
Huang Biao, secretary of the Panyu District Party Committee, gave a party lesson to the party members of the district party committee


On August 12, Huang Biao, secretary of the Panyu District CPC Committee, gave a party lesson to the party members of the district party committee, asking the district party committee office to take the lead in setting an example in the whole region, solidly and deeply promote the study and education of party history, and integrate the study of party history, enlightenment, practical affairs, and opening up a new situation into daily life and grasp it regularly.

In the party class, Huang Biao reviewed the birth of the Communist Manifesto and the history of modern China, and pointed out that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the latest theoretical achievement in the sinification of Marxism in the 21st century and the latest achievement in Marxist thought in the 21st century.

Huang Biao said that under the impact of the epidemic and other risk challenges in Panyu in the first half of the year, the achievements in economic and social development were not easy. Next, all party members should resolutely respond to the great call of General Secretary Xi Jinping, carry forward the great spirit of party building, promote the great cause, realize the great dream, build the great project, work harder, and work day and night for the public good.

Huang Biao pointed out that the plenary session of the municipal party committee put forward new ideas, new strategies, new tasks, and new arrangements. We must have new standards, new challenges, new breakthroughs, and build Panyu that is business-friendly, livable, workable, and travel-friendly, clean, tidy, beautiful, and safe.

Huang Biao stressed that it is necessary to grasp the epidemic prevention and control as the current overriding task, learn to promote the implementation of Guangzhou's 10 experiences in normalizing epidemic prevention and control, and combine it with reality to resolutely prevent internal rebound and external prevention and import. It is necessary to strengthen grass-roots governance, explore the modernization of the social governance system and capabilities, and realize the cleanliness, neatness, beauty, safety and security of urban areas.

Text: Panyu Rong Media reporter Chen Xiaojie

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