
Is Plato's ideal state a paradise in people's hearts?

author:Rambling on Western philosophy

Book continues above, Plato! This great thinker who put forward the theory of ideas, he used reason to construct the world's first ideal state, the first utopia, is not it a paradise on earth?

Is Plato's ideal state a paradise in people's hearts?

Without drawing conclusions, let's first see what Plato's ideal state looked like. First of all, Plato's utopia is a typical aristocratic political state, ruled by philosophers, that is, the philosopher king advocated by Plato, and the remaining class is ordinary people and soldiers, and only the philosopher king has political rights and is hereditary. People from other classes could not be promoted to rulers, and secondly, utopian culture and art were highly imprisoned, and all children did not receive a fixed cultural and artistic education before they reached adulthood. This, Plato said, would keep the children away from tragedy, sorrow, and one of the secrets, and then all the property-sharing, private property communalization, all the people's property was taken out and shared. Including wife and children. Select excellent children, as the successors of the philosopher king, they will be taken away from their parents from an early age, undergo harsh training, and at the same time, realize the unified planning of the state to produce a marriage system for the population, and it is illegal to have children born without state approval, and parents are forbidden to have abortions without permission. Can't you look at it anymore? How did the utopia that was said to be good suddenly become like this? Why, like the Spartan utopia of ancient Greece, Plato's utopia is based on the creation of Sparta, the neighbor of Athens, Plato's utopia, ignoring individual rights, and infinitely emphasizing the power of the city-state, his purpose is to keep the city-state under perfect order, Plato is an extremely rational conceit, the instincts of man, desire is resisted and abandoned, he calls for the establishment of an ideal state of extreme rationality by abandoning human desires. The Republic is the world's first utopian concept, but not the last, and in subsequent interpretations we will continue to see new utopias, the birth of a new utopia, the birth of a renovation, and it is not known whether unfortunate or fortunate, the utopia of Plato and his successors has never been realized on a large scale.

Well, the above is the interpretation of Plato's ideal state, we will see you in the next issue?!

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