
Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious

author:Sugar Sugar Food House

In daily life, we have a lot of condiments, such as salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., which are more common. Although it is said that adding some chicken essence when stir-frying will make the dish more delicious and make people have an appetite. However, there will be more or less additives in it, especially friends who have children at home, generally choose not to put it. However, when stir-frying to make soup, it is still necessary to put some condiments to eat more delicious. Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious.

Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious

Today I will share with you a condiment made by myself - chicken powder, the method is very simple, make a large box at a time, stir-fry to make soup when putting a little, more delicious. Learned this chicken powder method, in the future stir-fry soup no longer put chicken essence, use it to flavor, not only more delicious, but also more nutritious. Friends who like to cook at home, don't miss this chicken powder method, make some at home when you have free time, and let your family fall in love with eating home cooking.

【Chicken Powder】

1. Ingredients: 1 bowl of shiitake mushrooms, 1/2 bowl of shrimp skin, 1 piece of cinnamon, 2 pieces of fragrant leaves, 1 star anise.

Second, the preparation of chicken powder:

1. Prepare all the ingredients, put the shrimp skins into a large bowl, and wash them several times with water. This can reduce the saltiness of the shrimp skin, and when making chicken powder, it does not affect the saltiness of the stir-fried vegetables. After cleaning, remove the dry water and set aside.

Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious

2. Prepare a pot, put the shrimp skin directly into the pot, then add cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise, and stir-fry over low heat. The moisture in the shrimp skin will soon evaporate, continue to fry until the moisture in the shrimp skin is completely fried dry, and can be easily crushed by hand, and it can be put out and cooled.

Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious

3. Shiitake mushrooms should also be washed with water, then put into the wok and stir-fried the shiitake mushrooms for later. If you have an oven at home, you can also put it directly into the oven, bake the mushrooms dry, and heat it up and down at 100 degrees, almost an hour.

Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious

4. Put the dried and cool shrimp skin and spices into the blender, whisk into a powder, then put it out on a plate and set aside. If you don't like spices, you can take them out. The chilled shiitake mushrooms are also placed in a blender and whisked into powder. Then pour the shrimp skin powder together into the shiitake mushroom powder and beat it again to mix well.

Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious

5. Our homemade condiment chicken powder is ready, made by yourself, without any additives, whether it is stir-frying or making soup, put a little of it, it will be more delicious to eat. You can do more at a time, and after pouring it all out and cooling it, prepare a sealed jar, seal it and save it, and it will not be easy to break for a month. If you have friends with children at home, don't miss it, use it to stir-fry vegetables, and make it healthier for your family.

Don't use chicken essence to season, teach yourself to make chicken powder, shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin, stir-fry to make soup more nutritious and delicious


The chicken powder method shared with you today is over, very simple. And the price of shiitake mushrooms and shrimp skin is very cheap, do a full can, can not spend much money, the key is to make their own, did not put any additives, eat safe and secure. Use it as a condiment to stir-fry, the taste is not worse than the chicken essence bought, often eat it as a condiment stir-fried dish, healthier.

When you make this chicken powder, the shrimp skin remembers to wash it with water in advance, so that some of the salty taste inside can be removed, so that the taste will be better when stir-frying later. After the mushrooms are cleaned, remember to be sure to fry them dry and then beat them into powder, otherwise the chicken powder with water is easy to spoil. If you also like this chicken powder method, you may wish to quickly collect it, and make some cooking at home when you are free.

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