
Do you know about schizophrenia? TA has the following four manifestations, so pay attention to it

author:Psychiatrist in Nanning

Now everyone may have some understanding of mental illness. Do you know schizophrenia? Ta is arguably the most serious of many mental illnesses. People with schizophrenia are in a state of insanity almost every day and are prone to hurtful behavior. Patients are unable to control their own behavior and are mentally out of control. Therefore, schizophrenia has a great impact on patients, especially on the patient's mental state. Next, let's take a closer look at some of the situations about ta.

Do you know about schizophrenia? TA has the following four manifestations, so pay attention to it

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?

First, changes in sleep. Patients will suddenly or slowly become difficult to fall asleep, easy to wake up after sleep or only slightly asleep and do not enter deep sleep, and may also have nightmares all night long when they fall asleep, and some patients will have a surge in sleep time, that is, drowsiness.

Second, the emotional aspect of the change. Patients will become cold and indifferent in terms of feelings; lose their previous enthusiasm; be indifferent to relatives and friends; and lack of feelings. No interest in the things around you, or a big emotional reaction because of a little thing, inexplicable sadness or excitement, etc.

Third, changes in behavior. The patient's behavior will slowly become strange, others are difficult to understand, schizophrenic patients often talk to themselves, like to be in a daze, sleep with their heads covered, and there will be a big night out of the wandering, night does not return home and so on.

Fourth, unresponsiveness, paranoia, etc. Patients are unresponsive to everything and associate some ordinary things around them with themselves, feeling that they are directed at themselves. For example, when you see people around you talking, you feel that others are talking about yourself; when others look at yourself casually, you feel that others have bad intentions. Sometimes I even feel that what TV, newspapers, news, etc. says is related to me.

Do you know about schizophrenia? TA has the following four manifestations, so pay attention to it

What are the causes of schizophrenia?

1. Genetic factors

According to clinical genetic studies, genetic factors are one of the causes of schizophrenia. According to the survey, the next of kin of schizophrenic patients is much more likely to develop the disease than others. The closer you are to a schizophrenic person in terms of blood relations, the higher the incidence of schizophrenia.

2. Endocrine factors

According to relevant studies, most of the schizophrenia is onset around puberty during sexual maturity, and some patients suddenly onset the disease after childbirth. There is also a higher incidence of the disease during menopause. In summary, it is not difficult to conclude that endocrine is another cause of schizophrenia.

3. Psychosocial factors

According to relevant studies, due to various difficulties encountered in early childhood to adulthood, it is also one of the causes of schizophrenia, and the most important causative factor is contact with relatives of schizophrenia.

Do you know about schizophrenia? TA has the following four manifestations, so pay attention to it

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