
Resolutely adhere to the hard-won achievements in epidemic prevention and control! Huang Biao presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee (expanded) of the Panyu District CPC Committee


On November 8, Huang Biao, secretary of the Panyu District CPC Committee, presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Panyu District Committee (expanded) to convey the spirit of studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and expositions on epidemic prevention and control, youth work, and the work of the Young Pioneers, as well as the spirit of relevant provincial and municipal meetings, listen to the relevant work reports of Panyu District, and study and deploy the next step.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to strictly compare the four "noes" emphasized by the general secretary, reflect on and check the loopholes from the aspects of ideology, prevention and control measures, and external defense inputs, establish knowledge and reform, comprehensive rectification, and reconstruction, prepare materials in advance, update the plan in advance, resolutely achieve the "six rather", prevent and control a game of chess, a game of chess in the whole region, and a game of chess in the town streets, and resolutely guard the hard-won results of epidemic prevention and control. First, all towns and streets should increase the input of people, money and materials to ensure that the control of personnel returning to the spikes in key areas should be timely and accurate, so as to ensure the realization of two hundred percent. The second is to continue to do a good job in isolation management and implement personnel control. For people in home isolation, it is necessary to implement technical control, control and control in place, prevent escape and prevent door visits, and at the same time do ideological work. The isolation of the hotel should continue to strengthen the prevention and control of hospital infection, the management of staff in high and low risk positions should be more strict and standardized, and the health services of isolated personnel should be more meticulous. Third, the vaccination work should be launched in depth, carefully organized, and steadily and orderly promoted the vaccination of people aged 3-11. The fourth is to continue to do a good job in the centralized supervision of imported cold chain food. Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic in rural areas, actively play the role of sentinel monitoring, timely check for outsiders in rural areas, and normalize epidemic prevention and control measures in crowded places in rural areas. The sixth is to speed up the construction of health stations.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to learn and thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on youth work and the work of the Young Pioneers, deeply cultivate the feelings of loving the party, the country, the people, and socialism, sow the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics that continue for thousands of years, and cultivate qualified successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to solidly carry out the comprehensive pilot work of implementing the medium- and long-term youth development plan. Make good use of the existing resources and positions, serve young students well, mobilize their enthusiasm, and let them find opportunities and stages in Panyu to exert their enthusiasm and talents. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the work of the Young Pioneers, resolutely implement well the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work of the Young Pioneers in the New Era," persist in making the times, positioned, and networked, give play to the role of the Young Pioneers' counselors, and promote the formation of a Young Pioneers work system and mechanism led by party committees, supported by the government, led by the Communist Youth League, coordinated by the league and education, and coordinated by society.

The meeting also considered other matters.

Text: Panyu Rong Media reporter Chen Xiaojie He Zhixuan

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