
disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

author:Yulin News Network
disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

Before the main text began, Xiaowei wanted to do a survey. During the Spring Festival, the small friends who went into the cinema to watch "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Hell", a Hollywood Sino-US cooperation blockbuster, raised their hands! 12345...... It looks like a lot! But if you don't look at it, it's a shame! Because, in this international cooperation blockbuster with a total box office of 246 million, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Hell", there is our Yulinnong figure!

Let's first take a look at what kind of high-pressure movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of the Green Hell is. ↓↓↓

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Hell is a costume action film co-produced by Weinstein International Pictures and China Film Group Corporation, directed by Hong Kong director Yuan Heping, and co-starring Zhen Zidan, Yang Ziqiong, Shum Yongkang, Liu Chengyu and Jason Scott Lee. It tells the story of the heroine Yu Xiulian returning to the jianghu and defending the Qingdi Sword with the help of the chivalrous Meng Sizhao.

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

Yes, this movie is the sequel to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" starring Zhou Runfa, Yang Ziqiong and Zhang Ziyi more than a decade ago. "The Sword of the Blue Nether" continues to take the international route, with the participation of the Hollywood team throughout. American International Pictures, Hollywood directors and actors, as well as Yuan Heping, Zhen Zidan, Yang Ziqiong... Is this a movie that Cass is going to watch on his knees? We Yulin people can show our faces in it, and it is really with honor.

Although, in the movie, this little friend is only a passerby who plays soy sauce, and the appearance time is finally cut to only 6 minutes. However, Yulinnong can be on the stage of Hollywood and cooperate with international superstars such as Zhen Zidan Yang Ziqiong, which is indeed worthy of happiness.

Look at his film flowers ↓↓↓

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!
disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!
disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

(In the red circle is Yulin Nong Liu Jiaowu.) Don't ask me why there is only one figure, you know, Zhou Xingchi was also born in the dragon set at the beginning, wasn't it? Ahem)

Shoot funny things

Xiaowei first managed to contact Mr. Liu Jiaowu of Yulinnong, who now works and lives in New Zealand, and his English name is Austin, and his friends call him aak. He shared with us with great interest this extremely memorable and interesting experience.

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

Liu Jiaowu said that he played several roles in the play, including a teahouse diner, a passerby, a porter, a cook, and then upgraded to be a villain thug of the Xilian Gang, and... Played a corpse... (Laughing at what?) Don't laugh! Seriously! You, say you! )

"It's not easy to get this opportunity." During the filming of "The Sword of the Green Underworld" in New Zealand, the crew advertised the recruitment of local Chinese actors. Growing up watching Jackie Chan and Jet Li's kung fu films, he has a deep passion for Chinese kung fu since he was a child, or an iron fan of the male protagonist Zhen Zidan, so he immediately flew for more than two hours to Auckland to participate in the registration and interview. The interview requirements are very strict, even if it is a group performance, the crew has high comprehensive requirements for appearance and performance ability. In the strict selection of many Chinese applicants, more than a hundred local group performances were finally selected, and he was one of them, not only the only Yulin person in the group performance, but also the only Guangxi person.

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

The process of filming was quite arduous. Because the filming location is far from the city, it takes almost four hours to drive. There is a lot of trivial work in the early and post-shooting stages, and it takes at least an hour and a half to wear makeup every day. Because most of them are rushing and fighting scenes, they only return to the city at six o'clock in the afternoon, and they only have four hours of sleep time almost every day, which makes people tired.

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!
disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

Although it is only a group performance, the attention to details of the international-level crew is real, to the extent that even the group drama is not spared. When he played the porter, the burden really pressed more than thirty pounds of things, and he had to pick up all day, and his shoulders were red and swollen, and the pain was drilled. The posture is slightly wrong, and the director says "cut"! You have to start all over again.

And this scene that made him suffer a lot, but in the end, because of the plot, the post-editing was all cut off, and it was impossible to meet the audience.

From the registration to the determination of the candidate, to the official shooting, the scene ended, about six months. And he ended up on screen for only six minutes.

Talking about the impression of the two protagonists, Liu Jiaowu said that the star himself still looks different from the TV. Zhen Zidan works very seriously, and Hollywood directors sometimes wonder about the essence of traditional Chinese martial arts, and Zhen Zidan is very obsessed with correcting the way they shoot some of the details of expressions and body movements. His real kung fu is also real. In order to pursue the effect, the crew often really fights, punching and kicking directly to the flesh to greet. There have been professional martial arts from martial arts schools, and he was knocked unconscious by one punch, and his skills were indeed very good. And Yang Ziqiong's body maintenance is very good, her personality is also approachable, and she can mingle with all the group performances present.

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!
disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

Obviously, he is a bully, but he wants to be a passerby

Back to Liu Jiaowu himself. Born in 1982, he is a native of Bobai, born and raised in Yulin, his mother is a kindergarten teacher, and his father teaches English in middle school.

From Dongcheng Primary School, Yulin Normal College Affiliated Middle School, Yulin No. 1 Middle School all the way to read, after graduating from the Department of Electronic Communication of Guilin University of Electronics, he went to Henan University to teach English. He then went on to Australia to pursue a postgraduate degree in Applied Language Education. Now ICL Business School in New Zealand as an IELTS teacher, the golden resume of Yulin Boy Liu Jiaowu can be said to be a 24k gold bully.

disastrous! In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Underworld", there are actually Yulin actors, who are also the third generation disciples of Master Ip Man!

(Yoo Jio-woo and one of his Korean students)

In Sydney, Australia, he was very interested in Chinese kung fu since he was a child, and through the introduction of people, he met Mr. Feng Pingbo, the first generation disciple of the first generation of the grandmaster Ip Man, entered his martial arts hall, learned Wing Chun, and can be said to be the third generation of disciples of Master Ip Man. Although because of the change in his studies and work, he had to stop studying because he arrived in New Zealand. But the martial arts foundation laid down in these two years is an important weight for him to finally get a group role. Moreover, he felt that as a third-generation disciple of Master Ip Man, he could cooperate with the kung fu superstar Zhen Zidan, who had played Ip Man, which was also a rare fate.

In Australia, he met his wife, Miss Lee. Speaking of his fate with his wife, friends laughed and said that it was a marriage that had been settled when he was not born. It turned out that in 1978, Father Liu worked in the village working group of Weiming Village in Shinan Town at that time, and lived in a family in the village for eight months. When Liu Jiaowu later went abroad to study in Australia, he met his current wife, Miss Li, and after a deep relationship, he found that Miss Li was the granddaughter of the family where her father was stationed in the village. Although the two young people were not born at that time, the marriage was predestined, which was also a good story.

When Liu Jiaowu was in school, he was a very active literary and artistic person, and the guitar played amazingly. Yulin's first heavy metal band Ak band was formed by him and his friends. In the past, every time on the sixth day of the Chinese New Year, if he returned to Yulin for the New Year, he would hold a performance in the bar and friends, and the scene was very warm.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of the Green Hell" is Liu Jiaowu's first work involved in the film and television circle, although it is only a group performance, he has a strong interest in acting. At present, one of his New Zealand director friends is filming a romantic comedy movie in the local area, and according to his characteristics and temperament, he has specially designed an Asian-faced character for him, and is one of the main actors! Maybe one day, we can also catch a glimpse of him as the protagonist, on the screen. Therefore, small people can also have big dreams, in case that day, they can be realized!

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Editor-in-Charge: Feng Yu 丨 Editor-in-Chief: Song Jianzhou

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