
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom

author:Kashgar Procuratorate
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom

If the family style is correct, it is official and clean; if the family style is inferior, it is official. Throughout the ages, this has been almost the case.

Family style is the vane of social atmosphere, especially the family style of leading cadres, which is not only related to their own families, but also to the party style and government style. Gang corruption, although a temporary enjoyment and luxury, but will eventually lead to the destruction of the family, the separation of wives and children; help lian, although life is ordinary and plain, in exchange for the warm companionship of relatives and the long-lasting happiness of the long-lasting ....

In order to create a good atmosphere of honesty and self-cultivation and honesty, Xinjiang Procuratorate has specially launched the series of "Stories of Clean and Honest Family Style"..... Today's push is the "

Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Formal Straight Poetry Book Heirloom

【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom

Ji Yun (1724-1805), also spelled Xiaolan, also spelled Chunfan, was a native of Xianxian County, Hejian Province (present-day Cuierzhuang, Cangxian County, Hebei) in the Qing Dynasty, and was known as "Wenda".

In the nineteenth year of Qianlong, he was admitted as a jinshi, and was awarded the hanlin academy for editing, and successively served as Zuo Shuzi, Bingbu Shilang, Zuo Du Yushi, Libu Shilang, Libu Shangshu, and Co-organizing University Scholar. Ji Xiaolan has written works such as "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang" and "Ji Wenda's Public Testament Collection".

The greatest achievement of Ji Xiaolan's life was the general compilation of the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book", and Qianlong served as the chief editor of the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book" for thirty-eight years, "always doing his thing, more than ten years". This protracted project is voluminous, with 3,503 volumes and 79,337 volumes, divided into four parts: scripture, history, sub-collection, and collection, which extensively and systematically evaluates a large number of ancient books before the middle of the Qing Dynasty in China, and is a very rigorous and complete monograph on academic and literary criticism.

Ji Xiaolan was a clean and honest official all his life, and he has served as the chief examiner of the township examination and the meeting examination for many times, and has selected and recommended a large number of talents for the state, but he has always adhered to the standard of real talent and practical learning, and strictly prohibited candidates from bribing and giving gifts. After Ji Xiaolan's death, the Jiaqing Emperor personally inscribed an epitaph: "Sensitive and studious can be a text, and it is impossible to teach it to govern." ”

【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom

Yuewei Caotang (Former Residence of Ji Xiaolan), located at No. 241, Zhushikou West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, is a beijing municipal cultural relics protection unit.

The existing open former residence of Ji Xiaolan is a Qing-style brick and wood structure, and its layout sits north and faces south, basically belonging to the architectural pattern of the two-entry courtyard, covering an area of 1570 square meters. The frontage gate is an auspicious ruyi gatehouse on the top of a hard hill, located in the southeast corner of the entire residence. The west-sided south room, which is connected to the main gate hole, is four "inverted seats" that open doors. There is a wisteria rose in the front yard, which is said to have been planted by Xiaolan himself at that time, and it is still coiled with branches and green leaves. The front of the backyard is the "Reading Wei Caotang", and there is a screen in the middle of the north side of the hall, and a horizontal plaque with Mr. Qi Gong's handwriting "Reading Wei CaoTang Old Site" hangs on it.

Ji Xiaolan's former residence has experienced more than 200 years of ups and downs, with many historical imprints and profound cultural accumulation. After Ji Xiaolan's death, his descendants sold the house. In the 1920s, Liu Shaobai, a member of the Beiyang government, lived in the area, which was then called "Liu Mansion". In 1930, it became a secret liaison station between the CENTRAL Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Hebei Provincial Party Committee in Shanghai. In 1931, Mei Lanfang, Yu Shuyan, Li Shizeng, Zhang Boju and others established the Beijing National Opera Society in the area, which later became the site of the "Fu Liancheng" Peking Opera Class. After 1949, it was the seat of the Democratic Construction Association and the Xuanwu Party School. In 2003, the former residence was rebuilt and opened to the public, displaying the "Jingcheng Ji Family Tree", "Commentary on the Heart Carved Dragon", "Anthology of The Legends", "Notes on reading Wei Caotang" and Ming and Qing porcelain donated by Ji Qingyi, the granddaughter of Ji Xiaolan VI.

