
My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

author:Naturalist magazine

Oh, what an important day is today, isn't it an ordinary Wednesday brick moving day?

But you guys, riveting enough to turn it into Tanabata.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

You human love, you just watch and do it yourself...

Then, the love of the lion seals, orangutan red deer, etc. that you can't see in daily life, I am also tired.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Feelings, or to grasp from the side.

So today, I have looked at the cats, dogs and dogs around you, ready to care about their love marriage. Do you pet cats and dogs every day, do you think you know them very well? No, you may have some blind spots in the emotional world of your masters, so please read this article carefully and keep in mind the knowledge points.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Cat's love, short and painful

Every spring, your neighborhood is also a cat's "calling spring" sound, right? I am also here, one night I met the senior stray cat "Lao Bai" in the community. The big white-haired male cat changed its usual laziness, shook its chubby body into the grass, and in a short while there was a terrible howl.

I quietly followed, only to bump into a sensitive shot of Lao Bai and the stray female cat "Rhubarb"...

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

More than three months later, I passed the debris pile behind the building and saw that "rhubarb" was snoozing inside, and there were a few small milk cats crawling next to me. On closer inspection, the three little milk cats turned out to be two black and one yellow.


How can yellow cats and white cats give birth to black cats? Is "old white" green?

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Drawing: Cat Xiaozhao

Don't look at your cats, as well as the stray cats in the community, usually very cold, do not like to take care of you, but once the spring estrus period, they can not calm down.

As soon as the estrus period arrives, the female cats attract suitors through the "call of spring" and the special smell in the urine. Next, the men who compete for the heart will naturally have a contest. Generally speaking, the male cat is just a comparison of momentum, and it is rare to really fight. And the older male cats are domineering when they raise their tails, and those young and weak male cats are naturally scared away.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

The champion big male cat who drove away the love enemy will cheekily come to the female cat and set it almost.

After a short period of mutual familiarity, the female cat will accept courtship, followed by a painful mating process - the female of the feline needs severe pain stimulation to ovulate smoothly, so when mating, the female cat is always in pain and screams bitterly.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Image courtesy of

Good times are always short-lived — a pair of cats and cats who fall in love, who spend a few hours together at most, will break up say byebye, forget about each other, and go to find a new joy.

Needless to say, the female cat is also unwilling to be lonely, and a female cat often mates with 3 or 4 male cats in succession during the estrus period. So the litter of kittens she gave birth to after that was probably from several different dads.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Love you forever? inexistent

Wang Xing talks about love, mainly depending on status

Not only will cats spring, but dogs will also.

There is a poodle in the community, and when it walks the corner, it is chased by a big golden retriever, which frightens it to hide behind its owner. The owner of the golden retriever ran over and took the dog away, laughing and saying, "I'm sorry, this dog can't stop it lately."

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy
My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Picture from: "Chunjiao Saves Zhiming"

The owner of the poodle who was chased also complained helplessly: "In the past few days, my dog has been 'confessed' no less than ten times, and there are dogs of any breed." ”

The ancestor of dogs, wolves, are usually a single male and female in the wild, and then form a wolf pack on the basis of a small family. But since being domesticated by humans and changing from the Star OfLorus to the Wang Star, the love life of the dogs has completely changed, if you use four words to describe it, it is "your circle is really chaotic".

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Usually, the female dog's estrus is mostly in the spring and autumn, while the male dog is more powerful, no matter what season is looking for the object.

Therefore, behind a in heat, there are often several male dogs with bright eyes and great interest.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Like male cats, male dogs also engage in face-to-face courtship competitions: some show off, but some really fight.

Sometimes two male dogs face each other in a circle for a long time without moving, and the female dog next to them will secretly bite the buttocks of one of them, and shake the two to fight, sitting on the side of the mountain and watching the dog fight. The male dog that finally wins will win the opportunity to play happily with the female dog.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Without human intervention, the feelings between dogs are not related to breeds, even huskies and jingba, it is possible to "be together". But dogs retain a primitive wolf instinct: they value each other's social status. To be successfully paired, the male dog must have a higher status than the female dog.

If a male dog is bullied by other dogs all day, the female dog will never look at it.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Hamsters have no love, only want to eat each other

Let me have a pet too.

Kittens and puppies are too noisy or forget it, I have long heard that hamsters are cute and easy to raise, so I bought a pair of freshly weaned mice. Watching them snuggle up closely together while they sleep, I thought that in a few months, I should be able to harvest the hamster baby.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

More than half a month later, the two hamsters have been living in harmony. One night I faintly heard a scream coming from the side of the hamster cage, and then I fell asleep again...

