
Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

author:Leng Brother's reading comprehension time

In 562, there was a general in Northern Zhou named He Ruodun, because he felt that the rewards of the imperial court were unfair, so he often complained at every turn, saying that he could not get promoted because of the rumors of villains, the dimwitted leaders, and the injustice of the world.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

In short, in his opinion, if his own situation is not good, it is all harmed by others, and I have no problem with He Ruodun.

He Ruodun was like Xianglin sister-in-law all day long, until his boss, Duke Yuwen of Jinguo, was annoyed by him, saying that you are an old life star eating arsenic, do you think you live a long life?

Since you want to die yourself, it is easy to do, Yuwen Hu directly gave He Ruodun to death.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Upon hearing the news of the death, Horokten called a regret. Repent of your own incompetence, but complain about everything, but this lesson came too late.

Before he died, He Ruodun called his son to him, took an awl and stuck it on his son's tongue, and told his son, "The complaining heavens are your father and I, can you remember?" ”

Then he died.

He Ruodun's son, on the other hand, was the Sui Dynasty general who later defeated the main force of the Chen army and captured Xiao Maha, He Ruobi.

Hello everyone, I am Brother Leng, a knowledge porter who likes TCM and history.

He Ruodun is a famous tragedy in Chinese history and a negative example of resentment. His story tells us that the improvement of people's situation depends on self-improvement, rather than pushing the responsibility on others and society.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

In the last story about The Huqing Yutang Medicinal Materials Store in Hangzhou, Brother Leng introduced the story of Peking Union Medical College in a relatively large number of pages.

It is mentioned that the "stigmatization" of Peking Union Medical College in many self-media, especially in the circle of Chinese medicine fans, is because the investor behind it is the famous Rockefeller Foundation, and the purpose of Rockefeller's Union Medical College is to exterminate Chinese medicine.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

This statement is very popular on the Internet, and even the famous media personality Huang Zhixian also recognizes this view and endorses this statement in the public media.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

In fact, this argument does not hold up at all, the simplest, The Union Medical College was founded in 1906, while the Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1910, and the International Ministry of Health, which is responsible for international philanthropy, was not established until 1913.

Neither time is right.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Even if the Rockefeller Foundation later invested money in Concordia, does this mean that its purpose is to exterminate Chinese medicine?

Some people have taken out "The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire" written by the American Hans Rusk, saying that this is ironclad evidence.

But this is ultimately a conspiracy theory full of loopholes that cannot be falsified. On this grounds, it is said that Chinese medicine is persecuted, in essence, and He Ruodun and Xiang Linyi are the same people, believing that the decline of Chinese medicine is persecution by external forces, and that Chinese medicine is not faulty, and belongs to the eunuch meeting, nonsense.

Yesterday it was very simple to introduce the history of the Rockefeller Foundation and Union Medical College, today Leng Brother will give you a complete debunking of a rumor, let's talk about the decline of Union Medical College and Chinese medicine, in the end there is no relationship.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Running medicine and building schools, Mrs. Cixi also likes it

In 1864, a British missionary named Dezhen spent 1300 taels of silver to buy a piece of land on Mishi Street in Beijing's Dongcheng District and established Beijing's first Western medicine hospital, Beijing Shi Hospital. Because there is a pair of flagpoles at the entrance of the hospital, Beijingers also call Shi Hospital - Double Flagpole Hospital.

Since it was a church hospital, Shi Hospital often did not need money to see a doctor, and even provided free medicines to the poor. Therefore, in less than 4 years since the opening of Shi Hospital, there have been more than 18,000 inpatients and 45,000 outpatients.

This is the predecessor of Peking Union Medical College Hospital.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Beijing Shi Hospital, which had no relatives and no reason in Beijing and no Qing government as a backer, was completely destroyed during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, and the doctors and priests were slaughtered. Then it triggered the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance, and the signing of the Xinugu Treaty became one of the most humiliating memories in China's modern history.

In 1901, the Church of London appointed the missionary Ke Ling to Beijing to solve the problem of the dispersion of churches in various places and to form a joint force, and to establish a broader "Committee of The Union" in China.

In the name of the committee, Keling has established 8 church medical schools in Beijing, Shenyang, Jinan, Hankou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Fuzhou and Guangzhou.

Since these medical schools were built under the auspices of the "Joint Church Committee", they were collectively referred to as "Union Medical College", Chinese named "United Church Medical College".

Ke Ling thought that union was not easy to translate as "union", so he changed a translation, called "Concordia", and the "Church United Medical Colleges" everywhere were also collectively called "Concordia Medical College".

This is why there are many Union Hospitals all over China, which are not based on the concept of "branches" but based on the "Church United Medical College". They have a common name, "Union Medical College".