Ji's family training

Celebrity family style training

In order to govern the government, Ji Xiaolan strived to be rigorous and scrupulous in his position as the chief editor of the "Four Libraries and Complete Books"; in educating his children, he was well versed in the principle that "love is not its way, but it is enough to harm it", leaving a valuable spiritual wealth to Ji's descendants. The Ji family training has been passed down from generation to generation, which is an important evidence for the Ji family to live in the world and settle down.

Ji's family training is mainly derived from the article aphorisms and artifact inscriptions left by Ji Xiaolan, who engraved some philosophical short sentences on the utensils he used and collected with him, which was both a warning for himself and an education for future generations.

"Keeping the rules and being straight" is the most basic requirement for self-cultivation in Ji's family training, and the "four precepts", "four yi" and "four mos" embody Ji Xiaolan's philosophy of life, and although the words are simple, they contain profound meaning. The family training includes many aspects such as self-cultivation, diligence, honesty, persuasion, and handling of the world, pinning on Ji Xiaolan's ardent expectations for future generations, and thus teaching The descendants of the Ji clan to follow the rules of life, to be diligent in their studies, to be honest as an official, and to be indifferent to the principles of self-sustainment.

Guan Shanyuan: Bitter mouth bo xin Ji Xiaolan

Historically, Ji Xiaolan was famous because he had been the chief editor of the Siku Quanshu; today, Ji Xiaolan is equally famous for a TV series called "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan". But the real Ji Xiaolan is not known for his eloquence, and history records that he "stuttered and wrote books". Therefore, compared with the "iron teeth and copper teeth", the "bitter mouth and heart" is more suitable for Ji Xiaolan -- this official to a pin of college scholars, left a valuable "Ji family training", in the education of future generations, can be described as bitter mouth, worthy of reference by today's people.

The "Ji Family Training" is rich in content, and it is widely known that he has "four precepts" and "four yi" for his children. The four precepts are: one precept for getting up late, two precepts for laziness, three precepts for luxury, and four precepts for pride. The four should be: one should read diligently, two should respect the teacher, three should love the people, and four should eat cautiously. The "Four Precepts" and the "Four Yis" complement each other, complement each other, and reflect each other. Tell future generations what not to do, but also tell future generations what to do. This kind of family training is both concise and clear, but also profound and thorough.

Ji Xiaolan was known among Qing Dynasty officials for being honest and frugal, and his student Wang Deyu said: "My teacher is at the head of the Taixian, according to Zong bo and Sima Zhizun, dengqi hall is like a cold vegetarian, looking at his horses, clothes, and food, and preparing for a number, and his frugality is also like this." ”

In addition to the "Four Precepts" and "Four Yi", the "Ji Family Training" also has "Four Mos": "Poor Mo no broken books, rich Mo into the salt line; cheap Mo to do slavery, Gui Mo to bribe the stolen goods." Compared with the "Four Precepts" and "Four Yi", the "Four Mos" emphasize the "bottom-line thinking" of a person when dealing with the relationship between rich and poor and noble, and no matter how poor he is, he cannot give up studying, no matter how big he is, and he should not covet money.

Shi Zai "Ji Yun has a frank mind and a funny personality, but suddenly hears his words, almost witty, and thinks about it, but it is a famous saying", reading "Four Precepts", "Four Yi" and "Four Mos" today is like listening to an old master's nagging, talking about how to behave and do things, carefully pondering, "is a famous saying".

It is worth mentioning that the "Ji Family Training" is not what Ji Xiaolan came up with with a pat on the head, but is based on his life experience, and some experiences are still tragic.

For example, "quitting pride", when Ji Xiaolan was young and vigorous, he also had a lesson of pride. He is a proud man, but it has not been smooth sailing. In August of the eighth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1743), Ji Xiaolan participated in the scientific examination and won the first place, in the face of such good results, he began to be complacent, and the following year he returned to his hometown to take the exam, and he only took the fourth class. When I took the exam four years later, I was also blocked from the threshold of the entrance examination because I was too conceited.

But compared to the next life experience, the occasional disappointment of the field is nothing. In June of the Thirty-third Year of Qianlong (1768), Lu Jian, the governor of lianghuai, was dismissed from his post for embezzlement, and Ji Xiaolan was sent to Urumqi for leaking information. In October of the same year, he was sent to Urumqi to atone for his sins.

