
Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

author:Wisdom Qingyun
Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government
Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

"Students, when we encounter bullying and online fraud in schools, we must learn to take up legal weapons to protect our rights and interests according to law, and resist the bad atmosphere in society with practical actions." On October 21, Cui Donghua, a legal propaganda worker in Zhongding Township, Qingyun County, was explaining the knowledge of laws and regulations to students at Zhongding Middle School, and through on-stage explanations, off-stage interaction, and case explanations, students enhanced their legal awareness and legal concepts on the basis of enriching classroom teaching.

Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

Since the beginning of this year,

Zhongding Township is based on the reality of the whole township,

Multiple measures at the same time,

Strive to create a new pattern of law popularization work,

Achieve good results.

Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

Extend the tentacles of the popularization method. Through the interpretation of the law through case interpretation, legal aid consultation and popularization of the law, on-site popularization of the law on important festivals, etc., the publicity of the rule of law is organically integrated into the daily work of people's mediation and legal services. Through in-depth activities such as "sending the law into enterprises", "sending the law to the countryside", and "sending the law to schools", we will answer questions and answer questions for the employees of rural enterprises, the masses in various villages, and teachers and students of primary and secondary schools, expand the extension of the work of popularizing the law to the greatest extent, and ensure that the publicity of the legal system achieves practical results.

Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government
Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

Optimize the legal popularization team. Carefully organize the selection of staff, retired cadres, and retired teachers with good professional qualities, a strong sense of responsibility, and enthusiasm for public welfare undertakings to form a volunteer team for legal services, vigorously publicize the concept of public welfare law popularization, so that they can enhance their awareness of social responsibility and actively serve the work of publicizing the legal system.

Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

Innovative legal popularization model. In response to hot and difficult issues of common concern to the masses, actively carry out legal consultation, distribute publicity materials, set up publicity exhibition boards, hold rule of law lecture halls, and other forms of legal popularization education, and at the same time innovate the form of legal popularization publicity, actively popularize legal knowledge through the establishment of legal service WeChat groups, so that cadres and the masses can receive rule of law education efficiently and quickly while sharing network information.

Zhongding Township, Qingyun County: Promote the popularization of law and help the construction of a rule of law government

Editorial and production department of Qingyun County Rong Media Center

Editorial Director: Mabo

Editor of this article: Liu Xinrong

Contributed by: Zhongding Township Government

Submission email: [email protected]

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