
Qingyun County Zhongding Township Education Joint District - "Trinity" to consolidate the foundation of happiness education

author:Nine factions view the world

Dezhou Evening News all-media reporter Zhang Futao correspondent Zhang Yanxu

Qingyun County Zhongding Township Education United District adheres to the principle of promoting the improvement of curriculum reform, effectively integrates the resources of students, teachers and parents with the concept of happiness education, deeply cultivates the fertile soil of rural education, and consolidates the foundation of rural happiness education.

Qingyun County Zhongding Township Education Joint District - "Trinity" to consolidate the foundation of happiness education

Carry out the "five studies" to consolidate the foundation of teachers' teaching ability

Zhongding Township Education United District guides teachers to actively study teaching materials, study classrooms, study examinations, study the work of parents and students in their daily work, and strive to form a group of teachers with good moral character, strict teaching style, positive atmosphere and full of energy, laying the foundation for the sustainable and healthy development of the school.

The study of teaching materials is to grasp the test points through activities such as "simulated classroom", "examination center combing" and "collective lesson preparation".

Research the classroom, follow the principle of "teaching as the lead, learning as the main body, and practice as the main line"; follow the principle of "teachers talk less, concentrate, and students practice more and refine"; follow the principle of "reducing the teaching links and fully enough activities" to stimulate the vitality of "double autonomy" classroom teaching and create efficient classrooms.

Research examinations, that is, all teachers study examination questions, understand and master the test points involved in the subject content of this grade.

The study of parents is to guide teachers to carry out home-school co-education research, master communication skills with parents and students, close the relationship between teachers, parents, teachers and students, and further enhance the social satisfaction of education.

The study of students is because students are the main body of learning, only by fully understanding and mastering the characteristics of students, can we be targeted in the process of education and teaching, and help each student develop healthily and comprehensively.

Implement self-management to consolidate the foundation for students' independent development

Zhongding Township Education Union District takes group teaching as the basic model, helps each student to participate in teaching activities through self-management, and adopts various forms of activities such as practice, discussion, and exchange to promote students' independent management, independent learning, and ultimately achieve independent development.

Through the happiness class, the joint district creates a harbor for the happy growth of students. Highlight the "double autonomy" theme culture and love culture, through the concept, class training, class style, logo and environment, focus on the core spirit of the class, so that students have a sense of home. Use classroom culture to infect, use theme class meetings to educate, and advocate the formation of a "five purity" as the core class style:

"Pure": clean and tidy, purify the environment, purify the soul, pure energy to produce beauty; "quiet": soft and slow walking, quiet and peaceful, quit impetuousness and floating, quiet energy to produce wisdom; "competition": the courage to compete, strive for excellence, cooperation and competition, competition to produce excellence; "respect": respect for teachers, mutual respect and mutual love, respect for learning and morality, "fine": careful planning, fine management, excellence, and the effectiveness of excellence.

Through autonomy, theme activities, class grades, class characteristics, and class honors, the class collective grows in happiness, forms a positive psychology and environment, and allows students to learn happily and efficiently.

The joint district strengthens the teaching of sound, body and beauty, so that students can develop in an all-round way. Adopt methods such as pushing doors to listen to lessons, classroom competitions, increasing the discipline of sound and body beauty in mid-term and final examinations, teacher business training, introducing online teaching, and adjusting the 100-point system assessment, etc., to supervise subject teachers to study curriculum standard teaching materials, prepare lessons conscientiously, and pay attention to classroom effects to let students take the road of "qualified and specialty".

The district also guides students to develop healthily in an all-round way by carrying out ten theme activities: taking the first lesson of the school year, organizing a good viewing of the moral education school; opening the whole curriculum; opening the full class time; innovating in the teaching method of the Taoist law class; organizing a speech under the national flag every week; holding a theme class meeting every week; doing a housework every day; singing a red song every day; reading a red book every quarter; watching a red movie every month; and team building.

Revitalize parent schools to consolidate the foundation of home-school co-education

How to better carry out family education is an urgent problem that many rural parents need to solve.

Zhongding Township Education United District fully develops and excavates family education resources, through the way of parent schools, regularly carries out parent school lectures in stages and grades, and conducts family education knowledge training for parents around hot topics, so as to promote parents to understand the importance of family education and actively cooperate with schools to do a good job in children's education.

Qingyun County Zhongding Township Education United District will continue to focus on "happiness education" in future education and teaching activities, dig deep into the "double autonomy" teaching concept, solidly promote the construction of teachers' basic skills, and build a solid foundation for the happiness of rural education in which happy teachers, happy students, and home and school are harmoniously educated.

【Source: Texas News Network】

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