The "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" records this passage as follows: "Yun was an in-law, omitted words and seized his post, and was in Urumqi." Ji Xiaolan and Lu Jian were once in-laws, and Ji Xiaolan's eldest daughter was married to Lu Yinwen, Lu Yinwen, the grandson of Lu Jianzeng. Lu Jian was once involved in the "Two Huai Salt Introduction Case" after 6 years of retirement, at the age of 79, after review, Lu Jian had accepted bribes from salt merchants for a total of more than 10,000 yuan worth of antiques for ten years, and was sentenced to hanging, but he was soon imprisoned.

Due to Qianlong's need to revise books, He was recommended by liu Tongxun, a university scholar, and recalled Ji Xiaolan from Xinjiang. Who is Liu Tongxun? Liu Luo pot Liu Yong's father. History is thus strung together.

With the above story, Ji Xiaolan's "four Mos" specially emphasized "rich mo into the salt line" can be understood. In the Qing Dynasty, salt was a state monopoly, and the profit ranked first in all industries, which can be called a profiteering industry, and it has always been collusion between officials and businessmen and filthy. With the tragic case of Lu Jianzeng before, Ji Xiaolan was even more reluctant to ask his children to "seek wealth and wealth in danger.". By the way: Lu Yinwen, the grandson of Lu Jianzeng and the eldest son-in-law of Ji Xiaolan, was brilliant, but he did not want to be an official for the rest of his life after passing the examination, and returned to his hometown at the age of 46 and lived in seclusion in the mountains.

The "Guimo bribery" in the "Ji Family Training" is also based on the lesson of blood and tears. In October of the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong (1774), Ji Xiaolan's second son Ji Ruchuan broke the law for dereliction of duty and tax arrears while serving as the general judge of Jiujiang Province, and he was also implicated, and the officials decided to demote him to another post, and Qianlong learned of this and changed the sentence to demotion to a third-level post.

From a young man who was arrogant and proud of his talents, to an old man with a bitter mouth, Ji Xiaolan had been in the official arena for fifty years, and knew the great wisdom of doing things, and he wrote in a family letter to his son: "When the children of the eunuch family are full of arrogance, they invite people to respect, which is called self-respect. I don't know whether it's heavy or not, I see myself as I do. In today's terms, this is a senior cadre educating their children to establish correct values: How can the children of high-ranking cadres win the respect of others? Not based on the domineering spirit of the father's shadow, but on their own hard work.

Many of Ji's descendants were talented, such as Ji Xiaolan IV's grandson Ji Kanyi, who followed Sun Yat-sen to the revolution and became a generation of elders of the Republic of China. It can be said that the family training left by Ji Xiaolan has a great impact on future generations and also gives endless enlightenment to today's people.

Ji Qingyuan: Family rule inscription, character pearl

We often say that a child's first teacher is a parent, and whether future generations can grow up healthily depends on the education of the family, which is true. Chinese families are particularly concerned about the growth of their children, and there is a saying that "the son does not teach, the father is at fault".

My seventh ancestor Ji Rongshu (Ji Xiaolan's father) served as the superintendent of The Southern Xincang of jingshi and the prefect of Yao'an in Yunnan. In the twenty-seventh year of Qianlong, Ji Xiaolan was appointed as a scholar in Fujian, and he once went to Fujian to visit Ji Xiaolan. Legend has it that a certain house is haunted, but Ji Rongshu does not believe in evil and resolutely lives in that house, and the result is safe. In this way, he taught his son, "The mind of man is the yang of kindness, and the evil is the yin; the openness of the heart is the yang, and the insidiousness is the yin; the righteous and fair is the yang, and the selfishness is the yin." Therefore, in Yi Xiang, Yang is a gentleman and Yin is a villain. If you are upright and full of masculinity, even if there are demons and evil charms, how can a righteous gentleman be attacked by a ghost? ”

As a scholar, Wen Dagong attached great importance to the education of his children, leaving many admonitions to teach future generations how to behave in the world. He wrote a couplet for his children: "Too much is like autumn grass, learning is like spring ice is not high." Shanglian warns that the faults of the children are like the weeds of autumn, which are difficult to cut clean, so people must constantly correct their mistakes. Xialian told their children to be persistent in their studies. If you do learning like the ice in spring, it is certainly not solid enough, including the meaning of "freezing three feet is not a cold day".

In addition, his teachings to future generations are often recorded in the inscriptions of utensils: such as the "Ruler Inscription" "keeping the regular straight". Admonish people to be like a ruler to have guidelines and rules.