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

For example, Wuhan Union Medical College, which was founded by Griffith John, a priest of the Hankou Church at that time, has nothing to do with the age of the department.

Didn't it mention before that Ke Ling was sent to Beijing?

Therefore, the local church hospital in Beijing, that is, the Beijing Shi Hospital, which was burned by the Boxers before, became a subordinate hospital of the "Church United Medical College".

As a section elder in charge of Beijing work, he naturally became the president of Beijing Shi Hospital.

The news that Ke Ling wanted to rebuild the Beijing Shi Hospital reached Cixi's ears somehow.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Perhaps in order to make up for the loss of the Boxers burning down the Beijing Shi Hospital, Cixi actually paid the inner hall silver herself, took 10,000 taels out to Give Ke Ling, let him re-repair the Beijing Shi Hospital, and became the only Church Western Medical Medical College officially filed in the Qing government.

In 1906, with the help of Cixi and the Manchu Qing government, the new Beijing Shi Hospital was completed and renamed "Pekin Union Medical College", the famous Peking Union Medical Hall.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Peking Union Medical Hall in 1905

Guan Gong fought Qin Qiong, and Erluo Jian Xiehe

In 1910, four years after the establishment of Peking Union Medical College, one of the richest men in the United States on the other side of the ocean suddenly had a good heart and was ready to make a fortune, which was the famous Rockefeller and his Rockefeller Foundation.

Yes, in the mouth of Chinese medicine fans, the Rockefeller Foundation, which built the Union Medical College, was established 4 years later than the Union Medical College.

When the Rockefeller Foundation was founded, education and health care were the main directions of funding. Rockefeller Sr. said very explicitly to Vincent, who was president of the foundation at the time:

Our foundation serves the world, not the United States.

Why Global? Why Education and Healthcare?

Because the elder Rockefeller knew very well that the reasons for the rich countries to become rich were mostly the same, to expand abroad. And the reasons why poor countries are poor are the same: poor education and poor health care.

Who was the most backward and poor country in the world at that time, and had a certain size?

That's right, China.

At the request of the elder Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation established the International Division in its third year. The following year, The elder Rockefeller's son, John Davidson Rockefeller, led a delegation to China to conduct field research.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

John Davidson Rockefeller

It was after this investigative process that John Davidson Rockefeller made a famous statement:

I have never seen such a huge, urgent need for medical education organizations as in China elsewhere in the world. The moment has finally arrived without such an opportunity anywhere in the world that will touch the cause of medicine and public health around the world.

He proposed that China would be one of the priorities of the Rockefeller Foundation's International Department.

At that time, the Rockefeller Foundation sent three delegations to China, namely the Oriental Education Delegation, the Chinese Medical Expedition, and the Second Chinese Medical Expedition.

The second Chinese medical expedition, led by William Welch, then dean of Hopkins University School of Medicine, was tasked with planning to establish a high-level modern medical school in China.

During the expedition, they came across Ke Ling and his Peking Union Medical Hall.

In 1914, due to the fall of the Manchu Qing government, Peking Union Medical Hall encountered a serious financial crisis and could not support itself.

Just as Dean Ke Ling was trying to find a way to raise money and find ways to maintain the normal operation of the medical school, he met William Welch's second Chinese medical expedition.

This is really waking up to see Kong Ming, and his eyes lit up.

Corling took the initiative to find William Welch, hoping that the other party could see that they were both Descendants of the Anthony, and could give a little bit of broken silver to support the brothers.

William Welch was very interested in the peking union medical hall at the age of the department, and thought that instead of rebuilding a new medical school, it would be better to directly fund it or even buy the peking union medical hall.

At William Welch's suggestion, the Rockefeller Foundation registered the American Chinese Medical Foundation in 1914 with only one purpose, to acquire Peking Union Medical College.

In 1915, the Chinese Medical Foundation bought Peking Union Medical Hall from Ke Ling for $200,000 and changed the name of the school to Peking Union Medical College.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Group photo of the inauguration of Concordia Medical College: Rockefeller Jr. (front row, third from right), Welch (front row, fourth from right), Gu Lin (back row, second from right)

To rebuild the medical school and the new hospital, the foundation bought the Yuwang Mansion for another $125,000, and the entire area of The Union Medical College reached 25 acres.

By the time Concordia Medical College was officially completed in 1921, the entire medical school had nearly 60 buildings of various types, including 14 teaching buildings.

The entire college has 225 teaching beds and 30 private wards. There is also a nursing school, the largest outpatient clinic in all of Asia, and two student and teacher dormitories.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Groundbreaking ceremony of Peking Union Medical College

The college is fully equipped with the most modern devices of the time, with an independent power system, electricity, plumbing, refrigeration, gas, running water and other facilities.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

For how high the standard of Peking Union Medical College is, Leng Ge will not say, there are a lot of information on the Internet that you can read for yourself

But Leng Ge mentioned that due to the great overrun of the budget for the construction of Peking Union Medical College, the Rockefeller Foundation had to give up another funding project, that is, the Harvard Chinese Medical School in Shanghai, referred to as HMSC.

