
I don't want to go home, it's horrible!


Wen | Gongziyi

I don't want to go home, it's horrible!


She is 30 years old and works as a copywriter at a design firm in Beijing. Annual salary of 100,000.

She has good facial features, but she is a little short. Because, born in the countryside, when I was a child, I didn't pay much attention to hygiene, and my teeth were a little yellow.

I like her a lot.

Because I prefer interesting souls to the face of the city.

She once traveled alone in Tibet. She had prayerfully sworn at the Potala Palace to find a man who loved her enough.

She was the kind of woman who would walk on the side of the road and talk to little flowers and birds.

She was really nice.

I don't want to go home, it's horrible!


However, recently, I received a message from her.

But she told me that she was a person who did not dare to go home. Because, every time she went home, it was a terrible disaster for her.

Her money would be taken away by her parents. They would save it and leave it all to their brother who was not a tool.

All of her clothes would be given away by her parents, just to let others know how well their daughter was in the big city.

Her third sister-in-law would give her blind dates every day, and they really didn't want her to marry a better person. Rather, I really feel that she is too old to marry. If they don't try to sell her, she will really end up alone.

Even more frightening was her brother.

Her phone, her new Apple phone, will definitely be snatched away by her brother.

I don't want to go home, it's horrible!


I believe everything she said.

Because I was born in the countryside, I have seen too many parents and brothers who treat their daughters as cash cows.

They bore daughters not to love, but to serve themselves, for their sons.

Every time, these girls return home, enjoying never family affection, but terrible plunder.

It was a sin for her to buy a new dress, it was a sin for her to go on a tour, it was a sin for her to buy anything for herself. Even the late marriage of her was a sin.

In the eyes of her parents, the family is so poor, your brother and brother still have to get married, shouldn't you save money to subsidize the family?

In her brother's opinion, you make so much money, shouldn't you give me a little? A mobile phone counts for nothing. His classmates' sisters bought them computers.

As for marrying later.

They all felt that no one wanted her when she was so old, which was too humiliating.

I don't want to go home, it's horrible!


She said that in recent years, most of the money she has earned has been given to her family.

She said that the only criterion for her parents to introduce her to was whether she had money or not, whether she had enough face.

As for whether she likes it or not.

In her brother's words, feelings can be worth a few bucks.

She said she really, really, really, didn't want to go home.

She said that when she returned home, her belongings would be devastated.

Even if there is no money, it will be compared with the three sisters and six wives in the family with those rural women who have children. Even if they come and go, they must sell her as an object according to the way they marry.

It was horrible.

She said she was like a pig waiting to be slaughtered. Even if the pork is eaten, it will crush her bones into slag and sell them for money.

I said, then don't go home.

She said, hello fierce.

I said, ordinary cruel girls are good for life.

I don't want to go home, it's horrible!


Actually, I know, it's not that she doesn't want to go home.

She was afraid to go home.

Because returning home means that what little income she has left will also be plundered. Whoever makes money easily gives it to others, and no one is happy to change it.

What's more, her parents' plundering of her was, to some extent, itself a kinship kidnapper.

How many people swear that they don't want to go home, but they think about everything related to home.

It's just that it's too hard to adapt to when I think about what I'm going home.

Someone keeps asking how much money you make. There are always people who keep urging you to marry. There are always some relatives and friends who compare you to others.

What's more, like her, when she returns home, she will have to face the plunder of her parents and brothers.

Really, it's scary.


Who doesn't want to be a kind girl, who wants to fight in the wind and rain, but there is no harbor to dock.

However, if we don't be a little more ruthless, if we are not strong, then we will completely lose the life we want, the life we want.

<b>Therefore, I always say that the lover only has seven points, keeps three points for himself, does not let the other party give and ask, and does not let himself pay for it with affection. So much for. So much for. </b>

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