
I do practical things for the masses丨Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Publicize the installation of the National Anti-Fraud Center APP and guard the "money bags" of the masses

author:Wisdom Qingyun

"Please ask your mobile phone installed the National Anti-Fraud Center App, if not installed, I will now help you install, the National Anti-Fraud Center App can effectively prevent fraud, quickly report fraud content..." Recently, Sun Hongli, a grid member of Zhongding Township in Qingyun County, maintained order at the new crown vaccination center of the township health center, and did not forget to publicize the registration and installation of the "National Anti-Fraud Center" App" to the villagers.

I do practical things for the masses丨Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Publicize the installation of the National Anti-Fraud Center APP and guard the "money bags" of the masses

In the process of publicity, the grid members introduced the new routines and new methods of telecommunications network fraud such as network borrowing, seducing and brushing orders, and fraudulently using "identity" to the masses by interpreting the law on the case, publicized the diversity and concealment of telecommunications network fraud to the masses, told the masses how to download and use the National Anti-Fraud Center App, and assisted the masses to install, explained the software functions and use methods on the spot, and informed the platform that it can not only learn anti-fraud knowledge, effectively avoid the occurrence of various network frauds, but also conduct risk inquiries and report fraud information. It can better protect the safety of personal property and improve its anti-fraud ability.

I do practical things for the masses丨Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Publicize the installation of the National Anti-Fraud Center APP and guard the "money bags" of the masses

In order to further promote the installation and use of the App of the National Anti-Fraud Center and further crack down on the crime of telecommunications network fraud, Zhongding Township attaches great importance to it, convenes a meeting to deploy special topics, clarifies tasks, compacts responsibilities, strengthens publicity, and forms a strong social atmosphere of anti-fraud propaganda. Strengthen the implementation of the grid responsibility mechanism, the vast number of rural cadres are all organized into the grid, package the village package area, door-to-door publicity, strongly guide the masses to install the anti-fraud center App, jointly participate in the "national anti-fraud" action, and seize the favorable opportunity of the people in each village to receive the new crown vaccine, the grid members assist the uninstalled masses to register and install one by one, and further promote the installation and use of the National Anti-Fraud Center App.

I do practical things for the masses丨Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Publicize the installation of the National Anti-Fraud Center APP and guard the "money bags" of the masses
I do practical things for the masses丨Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Publicize the installation of the National Anti-Fraud Center APP and guard the "money bags" of the masses

Through a comprehensive campaign

Created in the whole township

The strong atmosphere of anti-fraud and anti-fraud of the whole people

It received a warm response from the masses

Set off the township's "anti-electric fraud"

A new upsurge in advocacy work

Good "insurance" for the safety of the people's property

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