Regarding HMSC, Leng Ge would like to say two more words.

In 1907, Charles Eliot, president of the famous Harvard University in the United States, visited China, and the dilapidated medical and health environment in China brought deep stimulation to the president of the world-famous university.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

At that year's Harvard Annual Report, Charles Elio made this remark to the teachers and students present:

According to the current population of 90 million people in the United States, if we only have 160 hospitals, there is no dedicated children's hospital, no clinic for the poor, and no professional medical school. At the same time, these 90 million people also have no health knowledge, every family has tuberculosis people, smallpox is raging in the city, and there are plague patients everywhere.

If that's where you're going to live, what do you think?

Charles Airlo also mentioned the current situation of Chinese medicine in China at that time:

Becoming a doctor in China seems very simple, you don't need a license, as long as you feel like a doctor, you are a doctor. Or as long as your father is a doctor, you will also be seen as a doctor. Although medical education in China has a long history, its knowledge is old, and the teaching materials are also 1,500 years ago. Anatomy is not offered in China, so the knowledge of anatomy is full of errors. Therefore, at that time, the operation that seemed very simple in Western medicine was not done by Chinese doctors.

At the efforts of Charles Elliot, the board of directors of Harvard Medical School agreed to open a medical school in China according to the model of Harvard Medical School in the United States, that is, the Shanghai Harvard Chinese Medical School HMSC, which was established in 1911.

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

Harvard Chinese Medical College in Shanghai

Originally, HMSC hoped that the Rockefeller Foundation could help itself, but because Peking Union Medical College ate most of the cost, the Rockefeller Foundation finally gave HMSC $80,000.

So how much money did the Rockefeller Foundation invest in Peking Union Medical College?

More than $10 million.

Note that this is $10 million in 1920.

Going back to conspiracy theories, because TCM fans will say that although the Rockefeller Foundation was established later than concordia medical school, didn't it also give money later? Giving money may be to exterminate Chinese medicine.

So let's look at what Peking Union Medical College did.

Spartan 300 Warriors vs Persian Million Army?

Since it is to exterminate Chinese medicine through Western medicine, it is reasonable that Peking Union Medical College should train a lot of Western medical talents, so that it can have the strength to exterminate Chinese medicine, right?

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

So how many medical talents has Peking Union Medical College trained?

Peking Union Medical College's admission and examination is notoriously harsh, it almost unchanged copy of the teaching philosophy of the most advanced Johns Hopkins Medical School in the United States at that time, is a typical medical, teaching, scientific research trinity of modern doctor training institutions.

It is taught entirely in English and is also a senior professor from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

At that time, being admitted to concord's preparatory department was not considered official admission, you had to study physics, biochemistry, mathematics, physiology, English, Chinese, society and other courses, and after three years of graduation, you had to pass the graduation exam before you could enter the undergraduate stage of medicine, and less than 30% of the people entered this stage.

Wu Jieping, a prominent Chinese urological surgeon, recalls that he was admitted to Concordia's preparatory class at Yenching University in 1933, with a total of fifty-two classmates, and by the time he took the concord exam in 1936, only fifteen had been admitted.

The examination admission is so strict, so how many Western medicines have been trained by Peking Union Medical College to exterminate Chinese medicine?

From the first enrollment of Peking Union Medical College in 1921 to the last batch of graduates who left the school in 1943 (later interrupted by the War of Resistance), a total of 315 people received graduation certificates from Peking Union Medical College.

Brother Leng found this data in Acura's "Concord Medical Affairs", and I was also shocked at the time, what kind of hospital has trained more than 300 doctors for more than ten years, relying on these 300 people to exterminate Chinese medicine?

Spartan 300 Warriors? Where did the rumor of Rockefeller's extermination of TCM come from?

You're pointing at your ass and shaking your head, specifying that it's impossible.

So let's put aside for the moment whether the "Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire" written by the American Hans Rusk is a conspiracy theory, and there is one of you here, do you really believe that Rockefeller built the Union Medical College to exterminate Chinese medicine?

It's really a toad sleeping little frog, ugly and playing with flowers.

Breaking 4500 words, Leng Ge put the contribution of Peking Union Medical College to China's modern health cause in the next issue.

Let's not talk about whether Peking Union Medical College has the ability or idea to exterminate Chinese medicine, just talk about its contribution, it is simply a big mouth that takes turns to smoke Chinese medicine powder.

Rest for the time being, continue next time...

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