
Does coffee affect adolescent development?

author:Pigs with horns hanging from their horns

Coffee is a beverage with a wide audience.

A long time ago, the first coffee merchant in the UK advertised that coffee was "good for sore eyes" and "excellent for the prevention and treatment of edema, gout and scurvy". In the early 18th century, the Germans believed that the drink would cause infertility in women.

In recent years, another idea about coffee has taken hold of the public imagination – that coffee hinders adolescent development.

Does coffee affect adolescent development?

To test whether this idea was correct, the scientists conducted a 6-year follow-up survey of 81 developing adolescents, and the results showed that the adolescents who drank coffee most often had no difference in bone density compared to the control group that did not drink coffee [Source: O'Connor]. So, is coffee completely harmless?

【The Dark Side of Coffee】

Coffee beans were once accompanied by wars, spreading from Turkey to Austria. Because the coffee beans themselves are very bitter, the Austrians added a lot of milk and sugar to the coffee, resulting in the world's first cappuccino. Nowadays, the practice of coffee has developed a lot.

Today's coffee ideas look more like dessert than a simple refreshing drink. Some of the biggest coffee shops have menus with mint mocha star cravings rich in chocolate and cream, while Don'tour offers vanilla bean coffee cold drinks, which are also enriched with corn syrup and sweet condensed milk.

So while caffeine has been shown to cause some relatively minor health problems — nervousness, anxiety, heartburn, insomnia — what actually worries nutritionists is the addition of other ingredients, especially sugar, to nutritionists.

Does coffee affect adolescent development?

In the United States, the problem of childhood obesity and diabetes is growing, which is nothing new, and drinks with large calories are harmful to childhood obesity and diabetes. According to the National Coffee Association, people between the ages of 18 and 24 are the fastest growing group of coffee citations.

In China, the rate of childhood obesity is also showing an upward trend year by year, China's fourth nutrition and health survey report shows that the national obesity rate of children and adolescents aged 6-17 years has increased by 2 times in 10 years, reaching 53 million.

In addition to increasing the waist circumference of the back waves, drinking coffee can also cause dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay. To make matters worse, the tannins in coffee can contaminate the enamel of your teeth so much that you "don't look so good when you smile."

Does coffee affect adolescent development?

Pregnant women should drink coffee preferably no more than two cups a day. Researchers in the UK found that pregnant women who consumed more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day (equivalent to two cups of coffee) were more likely to give birth to underweight babies. Low birth weight can also lead to spontaneous miscarriage — another problem previously considered health-related to caffeine.

But if you're not pregnant, drink enough water, consume enough calcium, and don't add a lot of sugar, the health benefits of coffee far outweigh its disadvantages.

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