
Chen Jinsong: Redefining a city is the biggest hope and dividend, there is no one

author:China Real Estate News
Chen Jinsong: Redefining a city is the biggest hope and dividend, there is no one

"Everything is fate, everything is a smoke cloud, everything is the beginning without an ending, everything is a fleeting pursuit, all language is repetition, all interaction is the first encounter, all hope is annotated, all the past is in a dream." 」

Qin Jiali /From Beijing

This is the first time that After the World Union Bank completed the transfer of controlling rights in early August, Chen Jinsong, chairman of the group, appeared in public to speak.

At the 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Forum & Human Miracle City Conference held in Shenzhen on August 30, Chen Jinsong appeared as the keynote speaker, but the whole speech was not based on the company itself, but on the dividends of the Greater Bay Area in his eyes.

The event was hosted by China Real Estate News, China Real Estate Network and China Real Estate Think Tank, and co-organized by GreatEr China International Group (China) Co., Ltd. and GreatEr China Global Economic and Trade Plaza. Chen Jinsong looks radiant, still the poetic entrepreneur, a sentence "walk to the end of the water, sit and watch the clouds rise" throughout the beginning and end.

"Under what circumstances did all the reforms burst forth? It is the time when the original model has come to an end and can't go on. Shenzhen's real estate is about to 'reach the water', where the intensity of land development has been great, and all urbanization has been realized. At the beginning of the topic, Chen Jinsong led to the theme, "When we go to the edge, to the turning point of history, to the intersection point, with these 3 conditions, unexpected things will often burst out, that is, when it is time to 'sit and watch the clouds rise'." ”

In 1993, he and his wife Tong Jie registered the World Union Real Estate Consulting Company in Shenzhen, in 2009, he promoted the company to be listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, becoming the first real estate service provider to land on the A-share market, and in 2014, "going to real estate" was renamed the World Union Bank, towards the transformation of integrated services such as finance and asset management, Chen Jinsong led the development of the World Union Bank for 27 years, and also experienced the development of Shenzhen for 27 years.

He once expressed his opinion at a forum held by the company: "Shenzhen is best not to become a municipality directly under the central government, and the people directly under the government will not connect with you." Shenzhen's future lies in the Greater Bay Area. ”

Nowadays, it seems that Chen Jinsong's adaptation to the coordinated development of the Greater Bay Area is more clear. On August 4, after the 15.9% equity of the World Union Bank and the voting rights of its major shareholders were transferred to Zhuhai Dahengqin Group, Chen Jinsong issued a "Letter to colleagues and investors of the World Union Bank", saying that this is a milestone event that has been as important as the IPO since the establishment of the World Union Bank, and has a milestone significance: through institutional arrangements, the vision of the state-owned enterprise background, private mechanism and professional team is realized; with the implementation of the "Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone", Hengqin, as a city benchmark for China's further reform and opening up, will surely become the focus of the world's attention. In the view of the World Union Bank, the cooperation with Dahengqin Group is in line with the overall development plan of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and has a strategic synergy.

Relying on and optimistic about this blue ocean, at this meeting, Chen Jinsong pointed out that the Greater Bay Area has ushered in a critical moment of "sitting and watching the clouds rise", and believes that in the next ten years, the real estate people here will grasp 3 development levels, the first of which is to redefine the geography of the Bay Area.

"For the geopolitical redefinition of the Bay Area, this is a historical responsibility that has never been so urgently placed before us. How did we define it in the first place? Do I need to modify it? What is a Pioneer City? What is the Socialist Pilot Demonstration Zone? Who is Shenzhen? Who is the future Greater Bay Area? This issue is very prominent in front of all real estate people and must be redefined. "Redefining a city is the biggest hope and dividend for the future of this city, not one." ”

The second level is the awareness of the serious imbalance in the development of the entire Greater Bay Area. "Shenzhen is now crowded, housing prices are high, compared to other cities in the Greater Bay Area, such as Zhuhai Street sometimes there are no vehicles." In Chen Jinsong's view, this imbalance is actually the dividend of the Bay Area, and it is the opportunity for local change to "go to the water poverty".

In fact, despite the strong overall economic strength of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, accounting for 0.6% of the country's land area and 5% of the permanent population, creating more than 12% of the country's total economic output, the real estate market differentiation between regions is obvious. According to the data released by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of 2020, the maturity of the real estate market in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the core cities of the Pearl River is still the highest, with a real estate development investment of more than 100 billion yuan; benefiting from the spillover of demand from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao, Zhuhai, Foshan and Huizhou are also popular cities for the layout of housing enterprises, with a development investment of more than 50 billion yuan in the first half of the year. In contrast, the real estate markets in Jiangmen and Zhaoqing are still in the development stage and belong to the "value depression". Based on Chen Jinsong's point of view, the balanced guidance of the real estate market in the Greater Bay Area and the correct grasp of the local stock market and the incremental market may be the opportunities for housing enterprises in the future.

The third level is the recognition that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is on the verge of re-innovation and is at the intersection of geo-economics. In Chen Jinsong's view, due to the uncertainty of the current international environment, in the face of the return of talents, enterprises and Chinese capital, the Greater Bay Area has actually ushered in a good time to carry them. As the intersection of "one country, two systems and three tax zones", the Greater Bay Area is a good foothold and can usher in a new round of urban development opportunities.

Perhaps feeling the ups and downs and mixed emotions in the real estate field over the years, chen Jinsong quoted the poet Kitajima's "Everything" to conclude his speech: "Everything is fate, everything is smoke and clouds, everything is the beginning of no ending, everything is a fleeting pursuit, all language is repetition, all exchanges are the first encounter, all hopes are annotated, and all the past is in dreams." ”

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