
Ibsen's famous drama "Doll's House", the "Father of Modern Drama" produced by the Cantonese Language Center, was performed

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Nandu News Reporter Li Chunhua Speaking of drama masters, you will definitely think of Shakespeare for the first time. If Shakespeare's realist drama still has a lot of romantic shadows, then the Norwegian dramatist Ibsen's drama has achieved realism more thoroughly with stage sets and living language.

On August 16, Ibsen's famous play "Doll's House", produced by the Guangzhou Dramatic Arts Center, was performed at Theatre 13, which was created 140 years ago and is still one of the most fancy performances in the world.

Ibsen's famous drama "Doll's House", the "Father of Modern Drama" produced by the Cantonese Language Center, was performed

The curtain is lifted, and the colorful duplex buildings come into view, as if "crossing" to the streets of Northern Europe, on the street corners, under the street lamps, the snowflakes that Nala turned away added a little more moving.

As the most anticipated "famous drama series" of Guangzhou Drama Art Center this year, "Doll's House" is one of Ibsen's four famous plays, at the end of the 19th century, Ibsen's "Nala Run Away" represents the awakening of women's independent consciousness that has been curbed by society, but the development of the times has become more and more independent, and "Nala" to get rid of the subordinate status of "dolls" has long been beyond the existence of gender, but also a "person", seeking the existence of personality independence and freedom in the real society. As Nala says in the play, "First of all, I am a person, just like you. ”

Ibsen's famous drama "Doll's House", the "Father of Modern Drama" produced by the Cantonese Language Center, was performed

The Doll's House had a huge and far-reaching influence on the development of Chinese thought, literature and drama. Lu Xun, Hu Shi, and others all appreciated the idea of pursuing personality independence and individual liberation in the play; Chinese theater masters such as Cao Yu and Tian Han also benefited a lot from it. Since the first performance of the "Curtain Play" "Doll's House" in 1914 by the Shanghai Chunliu Society, this play has also become an important "witness" to the historical development of Chinese drama.

Ibsen's famous drama "Doll's House", the "Father of Modern Drama" produced by the Cantonese Language Center, was performed

Performance Information:

Plot: In order to treat her husband Helmo, his wife Nala forged her husband's signature to borrow money from Coloxtai, and for many years Nala has been hiding the truth and secretly paying off debts.

A few years later, Helmao was promoted from a small bank clerk to a manager, fired Coloxtey, Andromeday took a note to blackmail Nala, And Helmao was furious when he learned about it, believing that his wife had damaged his fame and social status, insulting and threatening to punish her. However, after Koloxtai was persuaded to succeed and no longer pursue the "forgery", Helmao changed his previous attitude and resumed his sweet words from the past, saying that he would "forgive" Nala and love her forever...

After this incident, Nala finally saw her "doll"-like subordinate status, tore off the ugliness of love and marriage falsehood, and she chose to break away from the "happy family"...

Ibsen's famous drama "Doll's House", the "Father of Modern Drama" produced by the Cantonese Language Center, was performed


Director: Wu Xi (invited)


Wan Jing as Nala

Wang Fang plays Haiermao

Chen Huanhuan plays Mrs. Lin Dan

Chao Ni as Neil Kroxster

Cheung Ho Tien plays Dr. Nguyen Ke

Gu Zi plays Anna

Show Time:

August 16-25, 2019


Theatre Thirteen

Photo: Nandu reporter Zhang Zhitao

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