
Liu Xuehua lives alone and worries about falling down, no one knows, And Lafayette's legacy is left to the cat: Do you also feel lonely?

Liu Xuehua lives alone and worries about falling down, no one knows, And Lafayette's legacy is left to the cat: Do you also feel lonely?

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Chatting with a friend two days ago, she forgot what she was discussing, and she suddenly came up with a sentence: Loneliness is very energy-consuming.

I think it's a bit like a golden sentence, and when I think about it, it's also true.

If you can't find a way to be self-consistent, you need a powerful force to fight loneliness. Because people will be afraid of the emptiness, repetition, and tastelessness brought about by loneliness, they will be at a loss, self-denial, and doubt life.

Is loneliness a person? Does a person have to feel lonely?

I thought of what Kang Yongge said when he talked about "introverted personality".

He said that an essence of distinguishing introverts and extroverts is that the two personalities draw energy in different ways: extroverts need to obtain the energy of repair in a lively, friend-surrounded environment, while introverts get energy and repair themselves by themselves, whether reading books or listening to music.

If you simply and rudely divide people's personalities introverts and extroverts, there must be many introverts in the world. Well, there are bound to be many people who are lonely at many times, but they may not have a sense of loneliness.

Loneliness and loneliness are two different things.

Tagore said that loneliness is the carnival of one person, and carnival is the loneliness of a group of people. The wrong people are together, the physical state may not be lonely, but the heart must be full of loneliness.

Personal feelings, moderate loneliness, everyone needs. Even extroverts need time and space to be lonely; even introverts can't live as an island.

Loneliness cannot be confronted, and it seems more appropriate to get along with it.

In the spring of 1997, the 87-year-old Mr. Yang Dai said to his daughter Qian Zhen, who was dying in a hospital bed: "Sleep with peace of mind, and your father and I wish you a good sleep." As soon as the words fell, Qian Yu stopped breathing. In the middle of winter of the following year, Mr. Qian Zhongshu passed away. Since then, the warm and happy "we both" have only been Mr. Yang Dai.

Liu Xuehua lives alone and worries about falling down, no one knows, And Lafayette's legacy is left to the cat: Do you also feel lonely?

The elderly man, alone in an empty room, began to sort out her husband's vast array of academic notes. In 2011, the "Qian Zhongshu Manuscript Collection" was published, and the Chinese notes alone had 79 volumes and more than 15,000 pages. In addition, in the past ten years, Mr. Yang Dai himself has published a collection of essays" "We Both" and "Walking on the Edge of Life".

"The Two of Us" describes the 63-year life path that Mr. Yang Dai's family of three has walked with wind and rain, and the words are full of warmth. Some people commented, watch once cry once. "Walking on the Edge of Life" shows Mr. Yang Dai's ultimate thinking on many issues such as life and death, life and human nature, and is full of wisdom.

We once longed so much for the waves of fate, and finally found that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calm and calm in the heart... We looked forward to the approval of the outside world, and finally realized that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others!

In 2012, mr. Yang Dai, 105 years old, passed away safely, as graceful and calm as ever.

If you have such a happy family, a rich life and deep thinking, you can calmly face loneliness and life.

Many times, perhaps what we fear is not loneliness, but the risks that come with loneliness.

Recently, I brushed a small video to see a reality show in which Liu Xuehua participated - "Summer of the Eaves". This Qiong Yao drama royal heroine who has earned enough tears for us is already 62 years old. She has been living alone for 10 years since her husband's unexpected death.

Childless and childless, with 2 dogs; driver and nanny, but don't live together; TV is on 24 hours a day, and you need some noise when you sleep; you rarely go out, walk your dog a little farther and get lost...

Liu Xuehua lives alone and worries about falling down, no one knows, And Lafayette's legacy is left to the cat: Do you also feel lonely?

Her life was comfortably arranged, but like many elderly people living alone, she was also afraid. Fear of loneliness cares about the temporary inconveniences and risks of foreign countries, such as a person to see a doctor, such as falling at home one day no one knows... This is a very real problem, not subject to personal will.

She has nice family. The eldest sister makes 2 phone calls every morning and evening to chat with her, and the family will be present for anything. But she said she would go to a nursing home in 10 years.

Young couples come to mate, this sentence, it is worth savoring.

There are also about a lot of people who are injured and actively choose to be lonely.

For example, Karl Lagerfeld, known as "Lafayette". After his death, he left his 2.1 billion inheritance to his pet cat. Karl was so fond of the cat that he could do nothing and stare at it for hours, saying it brought sunlight into his life.

Liu Xuehua lives alone and worries about falling down, no one knows, And Lafayette's legacy is left to the cat: Do you also feel lonely?

Karl's status, wealth and talent give him a lot of choices in many things, and loneliness is more of his active choice.

But from another point of view, how disappointed does a person have to be in other people before he can give all his affection and affection to an animal? Perhaps loneliness is the one who has the initiative, and it chooses him.

A few days ago, I commented under a video that what you have to learn in life is to get along with loneliness, and I didn't expect that there were nearly 200 likes. It can be seen from this that there are so many lonely people now.

Loneliness may be something we can't avoid in our lifetime. Learning to get along with loneliness, and even being friends, is also a compulsory course in life.

Bless those who see these words can find someone who dispels their loneliness: in the life of intersecting with each other, warm each other and empty the sense of loneliness; in the life of each other's empty collection, think of each other and reduce loneliness.


Be yourself comfortably, I am Xuanyan, may we all become better selves.

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