thirty miles west of the west dam, twenty-five miles northwest of the west dam, thirty miles north of the Baoyuan Dam, thirty miles north of the five dams, the water diversion canal irrigation

The Shrine of Our Lady of Jinshan, outside the west gate of Zhenqi County, was built by Ming Hongwu in the 31st year.

Dayun Temple, in the northeast corner of the city, was built in five years by Tianyou and has thirteen floors of an ancient pagoda

Anguo Temple is located in the southeast corner of the city, which is said to be the palace of jinzhang rail, and there is an ancient well in front of the temple.

Qingying Temple, built in the north of the city, at the time of Ming Yongle, has thirteen floors of Gushe Pagoda.

Rosh Monastery A pagoda temple, in the north of the city, up to thirteen floors, according to legend, there is a tongue of Kumarosh hidden inside.

Solemn Temple In the red cliff land of sixty miles south of the city, the former name of Jingjue Temple, Ming Yongle five years of three Tibetan masters Er Chi jian.

The Golden Pagoda Temple is thirty miles south of the city

Big Buddha Temple A Guangshan Temple, in the southeast of the province, a hundred miles cliff, there are seven stone Buddhas.

Haizang Temple Ten Miles north of the city, there are smoke clouds and lush trees on the Xiangshan Mountain, and Dajue Temple is in the southeast corner of Yongchang County

  Guangchan Temple is located just south of Yongchang County

  Jinchuan Temple was built in the 12th year of Yongchang County's north Ming Yongle

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