
Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

author:Dr. Lilac

Exams that everyone has experienced. The most terrible thing is not that you can't do it, but that you have worked hard to answer for half a day...

Done wrong!

Life is also an exam, and every little thing has its own answer.

Take a look at the following 30 small answers about healthy living, how many of them are you right?

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

Image source: Mr. Bean

1. Do not put honey in the refrigerator

Honey that enters the refrigerator crystallizes and precipitates glucose. This not only affects the taste, but also makes people think that the honey is broken, and then throw it away.

2. Blood type O is not universal blood

There is also a risk of transfusion of type O blood to people of other blood types, and type O blood is only used in very urgent cases.

3. Brushing methods are more important than toothbrushes, and toothbrushes are more important than toothpaste

Brushing teeth mainly depends on the friction between the toothbrush and the teeth before, Pap brushing is a recognized good method, buy a toothbrush with suitable bristles, brush for at least 2 minutes, toothpaste choose fluoride on the line.

4. There are not many dietary contraindications during true pregnancy

As long as the pregnant mother loves to eat, pregnant can also drink coffee, eat hawthorn, eat lychee, eat crab, etc.; but try to avoid uncooked beef (such as five-minute steak), eggs and sashimi, etc., do not drink alcohol.

5. Drink yogurt and eat fruit, basically do not have time to pay attention

Drink when you want, and eat when you want.

If you eat it, don't eat it again.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

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6. "Cervical erosion" is not a disease

When you meet a doctor who will cure you of "cervical erosion", turn around and leave.

7. It is normal for medications to have side effects

Side effects of the drug are anticipated during the initial phase of drug research. As long as you follow your doctor's instructions within a safe dosage range, there is no need to worry too much and refuse to take your medicine.

8. It is better to drink juice than to eat fruit directly

Compared with fresh fruit, fruit juice has a large nutritional loss, high sugar content, fast blood sugar rise, and it is easy to accidentally drink too much.

9. Cacti are not radiation resistant

First, there is not so much radiation in life to prevent; second, cacti have no other effect than to pierce people.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

10. Combing your hair 100 times a day is not "brain-healthy"

Learn an instrument, learn a language, learn a new craft... These are more beneficial to the brain.

However, combing your hair 100 times is also beneficial, after all, the commonly used hand will be more "strong".

11. Stop exercising, and your brain, body, and body will change

Of course it's getting bad... It's okay not to exercise for a while, but don't keep not exercising.

Life goes on and on and on.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

12. Pooping 3 to 21 times a week is normal

Within this range, the number of poops is not a problem to be tangled in. Some people have a higher frequency, some people have a lower frequency, and the law is good.

13. Remember to wear sunscreen

Ultraviolet rays in sunlight can cause skin aging and even skin cancer.

Applying sunscreen is not only for sunscreen, but also to slow down the rate at which the skin ages.

14. Truly effective "antidotes" do not exist

All kinds of "antidotes", strong tea, coffee, can not promote alcohol metabolism, the only thing that has a little effect is - water. In fact, not drinking alcohol is the best way to avoid getting drunk.

15. Snoring may be sick

Not every snorer has a sleep breathing disorder, and generally mild snoring is not too worrying, but intense, irregular snoring may be a physical problem.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

Image source: Doraemon

16. Massage does not enlarge the breasts

Touch the chest, the chest becomes larger; rub the legs, the legs become thinner? Press the face, the face becomes smaller?

How can there be such a good thing in the world...

17. Moldy apples that are not moldy are also not recommended

The part that is not moldy may also be contaminated with mold, which will affect the health of the body when eaten.

18. Come to The Great Aunt, it is not the body that is detoxifying

Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon after sexual maturity in women. "Detoxification" is a pseudo-concept, a common phrase in marketing routines, so keep your wallet tight from being pitted. If you think that your aunt is abnormal, you should go out and turn left to find a doctor.

19. Vinegar soaked peanuts should not soften blood vessels

Vinegar and peanuts are good things, but they don't have any therapeutic effect.

20. The human body does not have a detoxification schedule

First of all, the body really has no concept of time; second, it does not need to detoxify. The next time you see the word "detoxification," turn around and go, don't look back.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

21. Eating tofu does not make men become women, women suffer from cancer

Tofu is a good thing, and protein can also supplement calcium.

Not only does it not cause breast cancer, it is also good for women's health; as for the impact on men, it is really slightly subtle.

22. Holding back urine, farts, and poop will be criticized!

If it comes up, don't force it. Not yours, after all, can't keep it, let it go...

Otherwise, it will really hold out "internal injuries".

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

Image source: See watermark

23. If you want your skin to be moist, moisturizing is more important than "patting water"

In particularly dry skin, the lipid barrier function of the stratum corneum is already impaired, making it difficult to lock in moisture. In this case, it is often possible to spray the face with water or spray the face with a hydrating spray, which can only play a temporary role, and the water will evaporate quickly, making the face produce a "tight" feeling. If you want good skin, moisturizing is more important.

24. Black sesame seeds do not darken hair

The color of black hair is mostly related to the melanin in the hair follicle, and black sesame seeds do not play a magical role.

25. It is dangerous to cut your throat after drinking and induce vomiting

The act of slashing the throat may cut through the throat, or cause aspiration and suffocation, which is life-threatening.

26. It's never too late to quit smoking

A significant proportion of lung cancer people are associated with smoking, and in addition, people who smoke regularly have an increased risk of stroke, cardiomyopathy, and chronic obstructive lung disease.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

27. Drinking plenty of water can prevent kidney stones

If you drink too little water, the urine will appear supersaturated, leading to the formation of stones.

It is generally recommended that normal people drink about 2.5 to 3L of water every day, and the urine volume is 2 to 2.5L, keeping the color of the urine clear and yellow.

28. Wearing a bra does not prevent sagging breasts

Part of the reason for the sagging breasts is gravity, and the best way to fight it is to go to heaven.

Wearing a bra can not prevent the breasts from sagging, its biggest role is to "beautify the appearance" and avoid the appearance of various embarrassments.

29. Masturbation is a normal physiological act

Masturbation is normal and it has a positive effect on sex life.

Don't be ashamed.

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

30. Remember to go to a professional hospital when you are sick, not look for home remedies

To cure the disease, you have to listen to the doctor.

The treatment of disease is a complex process, the doctor will give the most suitable treatment plan according to each person's actual situation, which is also the only reliable shortcut to treat the disease.


How many of you got it right? Did you pass?

Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

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Honey can't be put in the refrigerator? 30 tips for life that everyone should know

This paper was scientifically reviewed by Fei Fei, Master of Clinical Medicine, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University

—— References ——

[1] UpToDate Secondary Database of Medicine

[2] WebMD Official Website:

[3] Mayo Clinic Official Website:

Cover image source: Genuine image gallery

Editor-in-Charge: Monkey

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