The next day I got up to feed, saw that there were a lot of wood chips outside the cage, I was shocked, and then looked carefully into the cage, my mother, the hamster sister is nibbling on the hamster brother's corpse with relish!

More than half a month later, the hamster sister gave birth to a litter of fatherless babies.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Don't look at how many people now keep hamsters as pets, in fact, they did not begin to be artificially bred until the 20th century, and the degree of retention of primitive habits is higher than that of cats and dogs.

The wild ancestors of pet hamsters such as the Gacaria hamster (small hairy foot rat) and the golden hamster (golden hamster) are completely lonely stars - since they left their mothers when they were 1 month old, they have no friends in the short rat life of 2 to 3 years.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Pet golden hamster

Although under artificial breeding, two rats that grow up together will have a sense of companionship, but this can not suppress their lonely instinct to pinch when they meet.

Even during the breeding period, hamsters are also pursuing flash marriage and evasion, what "keeping" means, they do not know - male and female hamsters from meeting to parting ways, at most only a few hours, and generally female hamsters frantically bite the male hamster and drive it away.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Hamsters are stupid and harmless on the surface, but they retain the solitary habits of wild time, even if it is the breeding period, one male and one female cannot live peacefully for a long time

If two hamsters are unfortunate enough to be kept in the same cage, the male hamster will wait for the dog to take it. Have you ever witnessed such a scene with your own eyes?

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy
My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Image from: Sina Weibo

Lover peacock fish, frantically chasing the mother-to-be

After experiencing the tragedy of the hamster, I empathized with tropical fish. Learning the lesson, this time not only chose the most beginner peacock fish, but also bought only one male and three females. The owner of the fish shop said that if you only keep one, the peacock fish will be lonely, and if you have one male fish per tank, you will not fight.

After a few days, I found that a female fish's belly was bulging and swimming slowly. The male peacock fish is particularly enthusiastic about it, always circling around it, shaking his beautiful tail fin, and rushing over from time to time to try to make love.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Oh, the fish look so fancy, actually quite "gu family", concentrate on coaxing the pregnant wife to be happy, touching! As a result, I later learned that I thought too much - in fact, the male peacock fish is dedicated to the female fish, just courtship, not taking care of his wife.

The breeding method of peacock fish is oviparous birth + in vivo fertilization, and the female fish during the breeding period will produce unfertilized eggs in the body, making the body slightly "fat", and then the male will choose such a female fish for courtship and mating.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

The male peacock fish's flowing large tail fin evolved during long-term courtship

During the courtship process, the male fish always pesters the female, constantly posing various poses in front of him to increase favorability and try to drive away other males. Otherwise, the female can store the sperm of several males at the same time.

After the eggs in the female are fertilized and developed, the belly will continue to grow larger and more and more inconvenient, and the male fish at this time has long since disappeared from where to go...

Male dragonfly territory, who dares to make times

In the summer, when you go to the park, you can always see dragonflies flying up and down the lake.

Remember that many insects "dance" in the air for courtship, and today I also observe the dragonfly's love dance. But the dragonfly flew so fast that it flew out in the blink of an eye.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Suddenly, there was a "buzzing" in my ears, and two dragonflies hugging each other fell beside me, their wings still beating themselves. Just after crouching down to take a closer look, one of them flew away, and the other was still struggling weakly on the ground. If you look closely, its head has actually been bitten into a big hole and is about to hang up.

Could it be that dragonflies, like praying mantises, are widows, and killing Lang Jun exclusively is not negotiable?

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

In fact, like many insects, the larvae (juvenile insects) of dragonflies have a long lifespan, and adult insects generally only live for two or three months, and their only mission is to pass on the generations. It is not so much that adult dragonflies are predatory machines as they are breeding machines...

After entering the "ultimate form" of flying, the male dragonflies will divide their own territory and strive to mate with each female who flies into their own territory. But the places that female dragonflies like to patronize are limited after all, so male dragonflies often fight each other for turf, without mercy - after all, a breeding season in a lifetime, fight! So if you see a dragonfly biting each other to death, it must be two male dragonflies fighting.

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Photo: Tang Zhiyuan

Male dragonflies can't do anything about female dragonflies that fly out of their territory, but they have another trick: they have hook-like structures on their genitals, and when mating they can pull out the other sperm in the female dragonfly's body, leaving only their own.

I have to say that this trick is too cruel...

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Male dragonflies strive to pursue female dragonflies that enter their territory and try to mate

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

All right

That's the end of today's lesson

Always feel that sensitive words are a bit much

Look at it!

Please take the exam after reading it

People who have finished the exam

only to qualify for the Tanabata Festival

My love doesn't matter, my master is happy

Tanabata also has to do problems

Written by | He Quan Tiger Armor

Drawing | Cat Xiaozhao

WeChat Editor | glad

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