In the "Duster Broom", it is said: "When the broom is bald, the dust is endless." But if it is in the hand, it will be whisked away in the day."

The Yan Ming wrote, "The stone comes out of the vortex, and reads the age of Condor." Rigid steps are bare, soft feet are grinding, this is the inner and outer and outer.". Advocate being gentle on the inside and soft on the outside, and have both a principled and a gentle attitude. These inscriptions have become the motto of our behavior, passed down from generation to generation, and exhorted children to be a serious and innocent person, to study well, this is the family training. I think today not only for the Ji family, but also in the society, as long as people see these inscriptions and family training, they will have some understanding. This is a profound embodiment and inheritance of the traditional morality of the Chinese nation. (Scholar and painter Ji Xiaolan 6th grandson Ji Qingyuan)

Li Xinyong: So I closed the wood and read it all day long

As a university student in the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan loved books all his life, and once had a saying: "Reading is like traveling in the mountains, and it is pleasing to the eye." Thousands of rocks and thousands of valleys, poor and tortuous. The smoke has been clear for a long time, and I also feel that my heart is broad-minded. So close the wood and read it all day long. "There is a record that Ji Xiaolan was an official of the Ministry of Rites and Shang Shu, and he went home to study after the end of the discussion.

During the revision and compilation of the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book", Ji Xiaolan was even more conscientious and conscientious, daring to assume responsibility, and correcting mistakes if they were wrong. This is reflected in many of the inscriptions and aphorisms he inscribed, such as the lotus leaf Yan inscription "Lotus plate is exposed, the drops are round, can be said to be literary heart, wonderful creation of nature", and the Ji Xiaolan literary room utensils water drops have inscriptions "good at gathering, not stingy to make notes, although rich and evil." ”

Ji Xiaolan died in 1805, and the Jiaqing Emperor sent a minister of internal affairs to Jifu to mourn, and specially approved the allocation of 500 taels of treasury silver for his funeral, and personally wrote a tombstone hanging text. There are few examples of the Qing Dynasty. (Director of Ji Xiaolan's Former Residence, Li Xinyong)

Liang Xi: An example of a clean and powerful courtier in the hearts of the people

Ji Xiaolan was a literary leader during the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods and made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese culture.

Ji Xiaolan is even more of a capable official with achievements. He was benevolent to the officials, deeply concerned about the sufferings of the people, and became an example of clean officials and able subjects in the minds of the people. He believes: "The way of the people is easy to do because of its potential; it is difficult to do it when it is blown." "Although the Slovaks are gone, their demeanor lives on. Nowadays, tourists who visit Ji Xiaolan's former residence are endless, talking about his anecdotes and admiring his character of honest government. (Liang Xi, Vice President of Economic Daily Publishing House)

Li Zhongzhi: Sexual delay is silent, not into the turbid flow

Ji Xiaolan served as the left capital Yushi and Libu Shangshu, and living in the inner court, he insisted on not entering the turbid stream, strictly disciplined himself, innocent and frugal. Shen Yongxing, a North Korean pleading official, wrote in his report to China: "Ji Shangshuyun, literary and artistic superiority, innocence and frugality, a fraud Qiu Qiu for seven or eight years." ”

At that time, North Korea sent a mission to Beijing every year, and they had the mission of understanding China and inspecting China. The writers were important members of the mission, and as "outsiders" their observations were objective and accurate.

Ji Xiaolan's protégé, Wang Deyu of Huaining, Anhui Province, wrote in the "Preface to the Eightieth Birthday of Ji Xiaolan's Master": "My master is at the head of the Taixian, according to Zong Bo and Sima Zhizun, dengqitang is as cold as a cold vegetarian, and his horses, clothes, and diet are only numbered, and his frugality is also like this." The energy is extraordinary, the details are meticulous, the self-restraint is tied to arrest the officials, the books are inseparable, the books are also hooked and rigorous, and their diligence is also like this. Sexual stagnation, unhappiness and celebrities, after the retreat, sitting alone behind closed doors, rushing to self-satisfaction, and so is its stillness. In the eyes of this protégé and subordinate, Ji Xiaolan looked like a lonely and honest official. (Li Zhongzhi, President of Cangzhou Ji Xiaolan Research Association)

【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom
【Honest Family Style Story】 Ji Xiaolan Family Training: Keeping the Regular Straight Poetry Book Heirloom

Source | Website of the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Xinjiang Procuratorial Government Affairs Finance Media Center

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